The Most Famous Person with Down Syndrome, Ranked

Choose the person with Down Syndrome you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 07:47
Society often celebrates achievements across various fields, yet there remains a special significance in acknowledging those who inspire through distinctive journeys. Highlighting well-known individuals with Down Syndrome not only shifts focus to their accomplishments but also amplifies awareness and understanding, serving as a beacon of inspiration for families and individuals experiencing similar challenges. By ranking these influential figures, we provide a snapshot of their impact on the world. This encourages a broader conversation about inclusion and the potential within every individual, regardless of disability. The interactive nature of this ranking allows visitors to have a say in who they feel should be recognized, creating a dynamic reflection of collective admiration and respect.

Who Is the Most Famous Person with Down Syndrome?

  1. 1
    Chris Burke

    Chris Burke

    An American actor and folk singer, best known for his role as Charles 'Corky' Thatcher on the television series 'Life Goes On'.
    • Notable Work: 'Life Goes On'
    • Profession: Actor, Singer
  2. 2
    Madeline Stuart

    Madeline Stuart

    An Australian model, she is considered the world's first professional model with Down Syndrome.
    • Profession: Model
    • Achievement: World's first professional model with Down Syndrome
  3. 3
    Pablo Pineda

    Pablo Pineda

    The first European with Down Syndrome to complete a university degree, he is also an actor and motivational speaker.
    • Profession: Actor, Motivational Speaker
    • Achievement: First European with Down Syndrome to complete a university degree
  4. 4

    Lauren Potter

    An American actress, best known for her role as Becky Jackson on the television show 'Glee'.
    • Notable Work: 'Glee'
    • Profession: Actress
  5. 5
    Tommy Jessop

    Tommy Jessop

    A British actor, the first actor with Down Syndrome to star in a prime-time BBC drama.
    • Profession: Actor
    • Achievement: First actor with Down Syndrome to star in a prime-time BBC drama
  6. 6

    Stephanie Ginies

    A French actress known for her role in the film 'The Eighth Day', which focuses on the life of a man with Down Syndrome.
    • Profession: Actress
    • Notable Work: 'The Eighth Day'
  7. 7

    Angela Bachiller

    The first person with Down Syndrome to hold public office in Spain, serving as a city councilor in Valladolid.
    • Profession: Politician
    • Achievement: First person with Down Syndrome to hold public office in Spain
  8. 8

    Kayla McKeon

    The first registered lobbyist in the United States with Down Syndrome, advocating for disability rights.
    • Profession: Lobbyist
    • Achievement: First registered lobbyist in the US with Down Syndrome
  9. 9

    Sean McElwee

    A reality TV star and entrepreneur, known for his role on the A&E series 'Born This Way'.
    • Notable Work: 'Born This Way'
    • Profession: Reality TV Star, Entrepreneur
  10. 10

    Megan Bomgaars

    A reality TV star, entrepreneur, and activist, known for her role on the A&E series 'Born This Way'.
    • Notable Work: 'Born This Way'
    • Profession: Reality TV Star, Entrepreneur, Activist

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous person with Down Syndrome. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or individual is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 67 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each individual once every 24 hours. The rank of each individual is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Person with Down Syndrome

Chris Burke
Rank #1 for the most famous person with Down Syndrome: Chris Burke (Source)
Down Syndrome is a genetic condition caused by an extra chromosome 21. It affects physical and intellectual development. People with Down Syndrome often face challenges, but many lead fulfilling lives. Some even become famous and inspire others.

One person with Down Syndrome gained worldwide fame. This individual broke barriers in their field. They worked hard, showed talent, and never gave up. Their success story shows what people with Down Syndrome can achieve.

Early life was not easy. Like many with Down Syndrome, they faced health issues and developmental delays. Their family played a key role. They provided support, love, and encouragement. This strong support system helped them overcome obstacles.

Education was another challenge. They attended special education classes and mainstream schools. Teachers and aides helped them learn. They made friends and participated in school activities. These experiences shaped their future.

In adulthood, they pursued their passion. They entered a field where few with Down Syndrome had succeeded. They faced skepticism and doubt. Many did not believe they could succeed. But they proved everyone wrong.

Their talent and determination shone through. They worked harder than anyone else. They practiced, trained, and improved their skills. Their dedication paid off. They achieved success and gained recognition.

Their fame brought attention to Down Syndrome. They became a role model for many. Parents of children with Down Syndrome saw new possibilities. They saw that their children could also achieve great things.

This famous person used their platform to advocate for others. They spoke about the importance of inclusion and acceptance. They worked with organizations to raise awareness. They showed that people with Down Syndrome have much to offer.

Their story changed perceptions. It showed that Down Syndrome does not define a person. It highlighted the importance of support, hard work, and belief in oneself. Their achievements inspired many and opened doors for others.

Today, more people with Down Syndrome are breaking barriers. They are actors, athletes, artists, and more. They follow in the footsteps of this famous individual. They show the world that they can achieve greatness.

This person's legacy continues to inspire. Their story is a testament to the power of determination and support. It reminds us that everyone has potential. It challenges us to see beyond labels and recognize the abilities of all individuals.

Their journey was not easy, but it was worth it. They showed that with support and determination, anything is possible. They left a lasting impact on the world and changed how we view Down Syndrome.

Their life is a beacon of hope. It shows that obstacles can be overcome. It reminds us to support and celebrate the achievements of all individuals, regardless of their challenges.

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