The Most Famous Person with Multiple Personality Disorder, Ranked

Choose the person with Multiple Personality Disorder you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:47
Gaining insights into the lives of individuals diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) can significantly enhance public understanding and empathy towards this complex condition. Highlighting well-known cases helps demystify the experiences of those living with MPD, fostering a supportive community. This ranking seeks to shed light on the narratives of prominent individuals who have navigated life with MPD, providing a clearer view of their challenges and achievements. By participating in this ranking, users contribute to a broader conversation about mental health, particularly regarding personality disorders. Your votes play a crucial role in determining which stories resonate most strongly with the public, helping spotlight the profound impact of MPD on individuals' lives. This process not only educates but also connects users with the powerful journeys of those affected, encouraging a deeper connection and appreciation.

Who Is the Most Famous Person with Multiple Personality Disorder?

  1. 1

    Sybil Dorsett

    Sybil Dorsett is the pseudonym used for Shirley Ardell Mason, a woman diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, whose life was portrayed in the book 'Sybil'.
    • Number of personalities: 16
  2. 2

    Billy Milligan

    Billy Milligan was a criminal who was diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, known to have 24 distinct personalities.
    • First person acquitted of a major crime by reason of insanity due to multiple personality disorder: True
  3. 3

    Truddi Chase

    Truddi Chase was an American author who wrote 'When Rabbit Howls', a book about her experiences with 92 separate personalities.
    • Number of personalities: 92
  4. 4
    Roseanne Barr

    Roseanne Barr

    Roseanne Barr is a comedian and actress who has spoken publicly about her experiences with dissociative identity disorder.
    • Career: Comedian and actress
  5. 5
    Robert Oxnam

    Robert Oxnam

    Robert Oxnam is an American China scholar and former president of the Asia Society, who publicly disclosed his diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder.
    • Professional Achievement: Former president of the Asia Society
  6. 6
    Herschel Walker

    Herschel Walker

    Former professional football player and mixed martial artist who has been open about his diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder.
    • Sports Career: Heisman Trophy winner and professional NFL player
  7. 7
    Kim Noble

    Kim Noble

    Kim Noble is an artist with dissociative identity disorder who uses her art to depict her experiences with multiple personalities.
    • Artistic Achievement: Uses art to express her multiple personalities
  8. 8

    Elyn Saks

    Elyn Saks is a legal scholar and mental health advocate who, although primarily known for her work with schizophrenia, has spoken about the broader spectrum of mental health disorders, including aspects of dissociative identity disorder.
    • Academic Position: Professor at the University of Southern California Law School
  9. 9

    Judy Castelli

    Judy Castelli is an artist and performer known for her work that explores her experience with dissociative identity disorder.
    • Artistic Medium: Painting and performance
  10. 10

    Chris Costner Sizemore

    Chris Costner Sizemore is best known as the real-life patient upon whom the book and film 'The Three Faces of Eve' were based.
    • Number of personalities: Over 20

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous person with Multiple Personality Disorder. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or person is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 77 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each person once every 24 hours. The rank of each person is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Person with Multiple Personality Disorder

Many people have heard of Multiple Personality Disorder, now called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). This condition involves a person having two or more distinct identities or personality states. Each identity may have its own name, age, history, and characteristics. These identities often take control of the person’s behavior at different times. The person may not remember what happened when another identity was in control.

The idea of DID has fascinated and confused both the public and professionals. It is often linked to severe trauma during early childhood, usually extreme, repetitive physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. The person with DID uses the different identities as a way to cope with the pain and memories of the trauma.

The most famous case of DID brought much attention to the disorder. This case became well-known through books, movies, and TV shows. The person involved had many different identities, each with unique traits and memories. The public followed the story with great interest, and it sparked debates among doctors and psychologists.

Many people began to wonder about the nature of DID. Some questioned if it was real, while others saw it as proof of the mind’s ability to protect itself from unbearable pain. The case also led to more research on DID and better ways to diagnose and treat it.

Therapists often use a combination of treatments for DID. These include psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, and sometimes medication. The goal is to help the person integrate the different identities into one primary identity. This process can be long and difficult, but it aims to help the person live a more stable and functional life.

DID is still a controversial topic. Some experts believe it is a genuine and severe mental health condition. Others think it might be a result of suggestion by therapists or media influence. Despite the debates, those who suffer from DID face real challenges. They often struggle with memory gaps, confusion, and distress.

Understanding DID is important for providing proper support and treatment. It helps to reduce the stigma around mental health issues and encourages more compassionate responses. People with DID need understanding and care, just like anyone with a health condition.

The famous case of DID has left a lasting impact. It opened up conversations about trauma, mental health, and the human mind’s resilience. It showed that while the mind can break under pressure, it can also find ways to survive. This story continues to inspire and educate people about the complexities of mental health.

In conclusion, DID is a complex and often misunderstood disorder. The story of the most famous person with DID brought much-needed attention to the condition. It highlighted the importance of understanding and treating mental health issues with care and compassion. The ongoing conversation about DID helps to improve the lives of those affected and promotes a deeper understanding of the human mind.

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