The Most Famous Science YouTuber, Ranked

Choose the science YouTuber you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 16, 2024 07:49
With a surge in online educational content, distinguishing between the myriad of available science communicators can be a daunting task. Many people turn to YouTube for science education and entertainment, where numerous creators constantly upload insightful content that makes complex scientific concepts accessible and engaging. By casting a vote for your preferred science YouTubers, you contribute to a live ranking that reflects the collective opinion of viewers around the world. This process not only helps others in the community identify quality content but also supports your favorite creators by increasing their visibility.

Who Is the Most Famous Science YouTuber?

  1. 1


    Vsauce is known for exploring various scientific topics, as well as philosophical and psychological subjects.
    • Creator: Michael Stevens
    • Subscribers: Over 17 million
  2. 2


    Veritasium focuses on science videos, experiments, and interviews to explain the world around us.
    • Creator: Derek Muller
    • Subscribers: Over 10 million
  3. 3


    SmarterEveryDay explores the world using science. It's about learning something new in every episode.
    • Creator: Destin Sandlin
    • Subscribers: Over 10 million
  4. 4

    Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

    Kurzgesagt is a channel that creates animated educational content, focusing on science, technology, philosophy, and history.
    • Subscribers: Over 17 million
  5. 5
    Mark Rober

    Mark Rober

    Mark Rober is known for his creative and entertaining science videos that often involve engineering and inventions.
    • Subscribers: Over 20 million
  6. 6
    Physics Girl

    Physics Girl

    Physics Girl explores physics concepts through experiments and demonstrations.
    • Creator: Dianna Cowern
    • Subscribers: Over 2 million
  7. 7


    MinutePhysics provides short, to-the-point videos explaining physics and other science topics.
    • Creator: Henry Reich
    • Subscribers: Over 5 million
  8. 8


    AsapSCIENCE creates whiteboard animations covering various scientific topics, questions, and interesting facts.
    • Creators: Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown
    • Subscribers: Over 9 million
  9. 9


    NileRed focuses on chemistry experiments, demonstrating reactions and processes in a detailed and visually appealing way.
    • Creator: NileRed
    • Subscribers: Over 4 million
  10. 10


    SciShow discusses interesting and complex science topics, making them accessible to a wide audience.
    • Creator: Hank Green
    • Subscribers: Over 7 million

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous science YouTuber. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Science YouTuber is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 157 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Science YouTuber once every 24 hours. The rank of each Science YouTuber is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Science YouTuber

Rank #1 for the most famous science YouTuber: Vsauce (Source)
The world of science has found a new platform to reach the masses: YouTube. Science YouTubers have become popular for making complex topics easy to understand. They bridge the gap between experts and the general public. These creators use engaging visuals, simple language, and clear explanations to captivate their audience.

A typical science YouTuber often has a background in science. Many hold degrees in fields like physics, chemistry, or biology. Some even have advanced degrees. This strong foundation allows them to explain topics with authority and accuracy. They take pride in their research and ensure their content is factual.

Their videos cover a wide range of topics. They might explain the mysteries of the universe, delve into the human body, or explore the wonders of nature. They often tackle current events, such as new scientific discoveries or breakthroughs. This keeps their content fresh and relevant.

Science YouTubers use various methods to engage their viewers. They might use animations to illustrate complex processes. They often conduct experiments on camera, showing real-world applications of scientific principles. These experiments are not only educational but also entertaining. They capture the viewer’s attention and make learning fun.

Many science YouTubers are skilled storytellers. They weave narratives into their explanations, making the content more relatable. This storytelling approach helps viewers connect with the material on a personal level. It turns abstract concepts into something tangible and understandable.

Collaboration is another key aspect of their success. Science YouTubers often work together, appearing in each other’s videos. This cross-promotion helps them reach wider audiences. It also allows them to tackle bigger projects and dive deeper into topics. These collaborations create a sense of community among science enthusiasts.

Interacting with their audience is crucial for science YouTubers. They read comments, answer questions, and take suggestions for future videos. This feedback loop ensures they are addressing the interests and concerns of their viewers. It also fosters a loyal and engaged fan base.

Monetization is an important aspect of their work. Many science YouTubers rely on ad revenue from their videos. They also seek sponsorships from companies that align with their values. Some create merchandise or offer exclusive content through platforms like Patreon. These revenue streams allow them to continue producing high-quality content.

The impact of science YouTubers extends beyond their videos. They inspire curiosity and a love for learning. Many viewers, especially young ones, develop an interest in science because of these creators. They see that science is not just a subject in school but a way to understand the world around them.

Science YouTubers play a crucial role in science communication. They make science accessible to everyone, regardless of their background. They break down barriers and show that science is for everyone. Through their engaging and informative content, they are shaping the future of science education.

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