The Most Famous Scammer in India, Ranked

Choose the scammer you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:49
Knowing the identity of notable scammers in India can aid in awareness and prevention of fraud. It helps individuals and communities learn from past mistakes and better safeguard their assets. Gathering votes on who the public considers the most notorious can provide insight into the impact and reach of these scammers. This site allows users to participate by casting their votes on who they believe deserves this dubious honor. The rankings are updated in real-time, reflecting the collective voice of the voting community. Your participation not only contributes to a broader understanding but also to a communal effort in recognizing and perhaps curtailing future scams.

Who Is the Most Famous Scammer in India?

  1. 1
    Nirav Modi

    Nirav Modi

    A diamond merchant involved in one of the largest banking frauds in India, related to Punjab National Bank.
    • Notable Scam: Punjab National Bank scam, approximately $1.8 billion
  2. 2

    Vijay Mallya

    Former Member of Parliament and businessman who fled India due to charges of financial crimes related to his companies.
    • Notable Scam: Fraud and money laundering amounting to around Rs 9,000 crore
  3. 3
    Ramalinga Raju

    Ramalinga Raju

    Former Chairman and CEO of Satyam Computer Services who admitted to a large-scale corporate fraud.
    • Notable Scam: Satyam scandal, misstating accounts to the tune of Rs 7,136 crore
  4. 4
    Harshad Mehta

    Harshad Mehta

    Stockbroker known for his involvement in the Indian securities scam of 1992.
    • Notable Scam: 1992 Indian stock market scam
  5. 5

    Jignesh Shah

    Founder of 63 Moons Technologies Limited, involved in the National Spot Exchange scam.
    • Notable Scam: National Spot Exchange scam
  6. 6

    Suresh Kalmadi

    Former Member of Parliament and senior sports official, implicated in the Commonwealth Games scam.
    • Notable Scam: Commonwealth Games scam
  7. 7

    Ketan Parekh

    Former stockbroker who was involved in the Indian stock market manipulation scam that occurred in late 2000.
    • Notable Scam: 2000 stock market scam
  8. 8

    Subrata Roy

    Founder of Sahara India Pariwar, found guilty of failing to comply with a court order to refund billions of dollars to investors.
    • Notable Scam: Sahara India Pariwar investor fraud case
  9. 9

    Mehul Choksi

    A businessman related to the Gitanjali Group, implicated in the Punjab National Bank fraud case.
    • Notable Scam: Involved in the Punjab National Bank scam with Nirav Modi
  10. 10

    Sudipta Sen

    Chairman and Managing Director of the Saradha Group involved in a major financial scandal.
    • Notable Scam: Saradha Group financial scandal

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous scammer in India. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or scammer is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 176 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each scammer once every 24 hours. The rank of each scammer is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Scammer in India

Nirav Modi
Rank #1 for the most famous scammer in India: Nirav Modi (Source)
India has seen its share of notorious scammers. These individuals have left a mark on the country's financial landscape. They often start with small deceptions. Over time, they grow bolder and more ambitious. Their schemes become more elaborate and harder to detect.

One common tactic is to gain trust. They build a reputation as reliable and successful. This often involves creating fake documents and credentials. They may even establish legitimate businesses. These serve as fronts for their fraudulent activities. Once they have a solid reputation, they target larger victims. This can include wealthy individuals, businesses, and even banks.

Another tactic is to exploit loopholes in the system. Scammers study the rules and find ways to bend them. They use complex financial instruments and shell companies. These make it difficult to trace their activities. They also bribe officials to look the other way. This allows them to operate with impunity for years.

Technology has made scams easier to execute. Scammers use fake websites and emails to trick people. They steal personal information and use it to commit fraud. They also hack into systems and transfer funds to their accounts. This makes it hard to catch them, as they often operate from different locations.

The impact of these scams is huge. Victims lose their life savings. Businesses go bankrupt. Banks suffer massive losses. The economy takes a hit. Trust in financial institutions erodes. People become wary of investments. This affects the overall growth of the country.

Law enforcement agencies face challenges in catching these scammers. They are often skilled at covering their tracks. They use multiple aliases and fake identities. They operate across borders, making it hard to track them. Despite these challenges, authorities have had some success. They have arrested and prosecuted several high-profile scammers. However, the problem persists.

Public awareness is crucial in combating scams. People need to be vigilant and skeptical of offers that seem too good to be true. They should verify credentials and do due diligence before investing. Reporting suspicious activities can also help authorities catch scammers.

Scammers often exploit greed and ignorance. They promise high returns with little risk. They prey on people's desire for quick wealth. Education and awareness can help mitigate this. People need to understand the risks and be cautious.

In conclusion, scammers have caused significant harm in India. They use various tactics to deceive and defraud. The impact on victims and the economy is severe. Law enforcement faces challenges, but public awareness can help. Staying vigilant and informed is the best defense against scams.

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