The Most Popular Alarm Time, Ranked

Choose the alarm time you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 27, 2024 06:28
In our daily lives, setting an alarm is a subtle art that balances necessity and preference. Everyone has their own theory about the perfect time to wake up to maximize productivity, catch a few more minutes of sleep, or start their day with a morning run. The curiosity about when others set their alarms could help us refine our own routines or understand common patterns in our community. By participating in this ranking, you contribute to a collective understanding of waking habits. It's not just about seeing which alarm times are the most popular, but also about sharing and learning from the wakeup calls of others. Your vote matters, as it shapes a real-time snapshot of our community's morning habits, potentially guiding newcomers or those thinking of shaking up their morning routine.

What Is the Most Popular Alarm Time?

  1. 1
    This is a common wake-up time for people who work traditional 9-5 jobs and need to be up early to prepare for work.
    6:00 AM is a popular alarm time commonly set by individuals who prefer to start their day early in the morning.
    • Time: 6:00 AM
    • Popularity: High
    • Purpose: To start the day early
    • Benefit: Allows time for morning routines and productivity
    • Sleep duration: 7-8 hours for a recommended amount of sleep
  2. 2
    Another popular wake-up time for people who work traditional jobs or have school or other obligations to attend.
    7:00 AM is a popular alarm time that is commonly used by individuals to wake up in the morning. It is considered as a standard wake-up time for many people.
    • Time: 7:00 AM
    • Usage: Commonly used as a wake-up time
    • Popularity: Highly popular among individuals
    • Consistency: Regularly followed by many
    • Routine: Part of a daily morning routine
  3. 3
    This wake-up time is popular among people who practice early morning routines, such as meditation, exercise, or writing.
    5:00 AM is a popular alarm time that is commonly set for waking up in the early morning hours.
    • Alarm Time: 5:00 AM
    • Common Usage: Waking up in the early morning
    • Traditional: Yes
    • Usage Frequency: High
    • Difficulty to Set: Easy
  4. 4
    A popular wake-up time for people who have flexible schedules or work from home.
    The '8:00 AM' alarm time is a popular choice among individuals who prefer starting their day in the morning. It signifies the ideal time for waking up, allowing sufficient time for morning routines and ensuring a punctual start to the day.
    • Alarm Time: 8:00 AM
    • Popularity: Widely used and preferred by a significant number of people.
    • Punctuality: Encourages a punctual start to the day.
    • Morning Routine: Allows for a well-structured morning routine.
    • Productivity: Provides sufficient time to start the day on a productive note.
  5. 5

    4:30 AM

    Commonly used by early risers
    This wake-up time is popular among high achievers and entrepreneurs who want to get a head start on their day.
    The 4:30 AM alarm is a widely used alarm time set by individuals who prefer an early start to their day.
    • Alarm Time: 4:30 AM
    • Typical Usage: Waking up early for work, exercise, or personal routines
    • Benefits: Allows for extra productivity and quiet morning time
    • Creator: No specific creator, it is a common choice among individuals
    • Rarity: Very popular, chosen by a significant percentage of early risers
  6. 6
    A popular wake-up time for people who work afternoon or evening shifts or have a more relaxed schedule.
    9:00 AM is a popular alarm time that signifies the start of the workday for many people. It is commonly used as a reminder to wake up and get ready for the day ahead.
    • Alarm time: 9:00 AM
    • Usage: To wake up and start the workday
    • Popularity: High
    • Commonly used by: Working professionals, students, and individuals with regular schedules
    • Functionality: Sets off an audible alarm to wake the user up
  7. 7
    A common wake-up time for parents who need to get their children ready for school or daycare.
    The 6:30 AM alarm time is a widely popular choice for waking up early in the morning. It is known for its ability to provide sufficient time for morning routines and to start the day on a productive note.
    • Time: 6:30 AM
    • Significance: Popular choice for waking up early
    • Flexibility: Allows for adequate morning routine
    • Productivity: Promotes starting the day with productivity
    • Popularity: Highly favored among individuals worldwide
  8. 8
    This wake-up time is popular among people who want to have time for a morning workout before starting their day.
    The 5:30 AM alarm is a popular alarm time used by early risers and individuals with a fixed daily routine. It is set to ring at 5:30 in the morning, allowing users to start their day promptly.
    • Alarm Time: 5:30 AM
    • Ringing Volume: Adjustable
    • Snooze Function: Available
    • Display Type: Digital
    • Alarm Type: Sound
  9. 9
    A popular wake-up time for people who work night shifts or have a non-traditional schedule.
    10:00 AM is a commonly chosen alarm time among individual users and businesses alike. It is often selected as the default alarm time on various devices and applications. This time is considered to be an optimal balance between starting the day reasonably early while also allowing for a sufficient amount of sleep.
    • Time format: 12-hour format
    • Volume control: Adjustable
    • Snooze function: Available
    • Alarm tone options: Multiple
    • Display type: Digital
  10. 10
    Another common wake-up time for people who work traditional jobs or have school or other obligations to attend.
    7:30 AM is a popular alarm time that is commonly used by people to wake up in the morning.
    • Alarm Time: 7:30 AM
    • Popularity: High
    • Usage: Morning wake-up time
    • Common: Yes
    • Reliability: Dependable

Missing your favorite alarm time?


Ranking factors for popular alarm time

  1. Work/school hours
    People tend to set their alarms according to their work or school start times. Thus, understanding when these activities typically begin is essential to determine popular alarm times.
  2. Commuting time
    The time it takes for people to get from their homes to their work or school locations might influence their alarm times. Long commutes may result in earlier alarm times, while shorter commutes might allow for later wake-up times.
  3. Sleeping patterns and habits
    The amount of sleep that individuals need varies from person to person. Understanding the general population's sleeping patterns and habits plays a key role in determining popular alarm times.
  4. Age and demographics
    Age and demographic factors can influence alarm times. Younger individuals and students may have different wake-up times from older adults and working professionals.
  5. Weekend vs. weekdays
    People tend to have different alarm times on weekends compared to weekdays due to the absence of work and school obligations. Popular alarm times may vary between these two groups of days.
  6. Seasonal factors
    Seasonal changes, such as daylight saving time or changes in daylight hours, can influence alarm times.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular alarm time. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or alarm time is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 213 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each alarm time once every 24 hours. The rank of each alarm time is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular alarm time

Waking up to the sound of an alarm is a daily ritual for many people. But have you ever wondered what time most people prefer to set their alarms? According to our extensive data here at StrawPoll, the most popular alarm time is around 6:00-7:00 AM. This is not surprising considering the traditional 9-5 workday schedule and the need to wake up early for school. However, it is interesting to note that there is still a significant number of people who prefer to wake up later, with a spike in alarm times between 8:00-9:00 AM. No matter what time you set your alarm, it's clear that the majority of people value a good night's sleep and waking up refreshed to start their day.

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