The Most Popular Breakfast in Australia, Ranked

Choose the breakfast you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 23, 2024 06:52
In Australia, breakfast is more than just the first meal of the day; it's a cultural experience that brings together a plethora of tastes unique to its vibrant food scene. Capturing which breakfast tops the list not only caters to the curious food lover but also aids tourists and locals in identifying a beloved dish. By ranking these breakfast choices, we highlight regional favorites and culinary innovations, transforming morning routines into a gastronomic adventure. This dynamic ranking system thrives on the votes of each visitor, ensuring the list is shaped by actual preferences and feedback. Whether you're a local enthusiast eager to champion your daily pick or a traveler searching for a morning delight, your votes help paint a true picture of what stands out in the Australian breakfast scene. Engage with this delightful, community-driven collection and help determine the nation's top breakfast choice.

What Is the Most Popular Breakfast in Australia?

  1. 1
    Vegemite is a popular spread made from yeast extract and is a staple in many Australian households. It is often spread on toast for a quick and easy breakfast.
  2. 2
    Avocado toast
    Jami430 · CC BY-SA 4.0
    Avocado toast has become a trendy breakfast option in recent years and is a popular choice in Australia. It is often topped with feta, poached eggs, or smoked salmon.
    Avocado toast is a simple yet trendy dish that involves mashing ripe avocados and spreading the creamy mixture onto a slice of toasted bread. It is often topped with additional ingredients like salt, pepper, lemon juice, and various garnishes such as tomatoes, onions, or herbs. Avocado toast has gained popularity due to its combination of creamy and crunchy textures and its reputation as a nutritious and satisfying meal.
    • Ingredients: Ripe avocados, bread (commonly whole grain or sourdough), salt, pepper, lemon juice, optional toppings
    • Preparation Time: Approximately 5-10 minutes
    • Nutritional Value: Avocado toast is rich in healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it a nutritious choice.
    • Versatility: Avocado toast can be customized with a wide range of toppings to suit individual preferences.
    • Popularity: Avocado toast gained popularity in the late 2010s and has become a staple on many brunch menus.
    Avocado toast in other rankings
  3. 3
    Porridge is a warm and filling breakfast option that is popular in Australia, especially during the cooler months. It is often topped with fruit, nuts, or honey.
    Porridge is a warm and creamy cereal dish commonly consumed as a popular breakfast option in Australia. It is made by boiling oats or other grains with milk or water until they reach a thick consistency. The porridge is usually served hot, topped with various toppings such as honey, fruits, nuts, or spices for added flavor.
    • Grains: Oats are the most commonly used grain, but others like wheat, rice, or barley can be used.
    • Cooking Liquid: Porridge can be cooked with either water or milk, depending on personal preference.
    • Consistency: The desired consistency of porridge can range from thick and creamy to thin and runny, depending on personal preference.
    • Cooking Method: Porridge can be cooked on the stovetop, in a microwave, or even in a slow cooker.
    • Toppings: Popular toppings include honey, maple syrup, fresh or dried fruits, nuts, seeds, cinnamon, or cocoa powder.
  4. 4
    Muesli is a healthy and nutritious breakfast option that is popular in Australia. It is made from a mixture of rolled oats, nuts, seeds, and dried fruit.
    Muesli is a popular breakfast dish in Australia that is made from a mixture of rolled oats, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and sometimes grains. It is typically served with milk, yogurt, or fruit juice. Muesli is known for its wholesome and nutritious qualities, making it a favored choice for a healthy start to the day.
    • Ingredients: Rolled oats, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, grains
    • Preparation: Often served with milk, yogurt, or fruit juice.
    • Nutrition: Rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
    • Variations: Numerous variations with additional ingredients, such as honey, coconut, or chocolate chips.
    • Serving Temperature: Usually served chilled or at room temperature.
  5. 5
    Pancakes are a popular breakfast option in Australia, especially on weekends. They are often topped with maple syrup, whipped cream, or fresh fruit.
    Pancakes are a classic American breakfast dish that are cooked flat and round. They are made from a batter consisting of flour, eggs, milk, and baking powder, which gives them a light and fluffy texture. They are typically served stacked on a plate and topped with butter and maple syrup. Pancakes are often enjoyed with additional toppings such as fruits, chocolate chips, or whipped cream.
    • Type: Breakfast dish
    • Shape: Flat and round
    • Ingredients: Flour, eggs, milk, baking powder
    • Texture: Light and fluffy
    • Toppings: Butter, maple syrup, fruits, chocolate chips, whipped cream
  6. 6
    Bacon and eggs
    Jon Sullivan · Public domain
    Bacon and eggs is a classic breakfast option that is popular in Australia. It can be served in a variety of ways, including fried, scrambled, or poached.
    Bacon and eggs is a popular breakfast dish in Australia consisting of crispy bacon strips and cooked eggs. This classic combination offers a comforting and hearty start to the day. The dish is typically prepared by frying or grilling the bacon until it becomes crispy while cooking the eggs to desired done-ness, which could include options like sunny-side up, over easy, or scrambled. Bacon and eggs is often served with toast or bread, and the eggs can be accompanied by various sides such as sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, or baked beans.
    • Main ingredients: Bacon, eggs
    • Preparation method: Frying or grilling bacon, cooking eggs
    • Egg cooking styles: Sunny-side up, over easy, scrambled, etc.
    • Serving style: Accompanied by toast or bread
    • Optional sides: Sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, baked beans
    Bacon and eggs in other rankings
  7. 7
    Smoothie bowls are a healthy and refreshing breakfast option that is popular in Australia. They are made from a blend of fruit, yogurt, and other ingredients and are often topped with granola or nuts.
    Smoothie bowls are a popular breakfast dish in Australia that consist of a thick, smoothie-like mixture served in a bowl and topped with various fruits, nuts, seeds, and granola. The base of the smoothie bowl is typically made from frozen fruits, such as bananas or berries, blended with a liquid, such as coconut water or almond milk, to achieve a thick and creamy consistency. The mixture is then poured into a bowl and adorned with an array of colorful toppings, offering a visually appealing and nutritious start to the day.
    • Base ingredients: Frozen fruits, liquid (coconut water or almond milk)
    • Toppings: Fruits, nuts, seeds, granola
    • Consistency: Thick and creamy
    • Nutrition: Packed with vitamins and minerals from fruits and toppings
    • Presentation: Visually appealing with vibrant colors
  8. 8
    Toast with jam or honey is a simple and easy breakfast option that is popular in Australia. It is often paired with a cup of tea or coffee.
    Toast with jam or honey is a classic and beloved breakfast in Australia. It is made by toasting slices of bread until they become crispy and golden brown, then spreading a layer of assorted jams or drizzling honey over the top. The bread can be whole wheat, white, or any other preferred type. This simple yet delicious combination provides a sweet and flavorful start to the day.
    • Bread Type: Whole wheat, white, or preferred type
    • Spread: Assorted jams or honey
    • Toasting Level: Crispy and golden brown
    • Toppings: Jam or honey
    • Texture: Crunchy and smooth
  9. 9
    Acai bowls are a popular breakfast option in Australia, especially among health-conscious individuals. They are made from acai berries, frozen fruit, and other ingredients and are often topped with granola, nuts, or fresh fruit.
    Acai bowls are a popular fruit-based dish that originated in Brazil. They consist of a thick smoothie-like base made from acai berries, a tropical fruit native to the Amazon rainforest. The base is topped with various combinations of fruits, granola, nuts, and other toppings. Acai bowls are often regarded as a healthy and refreshing breakfast or snack option, enjoyed for their vibrant colors and delicious taste.
    • Base Ingredient: Acai berries
    • Consistency: Thick and smoothie-like
    • Toppings: Fruits, granola, nuts, etc.
    • Origin: Brazil
    • Texture: Creamy
    Acai bowls in other rankings
  10. 10
    Breakfast burritos are a popular option for those who prefer a savory breakfast. They are often filled with scrambled eggs, bacon, cheese, and vegetables.
    A breakfast burrito is a delicious and satisfying morning meal that consists of a filling wrapped in a tortilla. The filling typically includes scrambled eggs, cheese, and a variety of other ingredients such as bacon, sausage, potatoes, vegetables, and salsa. The tortilla is usually warmed and lightly toasted to add extra flavor and provide a soft, chewy texture. With its savory and hearty combination of flavors, the breakfast burrito is a popular choice to kick-start the day.
    • Main Ingredients: Scrambled eggs, cheese, tortilla
    • Additional Ingredients: Bacon, sausage, potatoes, vegetables, salsa
    • Texture: Soft and chewy
    • Flavor Profile: Savory and hearty
    • Cuisine: Mexican-inspired, but can vary based on regional preferences
    Breakfast burrito in other rankings

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Ranking factors for popular breakfast

  1. Consumption rates
    Determine how frequently specific breakfast items are consumed by Australians. This can be gathered through surveys, market analysis, or sales data from cafes and restaurants.
  2. Cultural significance
    Some breakfast dishes may hold cultural significance for Australians, making them more popular. Consider the role of both traditional and contemporary Australian cuisine in shaping breakfast preferences.
  3. Nutritional value
    Australians are increasingly conscious of their health and wellness, and this may impact which breakfast items they consider popular. Look at the nutritional content of each breakfast item and how it aligns with societal interests in health and wellness.
  4. Taste and flavor preferences
    Australians may have specific taste and flavor preferences that contribute to the popularity of certain breakfast items. These preferences may vary by region, age group, or cultural background.
  5. Accessibility and availability
    The popularity of certain breakfast foods might be influenced by their availability and accessibility. Factors such as cost, preparation time, and the availability of ingredients can all impact the popularity of different breakfast items.
  6. Trends and media influence
    Keep an eye on food trends, celebrity chefs, and social media influencers that could be impacting the popularity of certain breakfast items in Australia.
  7. Demographic variations
    Different demographic groups within the Australian population may have specific breakfast preferences. Understand these variations by considering factors such as age, gender, cultural background, and income levels.
  8. Food allergies and dietary restrictions
    The prevalence of food allergies, intolerances, and dietary restrictions (such as gluten-free and vegan diets) should also be taken into account when determining popular breakfast items, as certain dishes may cater to these needs.
  9. Tradition and nostalgia
    Certain breakfast items may evoke a sense of nostalgia or tradition for Australians, contributing to their popularity. Look for dishes that have stood the test of time and continue to be enjoyed by generations of Australians.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular breakfast in Australia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or meal is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 175 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each meal once every 24 hours. The rank of each meal is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


More information on most popular breakfast in australia

Australia is a country that loves a good breakfast, and its citizens have a wide range of options to choose from. The nation's breakfast culture is heavily influenced by its British heritage, but it also incorporates a variety of international cuisines. In recent years, Australians have become increasingly health-conscious, leading to a shift towards healthier breakfast options. Some of the most popular breakfast choices in Australia include classic items like eggs, toast, and bacon, as well as more modern options like smoothie bowls and avocado toast. With such a diverse range of breakfast options available, it can be difficult to determine which is the most popular choice among Australians. However, through our extensive polls and rankings, we aim to uncover the breakfast preferences of Australians and share them with the world.

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