The Most Popular Chess App, Ranked

Choose the chess app you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 06:43
Choosing a chess app can be as strategic as the game itself, given the numerous options available. Each app offers a blend of unique features, user interface designs, and varying levels of challenge that cater to different types of players, from beginners to grandmasters. This variety makes selecting the right app not just a choice, but a decision that can significantly enhance one’s learning and playing experience. To assist in this decision, a live ranking system driven by user votes serves as an invaluable resource. It reflects current trends and user satisfaction, providing a dynamic overview of which apps are meeting the needs of the chess community. Through this system, every vote helps ensure that the most effective and enjoyable applications rise to the top, aiding others in making a well-informed choice.

What Is the Most Popular Chess App?

  1. 1

    The largest online chess platform with millions of users worldwide, offering games, puzzles, and lessons.
    • User Base: Over 50 million
    • Features: Live games, turn-based games, tournaments, lessons, puzzles
  2. 2


    Offers a wide range of chess-related content, including live tournaments, lessons, and a platform for playing against others.
    • User Base: Not specified
    • Features: Live tournaments, instructional videos, interactive lessons
  3. 3

    Chess Tactics Pro

    A mobile app focused on improving players' chess skills through puzzles and tactics.
    • Main Focus: Tactics training
    • Platform: Mobile
  4. 4

    Play Magnus

    A mobile app that allows users to play against an AI version of Magnus Carlsen at different ages.
    • Unique Feature: Play against Magnus Carlsen's AI
    • Additional Offerings: Training videos and challenges
  5. 5


    An open-source chess server offering free access to play and learn, with various game modes and training tools.
    • User Base: Millions of registered users
    • Unique Selling Point: Completely free and open-source
  6. 6


    A child-friendly chess learning platform from the creators of, designed specifically for kids.
    • Target Audience: Children
    • Features: Safe environment, educational content, puzzles
  7. 7

    ICC (Internet Chess Club)

    One of the oldest online chess platforms, known for its strong player base and professional features.
    • User Base: Thousands of dedicated users
    • Notable Feature: Professional level play
  8. 8
    Stockfish Chess

    Stockfish Chess

    An open-source chess engine considered one of the strongest in the world, often used within other apps and platforms.
    • Type: Chess Engine
    • Strength: One of the top-rated engines globally
  9. 9


    A personal, stand-alone chess database that has become the standard throughout the world.
    • Type: Database and Analysis Tool
    • Notable Users: Professional chess players and enthusiasts
  10. 10


    A chess puzzles app that offers thousands of puzzles to solve, with varying levels of difficulty.
    • Feature: Offline puzzle solving
    • Content: Over 3,000 puzzles

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular chess app. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or chess app is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 108 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each chess app once every 24 hours. The rank of each chess app is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Chess App

Chess apps have grown in popularity, attracting millions of users worldwide. These apps offer a range of features that appeal to both beginners and seasoned players. They provide a platform where users can play chess anytime, anywhere, and against opponents of varying skill levels.

One key feature of chess apps is the ability to play against the computer. This option allows users to select different difficulty levels, making it easy to find a challenging game. The computer opponents use advanced algorithms to simulate human-like gameplay, which helps users improve their skills.

Another popular feature is online multiplayer mode. This allows users to compete against real players from around the globe. Many apps have matchmaking systems that pair users with opponents of similar skill levels, ensuring fair and competitive games. Players can also participate in tournaments and climb leaderboards, adding an extra layer of excitement.

Chess apps often include educational tools. These tools help users learn new strategies and tactics. Tutorials and lessons cover basic moves, openings, and advanced techniques. Some apps also offer puzzles and challenges that test the user's problem-solving skills. These features make learning chess engaging and interactive.

In addition to gameplay and learning tools, many chess apps have social features. Users can chat with opponents, join clubs, and follow other players. These social elements create a sense of community and make the game more enjoyable.

Chess apps also provide detailed statistics and analysis. Users can review their past games, analyze their moves, and identify mistakes. This feedback helps players understand their strengths and weaknesses, leading to continuous improvement.

The user interface of chess apps is another important aspect. Most apps have clean, intuitive designs that make navigation easy. The boards and pieces are often customizable, allowing users to personalize their experience. Some apps also offer different themes and styles, catering to various preferences.

Accessibility is a major advantage of chess apps. They are available on multiple platforms, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. This cross-platform compatibility ensures that users can play chess on their preferred device.

Chess apps also support different time controls, from blitz games that last only a few minutes to longer, more strategic matches. This flexibility allows users to choose games that fit their schedule and playing style.

Many chess apps are free to download and use, though some offer premium features for a fee. These premium features might include advanced analysis tools, exclusive lessons, or ad-free experiences. The availability of free options makes chess accessible to a wider audience.

The rise of chess apps has contributed to a resurgence in the game's popularity. They make chess more accessible, engaging, and interactive. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced player seeking a challenge, chess apps offer something for everyone. The blend of gameplay, education, and social interaction makes these apps a valuable tool for anyone interested in chess.

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