The Most Popular Chess Website, Ranked

Choose the chess website you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:43
As chess enthusiasts seek optimal resources to enhance their game, pinpointing a trusted and resourceful chess website can be quite a task. With numerous options available, each boasting a range of tools and insights, distinguishing between them can be overwhelming. A consolidated list of the top-rated chess sites, shaped by community votes, helps clarify which platforms are favored by players of varying skill levels. This interactive ranking system enables users to contribute their votes and see real-time updates on which websites are garnering the most favor. It's not only about popularity but also about usefulness, as voters consider factors such as user experience, quality of content, and availability of resources. By participating, users help ensure that the best sites receive the recognition they deserve, making it easier for everyone to find a suitable place to learn, practice, and enjoy chess.

What Is the Most Popular Chess Website?

  1. 1

    The largest online chess platform with millions of users worldwide, offering games, lessons, and articles.
    • User Base: Over 50 million
    • Founded: 2007
  2. 2


    Offers live tournaments, video lessons, and interactive training with grandmasters.
    • User Base: Not specified
    • Founded: 2014
  3. 3


    An open-source online chess platform known for its free access to all features, including tournaments, analysis, and training.
    • User Base: Over 10 million
    • Founded: 2010
  4. 4


    An online chess community known for correspondence chess and puzzle challenges.
    • User Base: Not specified
    • Founded: 2000
  5. 5

    Red Hot Pawn

    Focuses on correspondence chess, allowing players to participate in multiple games simultaneously over extended periods.
    • User Base: Not specified
    • Founded: 2001
  6. 6


    Offered live chess games, tournaments, and social networking until its closure in 2019.
    • User Base: Not specified
    • Founded: 2007
    • Closed: 2019
  7. 7

    FIDE Online Arena

    The official chess platform of the International Chess Federation, offering rated games and titles.
    • User Base: Not specified
    • Founded: 2014
  8. 8

    A platform associated with ChessBase, offering live games, training, and broadcasting of major chess events.
    • User Base: Not specified
    • Founded: 2001
  9. 9

    Internet Chess Club (ICC)

    One of the oldest online chess platforms that caters to serious players with a focus on competitive play.
    • User Base: Not specified
    • Founded: 1995
  10. 10

    Another platform for correspondence chess, featuring tournaments, teams, and forums for chess discussion.
    • User Base: Not specified
    • Founded: 2001

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular chess website. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or chess site is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 139 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each chess site once every 24 hours. The rank of each chess site is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Chess Website

Chess has seen a resurgence in recent years. Much of this can be traced back to the rise of online platforms dedicated to the game. These websites offer various features that cater to both beginners and seasoned players.

Online chess platforms provide a space where players can compete against others from around the world. They offer games at different skill levels, ensuring everyone can find a match. These platforms also include tutorials and puzzles to help players improve their skills. Beginners can learn the basics, while advanced players can tackle more complex strategies.

One key feature of these websites is the ability to play at any time. Players no longer need to find a local club or wait for a friend to be available. They can log in and start a game within minutes. This convenience has made chess more accessible than ever.

Many of these platforms also host tournaments. These events range from small, friendly competitions to large, international contests. Players can test their skills and gain recognition. Some tournaments even offer cash prizes, adding an extra layer of excitement.

Another popular feature is the analysis tools. After a game, players can review their moves and see where they went wrong. These tools often use powerful algorithms to suggest better strategies. This helps players learn from their mistakes and improve over time.

Community features are also a big draw. Players can join forums, participate in discussions, and share tips. This sense of community helps keep players engaged and motivated. It also provides a space for players to connect with others who share their passion for chess.

Many online chess platforms also offer mobile apps. This allows players to take the game with them wherever they go. They can play a quick game during a break or analyze a previous game while on the move. This flexibility has further boosted the popularity of online chess.

These platforms also cater to those who enjoy watching chess. Many websites stream live games between top players. They may also offer commentary and analysis from experts. This makes it easier for fans to follow major tournaments and learn from the best.

The rise of online chess platforms has also led to an increase in the number of chess content creators. These individuals produce videos, write articles, and stream their games. They provide valuable insights and entertainment for the chess community. This has helped to create a vibrant online ecosystem around the game.

In addition to the traditional game, some platforms offer variants. These include different rules or board setups, adding a fresh twist to the classic game. These variants can be a fun way to challenge oneself and explore new strategies.

The rise of online chess platforms has made the game more accessible and engaging. They offer a range of features that cater to all skill levels. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn or an experienced player seeking a challenge, there is something for everyone. The convenience, community, and variety these platforms offer have played a significant role in the renewed interest in chess.

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