The Most Popular Chess Piece, Ranked

Choose the piece you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 18, 2024 06:43
Chess, a game of strategy and skill, involves various pieces each with its own unique moves and significance. Understanding which piece is favored can add a layer of complexity and enjoyment to discussions about the game. By ranking these pieces based on popularity, players might gain insights into common strategies and preferences that pervade the playing community. This interactive list allows enthusiasts and newcomers alike to cast their votes, showing which chess pieces capture the hearts of players around the world. As votes accumulate, the ranking changes, reflecting the community's current opinions and trends. Engage with this live ranking to see how your preferences compare with those of other chess lovers.

What Is the Most Popular Chess Piece?

  1. 1


    Moves forward one square, with the option to move two squares on its first move, and captures diagonally. Can be promoted to any other piece (except king) upon reaching the farthest rank.
    • Promotion: Yes
  2. 2


    Moves any number of squares diagonally, but cannot jump over other pieces.
    • Color Bound: Yes
  3. 3


    Moves any number of squares vertically or horizontally, but cannot jump over other pieces.
    • Part of Castling: Yes
  4. 4


    Moves one square in any direction. The game's objective is to threaten the opponent's king in such a way that escape is not possible (checkmate).
    • Checkmate Target: Yes
  5. 5

    Black Knight

    Identical in movement to the knight but specifically refers to the piece belonging to the player controlling the black pieces.
    • Color: Black
  6. 6

    White Knight

    Identical in movement to the knight but specifically refers to the piece belonging to the player controlling the white pieces.
    • Color: White
  7. 7

    White Queen

    Identical in movement to the queen but specifically refers to the piece belonging to the player controlling the white pieces.
    • Color: White
  8. 8

    Black Queen

    Identical in movement to the queen but specifically refers to the piece belonging to the player controlling the black pieces.
    • Color: Black
  9. 9


    The most powerful piece, able to move any number of squares vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.
    • Value: 9
  10. 10


    Moves in an L-shape, two squares in one direction and then one square perpendicular, or one square in one direction and then two squares perpendicular.
    • Special Ability: Can jump over other pieces

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Chess piece. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or piece is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 1 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each piece once every 24 hours. The rank of each piece is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Chess Piece

Chess is a game with a rich history. It has been played for centuries and has evolved over time. Each piece on the board has a unique role and value. One piece, in particular, stands out for its versatility and power. This piece can move in many directions and is often the key to a player's strategy.

In the early days of chess, the pieces had different names and movements. Over time, the game became more standardized. The piece in question gained prominence due to its increased mobility. It can move across the board with ease, making it a formidable force.

Players often seek to protect this piece while using it to control the game. Its ability to move in various ways allows it to support other pieces. It can also threaten the opponent's pieces from a distance. This makes it a crucial part of both offensive and defensive strategies.

In many famous chess games, this piece has played a decisive role. Its strategic importance cannot be overstated. Players who master the use of this piece often find themselves at an advantage. Its power lies in its flexibility and range of movement.

The piece's history is also interesting. It has been known by different names in various cultures. Despite these differences, its role has remained consistent. It is always seen as a key component of the game. This consistency speaks to its enduring value and effectiveness.

In modern chess, players of all levels recognize the importance of this piece. Beginners learn to use it early on, while advanced players refine their strategies around it. Its versatility makes it a favorite among many. Whether playing casually or in a tournament, its presence on the board is always felt.

The piece's design has also evolved over time. Early versions were simpler, but modern designs reflect its importance. It often stands taller than other pieces, symbolizing its power. This visual distinction helps players quickly identify it on the board.

In conclusion, this chess piece is central to the game. Its ability to move in multiple directions makes it a powerful tool. Players who understand its potential can use it to great effect. Its historical and strategic significance is clear. Whether you are new to chess or an experienced player, mastering this piece is essential.

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