The Most Popular Coffee at Dunkin' Donuts, Ranked

Choose the coffee you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 9, 2024 06:57
Imagine you're in a rush during your morning commute and you stop by Dunkin' Donuts to grab a quick coffee. With so many options available, knowing which ones are crowd favorites can save you precious time and enhance your coffee experience. This ranking helps by showing which coffees are preferred by most people, making your choice quicker and possibly even tastier. By participating in the voting, you contribute to the accuracy of the ranking and ensure that your favorites are represented. This dynamic list updates based on everyone's votes, giving a real-time reflection of what's currently popular. Whether you're a fan of classics or looking to try something new, this ranking might guide your next coffee pick at Dunkin' Donuts.

What Is the Most Popular Coffee at Dunkin' Donuts?

  1. 1

    Original Blend Coffee

    Dunkin' Donuts
    Dunkin' Donuts' signature coffee blend that has been a fan favorite since 1950. It is a medium roast with a smooth and balanced flavor.
    Dunkin' Donuts' Original Blend Coffee is a classic coffee blend loved by millions of coffee enthusiasts worldwide. It is known for its smooth and rich flavor, providing a perfect balance that keeps customers coming back for more. Whether enjoyed black or with cream and sugar, it offers a satisfying and energizing start to the day.
    • Roast Level: Medium
    • Bean Type: Arabica and Robusta
    • Flavor Notes: Smooth, balanced, and rich
    • Caffeine Content: Average
    • Acidity: Moderate
  2. 2

    Iced Coffee

    Dunkin' Donuts
    A refreshing and popular choice, Dunkin' Donuts' iced coffee is made with their Original Blend Coffee and served over ice. It can be customized with a variety of flavors and creamers.
    Iced Coffee is a refreshing and energizing beverage offered at Dunkin' Donuts. It is created by infusing freshly brewed coffee with ice, resulting in a chilled and invigorating treat. The rich and smooth taste of the coffee is complemented by the ice, creating a delightful combination of flavors.
    • Size Options: Available in various sizes, including small, medium, large, and extra-large.
    • Flavor Variations: Can be customized with a wide range of flavors, such as caramel, mocha, vanilla, or hazelnut.
    • Milk Options: Customers can choose to add whole milk, skim milk, almond milk, or cream to their iced coffee.
    • Sweetener Options: Sweeteners like sugar, artificial sweeteners, or flavored syrups can be added to enhance the taste.
    • Ice Options: Can be served with regular ice cubes or crushed ice for a different texture.
    Iced Coffee in other rankings
  3. 3
    A classic espresso-based drink, Dunkin' Donuts' cappuccino is made with steamed milk and foam, topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon.
    Cappuccino is a classic Italian coffee drink made with equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk. It is typically served in a small, ceramic cup and is known for its rich, velvety texture and distinct layering of flavors. The combination of strong espresso, creamy steamed milk, and fluffy foam creates a balanced and indulgent beverage.
    • Coffee to milk ratio: 1:1:1
    • Espresso volume: 30-40 ml
    • Milk temperature: between 65-70 °C
    • Milk texture: velvety and creamy
    • Frothed milk volume: approximately 2-3 cm thick
  4. 4
    A favorite among kids and adults alike, Dunkin' Donuts' hot chocolate is made with rich cocoa powder and steamed milk, topped with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle.
    Hot Chocolate is a rich and indulgent drink made from melted chocolate combined with steamed milk and typically sweetened with sugar. It is often topped with whipped cream or marshmallows, adding an extra layer of creaminess and decadence. The resulting beverage is velvety, smooth, and incredibly comforting, making it a popular choice for cold weather or as a comforting treat.
    • Temperature: Served hot
    • Main Ingredients: Chocolate, milk, sugar
    • Variations: Dark chocolate, white chocolate, flavored syrups
    • Toppings: Whipped cream, marshmallows, sprinkles
    • Texture: Smooth and creamy
    Hot Chocolate in other rankings
  5. 5

    French Vanilla Coffee

    Dunkin' Donuts
    A flavored twist on the Original Blend Coffee, Dunkin' Donuts' French Vanilla Coffee is a medium roast with a sweet and creamy vanilla flavor.
    French Vanilla Coffee at Dunkin' Donuts is a flavored coffee that combines the rich, smooth taste of vanilla with the boldness of coffee. It is a popular choice among coffee lovers looking for a sweet and creamy twist to their daily brew.
    • Flavor: French Vanilla
    • Roast Level: Medium
    • Coffee Type: Arabica
    • Caffeine Content: Varies depending on size and brewing method
    • Calories (Medium Size, 16 fl oz): 260
    French Vanilla Coffee in other rankings
  6. 6
    A unique blend of coffee and hot chocolate, Dunkin' Donuts' Dunkaccino is a creamy and indulgent beverage that can be enjoyed hot or iced.
    The Dunkaccino is a delightful blend of coffee and hot chocolate, creating a creamy and indulgent beverage at Dunkin' Donuts. It is the perfect choice for those seeking a combination of rich coffee flavor and the sweetness of hot chocolate.
    • Size: Available in small, medium, and large sizes
    • Ingredients: Coffee, hot chocolate, milk, sugar
    • Flavor: A harmonious blend of coffee and chocolate with a touch of sweetness
    • Preparation: Prepared by mixing brewed coffee, hot chocolate, and steamed milk
    • Topping options: Whipped cream, chocolate drizzle, or cinnamon sprinkles
  7. 7
    For those who prefer a strong and bold coffee, Dunkin' Donuts' espresso shots can be enjoyed on their own or as the base for a variety of espresso-based drinks.
    Espresso is a highly concentrated coffee beverage that originated in Italy. It is made by forcing a small amount of nearly boiling water through finely ground coffee beans, resulting in a rich and intense flavor. The extraction process of espresso emphasizes a balance between acidity, sweetness, and bitter notes, creating a complex and aromatic taste profile.
    • Brewing Method: Forced water pressure
    • Volume: 25-35 mL
    • Brewing Time: 25-30 seconds
    • Coffee-to-water Ratio: 1:2
    • Coffee Bean Roast: Medium to dark roast
  8. 8

    Mocha Latte

    Dunkin' Donuts
    A decadent espresso-based drink, Dunkin' Donuts' mocha latte is made with steamed milk and rich chocolate syrup, topped with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle.
    The Mocha Latte at Dunkin' Donuts is a delightful coffee beverage that combines the rich flavors of chocolate and espresso with creamy milk. This indulgent drink is perfect for coffee enthusiasts with a sweet tooth.
    • Size Options: Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large
    • Hot or Iced: Both options available
    • Coffee base: Espresso
    • Chocolate flavoring: Mocha syrup
    • Milk choices: Whole milk, skim milk, almond milk, oat milk
    Mocha Latte in other rankings
  9. 9
    Pumpkin Spice Latte
    JimmyStardust · CC BY-SA 4.0
    A seasonal favorite, Dunkin' Donuts' pumpkin spice latte is made with their signature espresso and pumpkin spice syrup, topped with whipped cream and cinnamon sugar.
    The Pumpkin Spice Latte is a seasonal specialty coffee drink offered at Starbucks. It combines the rich flavors of espresso, steamed milk, pumpkin spice syrup, whipped cream, and a sprinkle of pumpkin spice topping. The drink has a comforting and warm taste with a hint of sweetness and spice.
    • Size Options: Short, Tall, Grande, Venti
    • Espresso Shots: 1 shot in Tall, 2 shots in Grande and Venti
    • Milk Options: Whole, 2%, Nonfat, or Alternative (e.g., almond, soy)
    • Pumpkin Spice Syrup: 1-2 pumps depending on drink size
    • Whipped Cream: Optional, available upon request
    Pumpkin Spice Latte in other rankings
  10. 10

    Hazelnut Coffee

    Dunkin' Donuts
    Another flavored option, Dunkin' Donuts' hazelnut coffee is a medium roast with a nutty and sweet flavor. It can be enjoyed black or with a variety of creamers.
    Hazelnut Coffee at Dunkin' Donuts is a flavorful and aromatic blend that combines smooth coffee with the rich, nutty taste of hazelnut. This popular coffee is perfect for those who enjoy a sweet and flavorful cup of joe. It provides a delightful balance between the natural bitterness of coffee and the sweetness of hazelnut.
    • Roast Level: Medium
    • Coffee Type: Blend
    • Flavor Profile: Hazelnut
    • Caffeine Content: Moderate
    • Acidity: Mild

Missing your favorite coffee?


Ranking factors for popular coffee

  1. Customer reviews and ratings
    Online customer reviews and ratings on various platforms, such as Yelp, Google Maps, and the Dunkin' Donuts website, can provide insights into the preferences and satisfaction levels of customers.
  2. Seasonal factors
    Some coffee flavors and varieties may be more popular during specific seasons (e.g., pumpkin spice coffee during the fall). Accounting for these trends is essential when comparing the popularity of different coffees.
  3. Ingredients quality
    Coffees using higher quality or unique ingredients may garner more interest and popularity among customers.
  4. Branding and marketing
    The amount and success of any marketing and promotional campaigns associated with specific coffee varieties could influence consumers' perception and purchasing choices.
  5. Local preferences
    Different regions may have diverse tastes and preferences, which may affect the popularity of specific coffee types. Considering these local differences is crucial when evaluating the overall success of a product.
  6. Variety availability
    The availability of different coffee varieties in each store location might also play a role in determining their popularity. The more accessible a particular coffee is, the higher the chance that customers will try it out.
  7. Social media popularity
    Monitoring social media platforms for mentions, hashtags, and trends related to specific coffee varieties can provide helpful insights into their popularity and customer preferences.
  8. Pricing strategy
    The pricing of different coffee varieties might affect their popularity. Competitively priced offerings may attract more customers and lead to higher sales, whereas higher-priced options may appeal to specific audiences.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular coffee at Dunkin' Donuts. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or cup is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 194 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each cup once every 24 hours. The rank of each cup is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular coffee at dunkin' donuts

Dunkin' Donuts, also known as Dunkin', is a popular American multinational coffee and doughnut company. With over 12,000 locations in 42 countries, Dunkin' is a go-to spot for millions of people looking for a delicious cup of coffee. One of the most popular items on their menu is their coffee, which is available in a variety of flavors and styles. In this article, we will be discussing the most popular coffee at Dunkin' Donuts, as determined by the votes of our StrawPoll users. So, whether you're a loyal customer or just curious about the most popular coffee at Dunkin', read on to find out more!

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