The Most Popular Eddsworld Ship, Ranked

Choose the ship you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 06:49
Fans of Eddsworld have long debated which characters make the best pairings, and this discussion often becomes a spirited part of the community's engagement. By setting up a voting system to rank these relationships, the collective voice of the fanbase can be heard clearly. This process not only highlights the favorite ships but also adds an element of fun in seeing how preferences shift over time. Each vote cast is a way for fans to express their support and affect the live standings of the various character pairings. As new episodes and comics are released, new dynamics might inspire changes in the rankings. With every visit, fans have the opportunity to participate actively and see real-time updates reflecting the community's opinion.

What Is the Most Popular Eddsworld Ship?

  1. 1


    A ship between the characters Tom and Tord from the Eddsworld series.
    • Popularity Reason: Fan interpretations and interactions in the series.
  2. 2


    A ship between Edd and Matt, focusing on their close friendship.
    • Fan Content: Inspires a variety of fan art and stories.
  3. 3


    The pairing of Tom and Edd, based on their friendship and interactions in the series.
    • Characteristic: Noted for the characters' complementary personalities.
  4. 4


    A ship involving Tom and Matt, based on their interactions and friendship within Eddsworld.
    • Appeal: Fans appreciate the humor and camaraderie between the characters.
  5. 5


    The pairing of Matt and Tord, often explored in alternative universe fanfictions.
    • Popularity: Gained traction for its unique dynamic.
  6. 6


    A less common ship that explores the dynamics between Tom and Paul.
    • Unique Aspect: Attracts fans interested in less explored character interactions.
  7. 7


    A romantic or platonic relationship imagined between Tord and Edd.
    • Fanbase: Has a dedicated following within the Eddsworld community.
  8. 8


    The relationship between Tord and the character Paul, explored by a niche segment of the fandom.
    • Niche: Though less common, it has a dedicated fanbase.
  9. 9


    A ship that pairs Edd with Paul, focusing on their potential interactions.
    • Fan Interpretation: Rooted in speculative storytelling among fans.
  10. 10


    Imagines a romantic or platonic relationship between Matt and Paul.
    • Community: Supported by a small, but creative community.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Eddsworld ship. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or ship is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 169 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each ship once every 24 hours. The rank of each ship is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Eddsworld Ship

Eddsworld is an animated web series created by Edd Gould. It features a group of friends who go on various adventures. The show has gained a large fanbase over the years. Fans enjoy the humor, characters, and stories. One aspect that has sparked much interest is the concept of "shipping."

Shipping involves fans imagining characters in romantic relationships. This can be between any characters, regardless of what happens in the actual series. In the Eddsworld fandom, shipping is very popular. Fans create art, write stories, and discuss their favorite pairings online.

The appeal of shipping in Eddsworld comes from the strong bonds between the characters. They have distinct personalities and unique dynamics. Some are close friends, while others have more complex relationships. This variety gives fans many possibilities to explore.

Fans often look for clues in the episodes to support their ships. They analyze interactions, dialogue, and even small gestures. Sometimes, they interpret these moments as hints of deeper feelings. This adds another layer of enjoyment to watching the series.

The creators of Eddsworld are aware of the shipping culture. They have sometimes acknowledged it in a playful manner. However, they have not confirmed any romantic relationships within the main cast. This leaves room for fans to imagine their own scenarios.

Shipping can bring fans together. They share their ideas and creations with others who have similar interests. This sense of community can be very rewarding. It allows fans to connect on a deeper level and express their creativity.

However, shipping can also lead to disagreements. Fans may have different opinions about which pairings are the best. Sometimes, these debates can become heated. It's important for fans to respect each other's views and remember that shipping is meant to be fun.

Despite the potential for conflict, shipping remains a beloved part of the Eddsworld fandom. It adds an extra dimension to the experience of watching the show. Fans enjoy imagining what could be, even if it's not part of the official storyline.

In conclusion, shipping is a significant aspect of the Eddsworld community. It allows fans to explore relationships between characters in creative ways. While it can lead to debates, it also fosters a sense of connection and shared enjoyment. This practice highlights the enduring appeal of the series and the strong bonds between its characters.

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