The Most Popular Empanada, Ranked

Choose the Empanada you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:49
Choosing the best empanada can often be as compelling as the savory pockets themselves. Each empanada aficionado seems to hold a steadfast opinion on which type reigns supreme, bolstered by personal tastes or regional pride. This diversity in preferences and the ongoing introduction of new varieties make it essential to have a dynamic ranking where your votes decide the favorites. Here, every vote matters and each click reshapes the leaderboard. Whether you swear by the flakiness of the crust, the richness of the filling, or the perfect spice blend, your input helps others understand the landscape of choices. Engage with the community, cast your votes, and see how your favorites stack up against the crowd.

What Is the Most Popular Empanada?

  1. 1
    Beef Empanada

    Beef Empanada

    A classic empanada filled with seasoned ground beef, often combined with onions, boiled eggs, olives, and spices.
    • Origin: Spain/Latin America
    • Common Ingredients: Ground beef, onions, olives
  2. 2
    Cheese Empanada

    Cheese Empanada

    Filled with cheese, often combined with onions, tomatoes, or jalapenos for added flavor.
    • Popular Cheese: Mozzarella or Queso Fresco
  3. 3
    Chicken Empanada

    Chicken Empanada

    Shredded chicken mixed with spices and sometimes with vegetables, encased in a pastry shell.
    • Variation: Often includes bell peppers or cheese
  4. 4
    Ham and Cheese Empanada

    Ham and Cheese Empanada

    A savory filling of ham and cheese, a favorite for its creamy and salty taste.
    • Common Occasion: Breakfast or Snack
  5. 5
    Mushroom Empanada

    Mushroom Empanada

    A vegetarian option, filled with a variety of mushrooms and often cheese or garlic.
    • Mushroom Types: Shiitake, Portobello
  6. 6
    Tuna Empanada

    Tuna Empanada

    Filled with a mixture of tuna, tomato, and sometimes hard-boiled eggs and onions.
    • Popular in: Coastal Regions
  7. 7
    Pork Empanada

    Pork Empanada

    Made with minced or shredded pork, seasoned with traditional spices.
    • Common Spices: Cumin, Paprika
  8. 8
    Spinach and Cheese Empanada

    Spinach and Cheese Empanada

    A healthy option combining spinach and cheese, often with garlic and onions.
    • Health Benefit: Rich in Iron and Calcium
  9. 9
    Corn Empanada

    Corn Empanada

    Sweet or savory, filled with creamed corn, sometimes combined with cheese.
    • Alternative Name: Humita
  10. 10
    Sweet Potato Empanada

    Sweet Potato Empanada

    A sweet empanada filled with mashed sweet potatoes, sometimes spiced with cinnamon or nutmeg.
    • Variation: Can be served as dessert

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Empanada. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Empanada is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 196 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Empanada once every 24 hours. The rank of each Empanada is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Empanada

Beef Empanada
Rank #1 for the most popular Empanada: Beef Empanada (Source)
Empanadas are a beloved dish with a rich history. They trace their roots to the Iberian Peninsula, where the concept of stuffing dough with various fillings began. The name "empanada" comes from the Spanish verb "empanar," which means to wrap or coat in bread. Over time, these stuffed pastries spread across the globe, each region adding its unique twist.

These pastries are made by folding dough around a filling. The dough can be made from wheat flour, cornmeal, or other grains. Fillings vary widely, reflecting local tastes and ingredients. Common fillings include meat, cheese, vegetables, and seafood. Spices and herbs enhance the flavors, making each bite a delightful experience.

In many cultures, empanadas are a staple street food. Vendors sell them from carts and stalls, offering a quick and satisfying meal. They are also a favorite at family gatherings and celebrations. The ease of preparation and versatility make them a popular choice for home cooks.

The method of cooking varies. Some prefer baking, which gives the pastry a golden, flaky crust. Others opt for frying, resulting in a crispy, savory treat. Both methods have their champions, and the choice often depends on tradition and personal preference.

Empanadas are more than just food; they are a cultural symbol. They represent the fusion of different culinary traditions and the adaptability of simple ingredients. Each bite tells a story of migration, adaptation, and creativity.

Despite regional differences, the basic concept remains the same. A delicious filling encased in a tender dough, cooked to perfection. This simplicity is part of what makes empanadas so appealing. They are a testament to the idea that good food doesn't need to be complicated.

In addition to their savory versions, sweet empanadas are also popular. These often feature fillings like fruit, sweetened cheese, or chocolate. They provide a delightful contrast to their savory counterparts and are a favorite dessert or snack.

Empanadas continue to evolve. Modern chefs experiment with new fillings and cooking techniques. Fusion versions blend traditional recipes with contemporary flavors, creating exciting new variations. Yet, the essence of the empanada remains unchanged.

This dish's popularity shows no signs of waning. Its portability, variety, and deliciousness ensure it remains a favorite worldwide. Whether enjoyed on a bustling street corner or at a festive gathering, empanadas bring joy and satisfaction to those who partake.

In conclusion, empanadas are a culinary treasure. Their rich history, cultural significance, and endless variety make them a beloved dish. From their humble beginnings to their current global popularity, they continue to delight and inspire.

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