The Most Popular Endangered Species, Ranked

Choose the endangered species you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 06:49
Understanding which endangered species capture public attention is not just a matter of curiosity but a step towards enhancing conservation efforts. When certain animals are favored by the public, it often leads to increased activism and funding, which are crucial for the survival of these species. By ranking these creatures based on popularity, it helps conservationists and policymakers pinpoint where public interest lies and where resources might be best allocated. This interactive list serves as a dynamic gauge of public sentiment towards various endangered species. Your votes help adjust the rankings, providing a current view of which species are receiving the most support and attention. This in turn can influence conservation strategies and awareness campaigns. Participation from users like you not only informs but can also inspire more targeted and effective conservation efforts.

What Is the Most Popular Endangered Species?

  1. 1
    Giant Panda

    Giant Panda

    A bear native to south central China, famous for its striking black and white coat.
    • Conservation Status: Vulnerable
    • Population: More than 1,800 in the wild
  2. 2
    African Elephant

    African Elephant

    The largest land animal on Earth, native to various habitats in Sub-Saharan Africa.
    • Conservation Status: Vulnerable
    • Population: Approximately 415,000 individuals
  3. 3
    Amur Leopard

    Amur Leopard

    A leopard subspecies native to the Primorye region of southeastern Russia and the Jilin Province of northeast China.
    • Conservation Status: Critically Endangered
    • Population: Fewer than 100 individuals in the wild
  4. 4


    The world's rarest marine mammal, a small porpoise, found only in the northern part of the Gulf of California.
    • Conservation Status: Critically Endangered
    • Population: As few as 10 individuals
  5. 6
    Javan Rhino

    Javan Rhino

    A rare member of the rhinoceros family and one of five rhinoceros species worldwide.
    • Conservation Status: Critically Endangered
    • Population: 58-68 individuals
  6. 8
    Sea Turtle

    Sea Turtle

    Marine turtles that have been in the ocean for over 100 million years, including species like the Leatherback and the Hawksbill.
    • Conservation Status: Varies by species, from Vulnerable to Critically Endangered
    • Population: Varies by species
  7. 9


    Great apes known for their intelligence, long arms, and reddish-brown hair, native to Indonesia and Malaysia.
    • Conservation Status: Critically Endangered
    • Population: About 104,700 Bornean, 13,846 Sumatran, and 800 Tapanuli individuals
  8. 10


    The largest living primates, native to the forests of central Sub-Saharan Africa.
    • Conservation Status: Varies by subspecies, from Vulnerable to Critically Endangered
    • Population: Varies by subspecies

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular endangered species. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or species is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 138 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each species once every 24 hours. The rank of each species is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Endangered Species

Giant Panda
Rank #1 for the most popular endangered species: Giant Panda (Source)
Many species face the threat of extinction today. This threat stems from various human activities. Habitat loss is a major cause. Forests, wetlands, and other natural areas are cleared for agriculture, urban development, and infrastructure projects. This leaves animals without homes and food sources.

Pollution also plays a big role. Chemicals from factories, pesticides from farms, and plastic waste all harm wildlife. Water pollution affects marine life, while air pollution impacts birds and other animals. Soil contamination can also poison plants and animals alike.

Climate change is another significant factor. Rising temperatures, changing weather patterns, and more extreme weather events disrupt ecosystems. Animals struggle to adapt to these rapid changes. Some cannot migrate to more suitable habitats because of barriers like roads and cities.

Overexploitation is a serious problem too. Hunting, fishing, and logging often exceed sustainable levels. This depletes populations faster than they can reproduce. Many species are hunted for their meat, skins, or other body parts. Overfishing has led to drastic declines in many fish populations.

Invasive species pose additional threats. These are plants, animals, or other organisms introduced to new areas by humans. They often outcompete native species for resources. This can lead to declines or even extinctions of native species.

Conservation efforts aim to address these problems. Protected areas like national parks and wildlife reserves help preserve habitats. Laws and regulations control hunting, fishing, and trade in endangered species. Captive breeding programs try to boost population numbers. Education and awareness campaigns encourage people to support conservation.

Despite these efforts, many species continue to decline. Conservation requires ongoing commitment and resources. It also needs cooperation between governments, organizations, and individuals. Only through collective action can we hope to save endangered species from extinction.

In summary, many factors contribute to species endangerment. Habitat loss, pollution, climate change, overexploitation, and invasive species all play roles. Conservation efforts are crucial but challenging. The survival of many species depends on our actions today.

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