The Most Popular Empire, Ranked

Choose the empire you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 19, 2024 06:49
Throughout history, empires have risen and fallen, each leaving a unique mark on the fabric of civilization. By ranking these empires, we gain insights into which have made the most significant impacts, according to public opinion. This process not only enlightens us about historical prestige but also reflects contemporary values and interests. Your participation in voting helps shape this ongoing historical narrative. Each vote contributes to a more nuanced understanding of what people today find compelling about the empires of yesteryears. This dynamic ranking evolves with each new submission, offering a constantly updated snapshot of public sentiment.

What Is the Most Popular Empire?

  1. 1
    Roman Empire

    Roman Empire

    One of the most politically and culturally significant empires in human history, it played a crucial role in the development of Western civilization.
    • Peak Land Area: 5 million sq km
    • Peak Year: 117
  2. 2
    British Empire

    British Empire

    The largest empire in history, at its zenith it controlled vast areas of land across every inhabited continent, reflecting the phrase 'the empire on which the sun never sets'.
    • Peak Land Area: 35.5 million sq km
    • Peak Year: 1920
  3. 3
    Spanish Empire

    Spanish Empire

    One of the first global empires, it was among the most powerful entities in the world during the 16th and early 17th centuries.
    • Peak Land Area: 13.7 million sq km
    • Peak Year: 1810
  4. 4
    Mongol Empire

    Mongol Empire

    The largest contiguous land empire in history, founded by Genghis Khan in 1206, it eventually covered significant parts of Eurasia.
    • Peak Land Area: 33 million sq km
    • Peak Year: 1270
  5. 5
    Russian Empire

    Russian Empire

    A historical empire that stretched from Eastern Europe across Asia to North America, it was one of the largest empires in world history.
    • Peak Land Area: 22.8 million sq km
    • Peak Year: 1866
  6. 6

    Portuguese Empire

    The first global maritime empire, it established a vast network of trade and colonies across Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
    • Peak Land Area: 10.4 million sq km
    • Peak Year: 1815
  7. 7
    Umayyad Caliphate

    Umayyad Caliphate

    The second of the four major Islamic caliphates established after the death of Muhammad. It was the largest empire in the world at its time.
    • Peak Land Area: 11.1 million sq km
    • Peak Year: 750
  8. 8
    Abbasid Caliphate

    Abbasid Caliphate

    Following the Umayyad Caliphate, it was among the most powerful entities in the world, known for its achievements in culture and science.
    • Peak Land Area: 11 million sq km
    • Peak Year: 750-1258
  9. 9
    Qing Dynasty

    Qing Dynasty

    The last imperial dynasty of China, ruling from 1644 to 1912, it was the fourth largest empire in world history.
    • Peak Land Area: 14.7 million sq km
    • Peak Year: 1790
  10. 10
    French Colonial Empire

    French Colonial Empire

    At its height in the early 20th century, it was the second largest empire in the world, with significant influence in North America, Africa, and Asia.
    • Peak Land Area: 11.5 million sq km
    • Peak Year: 1938

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular empire. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Empire is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 146 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Empire once every 24 hours. The rank of each Empire is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Empire

Roman Empire
Rank #1 for the most popular empire: Roman Empire (Source)
Empires have shaped human history. They rise, expand, and fall, leaving lasting legacies. One of the most popular empires emerged in ancient times. It began as a small city-state and grew through conquest and diplomacy. Its leaders were skilled in both war and peace. They built roads, bridges, and aqueducts, connecting distant lands. This infrastructure allowed trade and communication to flourish.

The empire's military was strong and well-organized. Soldiers were trained and disciplined. They used advanced tactics and weapons. This made them formidable on the battlefield. The empire also had a navy that controlled key waterways. This ensured dominance over trade routes and coastal regions.

The government was complex and efficient. It had a central authority but allowed local leaders to manage their regions. This system helped maintain order and stability. Laws were codified and applied uniformly. This legal framework influenced many future societies.

Culture thrived under the empire. It absorbed and blended diverse traditions. Art, literature, and philosophy flourished. Great thinkers and artists emerged, whose works are still studied today. The empire's language spread and became a common tongue. This facilitated communication across vast distances.

Economically, the empire was prosperous. It had access to rich resources and controlled important trade routes. Agriculture was advanced, with techniques that increased yields. Markets buzzed with activity, and merchants traded goods from all over the known world.

Religion played a significant role. The empire was initially polytheistic, worshipping many gods and goddesses. Temples were built, and rituals were performed. Over time, new religions emerged and spread within the empire. These faiths often coexisted, leading to a rich spiritual tapestry.

Education was valued. Schools and academies were established. Knowledge in science, mathematics, and medicine advanced. Scholars made significant contributions that influenced later civilizations.

Despite its strengths, the empire faced challenges. It had to defend its vast borders against external threats. Rebellions and internal conflicts also posed risks. Over time, these pressures weakened the empire. Corruption and inefficiency grew within the government. Economic troubles strained resources.

Eventually, the empire began to decline. Territories were lost, and the central authority weakened. Invaders took advantage of the instability. The once-mighty empire fragmented and fell. However, its legacy endured. Its achievements in governance, law, culture, and technology influenced future generations.

Historians study this empire to understand its rise and fall. They examine its successes and failures. This helps us learn valuable lessons about power, leadership, and society. The empire's story is a testament to human ambition and resilience. It reminds us of the potential and fragility of great civilizations.

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