The Most Popular Food in Uzbekistan, Ranked

Choose the food you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 27, 2024 06:38
In a bustling market in the heart of Uzbekistan, locals and tourists alike flock around sizzling stalls, each offering a glimpse into the country's rich culinary heritage. As visitors navigate through the aromas and sounds, deciding what to try next can be an overwhelming task. Knowing the most favored dishes helps to guide choices and enrich the dining experience. By participating in voting for the most popular food, users contribute to a dynamic list that reflects current culinary trends and national preferences. This interactive ranking not only aids newcomers in sampling the finest on offer but also celebrates the diversity and richness of Uzbek cuisine. Each vote helps to shine a light on cherished recipes and perhaps uncover hidden gems.

What Is the Most Popular Food in Uzbekistan?

  1. 1
    Plov is a traditional dish made of rice, meat, onions, and carrots cooked in oil. It is considered the national dish of Uzbekistan and is often served at weddings and other celebrations.
    Plov is a traditional Azerbaijani dish made with rice, meat, and various vegetables. It is a flavorful one-pot rice dish cooked with aromatic spices and sometimes saffron. Plov is typically prepared in large quantities and served on special occasions or as a centerpiece of festive feasts. It is known for its rich and hearty taste, making it a favorite among locals and visitors alike.
    • Main Ingredients: Rice, meat (usually lamb or beef), carrot, onion
    • Spices: Cumin, turmeric, saffron, cinnamon
    • Other Vegetables: Garlic, bell peppers, dried fruits (optional)
    • Cooking Method: Slow and long heat cooking in a large pot called kazan
    • Layers: Plov is often prepared in layers, with rice at the bottom and meat and vegetables on top
  2. 2
    Lagman is a noodle soup that is popular in Central Asia, including Uzbekistan. It typically includes meat, vegetables, and spices.
    Lagman is a traditional dish in Kazakhstan, known for its rich flavors and hearty nature. It is a noodle-based dish, typically made with hand-pulled noodles, and is often prepared with a combination of meat, vegetables, and aromatic spices. The dish is typically enjoyed as a main course and is popular among locals and visitors alike.
    • Type: Main course
    • Ingredients: Hand-pulled noodles, meat (commonly beef or lamb), vegetables, spices
    • Flavors: Rich, savory, and aromatic
    • Preparation: The hand-pulled noodles are cooked until tender, while the meat and vegetables are stir-fried separately. These components are then combined and cooked together with aromatic spices such as cumin, coriander, and garlic.
    • Variations: There are various regional variations of lagman across Kazakhstan, with some including additional ingredients like tomatoes, peppers, or different types of meat.
  3. 3
    Samsa is a baked or fried pastry that is filled with meat, onions, and spices. It is similar to a samosa or empanada.
    Samsa is a traditional pastry dish that is widely popular in Kazakhstan. It is a baked or fried triangular-shaped pastry filled with savory ingredients.
    • Shape: Triangular
    • Cooking Method: Baked or fried
    • Dough: Flaky and layered
    • Filling: Savory mixture of meat (usually lamb or beef), onions, and spices
    • Size: Typically palm-sized or slightly larger
  4. 4
    Manti is a steamed dumpling that is filled with meat, onions, and spices. It is similar to Chinese dumplings or Russian pelmeni.
    Manti is a traditional Turkish dumpling dish that is popular in Istanbul. These small pockets of dough are filled with a mixture of ground meat, typically lamb or beef, along with onions, garlic, and various spices. The dumplings are then boiled and served hot with a flavorful tomato-based sauce, usually topped with melted butter and yogurt. Manti is often garnished with dried mint and ground sumac for added flavor. It is a beloved dish known for its rich taste and comforting texture.
    • Main Ingredients: Ground meat (lamb or beef), onions, garlic
    • Dough: Thin pasta-like dough
    • Shape: Small folded dumplings
    • Cooking Method: Boiled
    • Serving Style: Hot with tomato-based sauce
  5. 5
    Shashlik is skewered and grilled meat, usually lamb or beef, that is marinated in spices and served with bread and vegetables. It is a popular street food in Uzbekistan.
    Shashlik is a traditional Kazakh dish consisting of marinated pieces of meat, typically lamb, skewered and grilled over an open fire. It is widely enjoyed in Kazakhstan, often served at social gatherings, picnics, and special occasions.
    • Meat: Traditionally lamb, but can also be beef, pork, or chicken
    • Marination: Meat is marinated in a mixture of onion, garlic, salt, pepper, and various spices for several hours to enhance flavor
    • Skewering: Marinated meat is threaded onto metal skewers, alternating with slices of onion or vegetables
    • Grilling Method: Shashlik is traditionally cooked over an open fire or charcoal grill
    • Cooking Technique: The skewers are rotated frequently to ensure even cooking and prevent charring
  6. 6
    Norin is a noodle dish that is popular in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. It typically includes meat, vegetables, and a sour milk sauce.
    Norin is a traditional dish from Uzbekistan, particularly popular in the region of Samarkand. It is a cold noodle soup made with lamb, served with pieces of fat and various vegetables. The dish is known for its unique blend of flavors and textures.
    • Ingredients: Lamb, fat, noodles, onions, tomatoes, cucumber, radishes, vinegar, salt, pepper
    • Preparation: Lamb is cooked until tender, then shredded. Noodles are boiled separately. The vegetables are sliced and mixed with vinegar, salt, and pepper. The lamb, fat, noodles, and vegetables are combined to make the soup.
    • Flavor: Savory, rich, and tangy
    • Texture: Soft noodles, tender lamb, crunchy vegetables
    • Temperature: Cold
  7. 7


    Osh is a soup made with meat, vegetables, and rice. It is similar to plov but is served in a soup form.
    Osh is a traditional and highly popular dish in Tajikistan. It is a hearty and flavorful rice-based dish that is often served as the centerpiece of a meal. Osh is known for its rich aroma and the careful selection and harmonious combination of ingredients.
    • Rice: Osh is primarily made with long-grain rice, which is cooked until fluffy and tender.
    • Meat: Osh often includes meat, with lamb being the most traditional choice. The meat is usually cooked until tender and mixed with rice.
    • Vegetables: Osh typically contains a variety of vegetables such as onions, carrots, and garlic.
    • Pampering: Osh is often pampered with rich and aromatic spices like cumin, coriander, and turmeric, which give it its distinct flavor.
    • Oil: The dish is often prepared using vegetable oil or rendered lamb fat, which adds richness and depth to the flavors.
  8. 8
    Chuchvara is a small dumpling that is filled with meat and served in a broth. It is similar to Italian tortellini or Turkish manti.
    Chuchvara is a traditional dumpling dish in Uzbekistan. It consists of small pasta pockets filled with a seasoned mixture of ground meat, typically lamb or beef, onions, and various herbs and spices. Chuchvara is often served in a hot meat broth and garnished with fresh herbs, like dill or parsley. The dish is known for its rich flavors and hearty nature, making it a popular comfort food in Uzbek cuisine.
    • Origin: Uzbekistan
    • Main ingredients: Ground meat (lamb or beef), onions, herbs, spices
    • Dough type: Thin pasta or dumpling dough
    • Serving style: In a hot meat broth
    • Garnish: Fresh herbs, such as dill or parsley
  9. 9
    Shurpa is a soup made with meat, vegetables, and herbs. It is similar to a stew and is often served with bread.
    Shurpa is a traditional Uzbek soup known for its rich and hearty flavors. It is often made with lamb or beef, combined with an assortment of vegetables and fragrant herbs. The soup has a comforting and nourishing quality, enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.
    • Main Ingredients: Lamb or beef, vegetables (such as potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes), spices, and herbs (such as dill, parsley, and coriander)
    • Preparation: The meat is typically seared to enhance the flavors, then combined with the vegetables and spices. It is simmered slowly to allow the flavors to meld together. Shurpa is often cooked in large quantities to be shared with friends and family.
    • Serving Method: Shurpa is served hot in deep bowls, often accompanied by bread or Uzbek flatbread.
    • Variations: There are regional variations of Shurpa in Uzbekistan, with different spices and ingredients used based on local preferences.
    • Flavor Profile: Shurpa has a rich and savory taste, with the meat, vegetables, and herbs creating a well-balanced and aromatic combination.
  10. 10
    Qurutob is a salad made with bread, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and a sour milk sauce. It is a traditional dish in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

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Ranking factors for popular food

  1. Cultural significance
    The importance of the dish in Uzbek culture, traditions, and daily life. This includes any symbolism the dish may hold or how it connects to the country's history.
  2. Frequency of consumption
    How often the food is consumed by the locals. A popular food would typically be eaten regularly by a significant portion of the population.
  3. Regional variations
    While some dishes may be popular all across Uzbekistan, others may be more prevalent in specific areas or communities. Popularity rankings should consider these regional differences.
  4. Seasonality
    Some dishes may only be available or popular during certain parts of the year due to the availability of ingredients or cultural practices. This factor might affect their ranking in terms of overall popularity.
  5. Accessibility and affordability
    How easy it is to obtain the dish and whether it is affordable for the majority of the population. A popular dish in Uzbekistan is likely to be widely available and affordable to a large portion of the country's residents.
  6. Taste and flavor profile
    Ultimately, the flavor and taste of the food play a crucial role in determining its popularity. A popular dish should appeal to the palate of a significant portion of the local population.
  7. Influence from neighboring countries
    Uzbek cuisine is influenced by the culinary traditions of neighboring countries like Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Afghanistan. Food items that reflect this influence might be popular in Uzbekistan.
  8. Nutritional value
    The health benefits or potential risks associated with the dish could also affect its popularity. A food item that provides important nutrients or has a balanced nutritional profile may be more popular among health-conscious individuals.
  9. Preparation methods
    The ease and complexity of preparing the dish could also play a role in its popularity, as certain dishes may be more commonly prepared at home or in restaurants.
  10. Media and online presence
    The popularity of a food item may also be influenced by its presence in media, such as movies, TV shows, or social media. Dishes that are frequently discussed or recommended online could be considered more popular.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular food in Uzbekistan. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or food is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 196 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each food once every 24 hours. The rank of each food is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


More information on most popular food in uzbekistan

Uzbekistan, a country located in Central Asia, is known for its rich cultural heritage and delicious cuisine. The traditional Uzbek cuisine is a fusion of various influences from neighboring countries like Russia, China, and Persia. The most popular food in Uzbekistan is Plov, a savory rice dish made with meat, vegetables, and spices like cumin, coriander, and saffron. It is often served during special occasions and celebrations and is considered a national dish. Other popular Uzbek dishes include Shashlik (grilled meat skewers), Samsa (baked savory pastries), and Lagman (noodle soup). With a variety of flavors and spices, Uzbek cuisine is sure to tantalize your taste buds.

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