The Most Popular Heinz Soup, Ranked

Choose the soup you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 06:55
Deciding which Heinz soup to choose can often feel like a small puzzle, especially with several options on the shelf. Each variety promises a unique blend of ingredients and that comforting taste Heinz is known for. By ranking these soups, we help simplify this decision. Our list reflects current trends and user preferences, providing a clear guide to what others enjoy most. This live ranking is shaped directly by your votes, ensuring that it consistently represents the collective preferences of all soup enthusiasts. Whether you're looking for something new to try or want to see if others share your affinity for a particular style, this ranking has you covered. Cast your vote and see real-time results, enhancing your meal planning with confidence and ease.

What Is the Most Popular Heinz Soup?

  1. 1
    Potato & Leek

    Potato & Leek

    A smooth and comforting blend, Potato & Leek soup is beloved for its subtle flavors and creamy texture.
    • Main Ingredients: Potatoes and leeks
    • Texture: Smooth and creamy
  2. 2
    Cream of Tomato

    Cream of Tomato

    A classic choice, Cream of Tomato soup is a staple in many households and remains Heinz's most popular soup.
    • Flavor Profile: Rich and creamy with a sweet tomato base
    • Popular Use: Often enjoyed with grilled cheese sandwiches
  3. 3
    Classic Vegetable

    Classic Vegetable

    Packed with a variety of vegetables, this soup is a hearty and healthy choice for many.
    • Vegetable Content: Contains carrots, potatoes, peas, and more
    • Dietary Information: Low in fat and calories
  4. 4


    Oxtail soup is a rich and meaty option, known for its distinctive flavor and tender pieces of oxtail meat.
    • Flavor: Rich and meaty
    • Key Ingredient: Oxtail
  5. 5


    A tomato-based soup filled with vegetables, pasta, and sometimes rice, Minestrone is a hearty and satisfying option.
    • Origin: Italian
    • Key Features: Contains a variety of vegetables and pasta
  6. 6
    Chicken Noodle

    Chicken Noodle

    A comforting classic, Chicken Noodle soup is perfect for cold days or when you're feeling under the weather.
    • Key Ingredients: Made with chicken broth, noodles, and vegetables
    • Health Benefits: Often associated with providing comfort during colds
  7. 7


    Lentil soup is a nutritious and filling option, packed with protein and fiber, making it a favorite for health-conscious individuals.
    • Nutritional Benefits: High in protein and fiber
    • Flavor: Earthy and rich
  8. 8
    Beef Broth

    Beef Broth

    A rich and flavorful soup, Beef Broth is made with beef, vegetables, and often noodles or barley, offering a comforting and hearty meal.
    • Key Ingredients: Beef, vegetables, noodles or barley
    • Flavor Profile: Rich and savory
  9. 9
    Pea & Ham

    Pea & Ham

    A traditional British soup, Pea & Ham combines the sweetness of peas with the savory flavor of ham for a delicious meal.
    • Flavor Combination: Sweet peas with savory ham
    • Texture: Thick and hearty
  10. 10


    A rich and earthy option, Mushroom soup is a favorite for its creamy texture and deep flavor.
    • Texture: Creamy with pieces of mushroom
    • Flavor: Earthy and rich

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Heinz soup. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or soup is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 4 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each soup once every 24 hours. The rank of each soup is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Heinz Soup

Potato & Leek
Rank #1 for the most popular Heinz soup: Potato & Leek (Source)
Heinz, a name known worldwide, has a long history in the food industry. Founded in 1869 by Henry John Heinz, the company started with horseradish. Over time, it expanded its product range. Today, Heinz is famous for its soups.

Heinz soups have a rich history. They first appeared in the early 20th century. The company wanted to offer convenient, tasty meals. These soups quickly became popular. They were easy to prepare and had a homemade taste. This appealed to busy families and individuals.

The company uses high-quality ingredients in its soups. This commitment to quality has remained constant over the years. Heinz sources fresh vegetables and other ingredients. They ensure each soup meets their high standards. This dedication has helped the brand maintain its reputation.

Heinz soups come in many varieties. Each one has a unique flavor. The company understands that people have different tastes. So, they offer a wide range of options. This variety ensures there is a soup for everyone.

Heinz also focuses on nutrition. They aim to provide soups that are both tasty and healthy. The company works to reduce salt and sugar in their recipes. They also avoid artificial preservatives. This makes their soups a good choice for health-conscious consumers.

Packaging is another area where Heinz excels. The company uses cans and cartons that are easy to store. This convenience is a key factor in their popularity. People can keep a few cans in their pantry for a quick meal. The packaging also helps preserve the soup's flavor and quality.

Heinz soups have a loyal customer base. Many people grew up eating them. They associate the brand with comfort and reliability. This strong connection has helped Heinz maintain its market position. The company continues to innovate while staying true to its roots.

Marketing has played a big role in Heinz's success. The company uses catchy slogans and memorable ads. They highlight the quality and taste of their soups. This effective marketing has helped attract new customers over the years.

In addition to traditional soups, Heinz has introduced new lines. These include organic and low-sodium options. The company listens to consumer feedback and adapts. This willingness to evolve has kept them relevant in a changing market.

Heinz soups are not just popular in one country. They have a global presence. The brand is recognized and trusted around the world. This international reach has contributed to their enduring success.

The company also engages in community and charitable activities. They support food banks and other initiatives. This commitment to giving back has further strengthened their brand image.

In summary, Heinz soups have a long and successful history. Their focus on quality, variety, and nutrition has made them a favorite. The brand's strong marketing and community involvement have also played key roles. Heinz continues to innovate while maintaining its core values. This balance has ensured their soups remain popular with consumers worldwide.

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