The Most Popular Hoenn Starter, Ranked

Choose the starter you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:55
When starting a new adventure in the world of Pokémon, choosing the right starter is a crucial decision. This selection can impact the entire gaming experience, influencing battles and the ease of progressing through challenges. Many fans debate over which starter is the best choice, making it helpful to see a community consensus. By presenting a live ranking of favorite Hoenn starters as voted by the community, this site offers a unique insight into popular opinion. It serves as a guide for new players and a fun comparison for veterans, showing shifts in preference over time. Voting here also contributes to this ongoing discussion, elevating the voices of all participants.

What Is the Most Popular Hoenn Starter?

  1. 1


    A Water-type Pokémon known for its adorable appearance and strong evolutions.
    • Type: Water
    • Evolves into: Marshtomp
  2. 2


    A Fire-type Pokémon that is known for its cuteness and evolves into the powerful Blaziken.
    • Type: Fire
    • Evolves into: Combusken
  3. 3


    A Grass-type Pokémon known for its cool demeanor and speedy evolutions.
    • Type: Grass
    • Evolves into: Grovyle

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Hoenn starter. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or start is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 117 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each start once every 24 hours. The rank of each start is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Hoenn Starter

Rank #1 for the most popular Hoenn starter: Mudkip (Source)
The Hoenn region introduced a new set of starter Pokémon. These creatures quickly became fan favorites. Each one offered unique traits and abilities. Players often debated which starter was the best.

In the Hoenn region, the journey begins with a choice. Trainers must pick one Pokémon from three options. Each starter has its own strengths and weaknesses. This choice shapes the early stages of the adventure.

One starter stands out as the most popular. This Pokémon has a strong fan base. Its design appeals to many players. The Pokémon's evolution line is also impressive. As it grows, it gains new abilities and becomes more powerful.

The first form of this Pokémon is small and cute. It is easy to train and handle. Many players find it endearing. This starter is also versatile in battles. It can learn a variety of moves, making it useful in different situations.

As this Pokémon evolves, it becomes stronger and more capable. Its second form shows a significant increase in power. This stage is where many players start to see its true potential. It can hold its own in battles and often surprises opponents with its abilities.

The final evolution of this starter is a powerhouse. It boasts impressive stats and a diverse move set. This makes it a formidable opponent in battles. Many players rely on this Pokémon to carry them through tough challenges. Its design also evolves, becoming more fierce and imposing.

The popularity of this starter is not just about its battling prowess. Its design and personality play a big role. Players often form a bond with their starter Pokémon. This connection makes the journey through Hoenn more enjoyable.

This starter Pokémon also has a presence outside of the games. It appears in various forms of media, including TV shows and merchandise. This further boosts its popularity. Fans enjoy seeing their favorite Pokémon in different contexts.

The competitive scene also favors this starter. Many players choose it for tournaments and battles. Its versatility and strength make it a top pick. It can adapt to different strategies and often surprises opponents.

The Hoenn region offers a diverse landscape. This starter Pokémon thrives in various environments. Whether it's forests, mountains, or seas, it can handle the challenges. This adaptability adds to its appeal.

Choosing a starter Pokémon is a big decision for any trainer. In Hoenn, many players lean towards this popular choice. Its strengths, design, and versatility make it a favorite. The bond formed with this Pokémon often lasts throughout the journey.

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