The Most Popular Movie Critic, Ranked

Choose the movie critic you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:58
Deciding which movie to watch can often feel overwhelming due to the array of choices available. By referring to a ranking of the most popular movie critics, users can quickly access trusted opinions and insights, streamlining their decision-making process. Such a list enables movie enthusiasts to find critics whose tastes align with their own, enhancing their viewing experience. This dynamic list is shaped by the votes of users who participate, reflecting real-time preferences and opinions. By voting for your preferred movie critics, you contribute to a more accurate representation of influential voices in film critique today. This interactive voting ensures that the list stays current and relevant, providing value to everyone who consults it.

Who Is the Most Popular Movie Critic?

  1. 1
    Roger Ebert

    Roger Ebert

    An American film critic best known for his film review column and for the television program Siskel & Ebert at the Movies.
    • Pulitzer Prize: 1975
    • Co-host: Gene Siskel
  2. 2
    Leonard Maltin

    Leonard Maltin

    An American film critic and historian, as well as the author of several mainstream books on cinema, focusing on nostalgic, celebratory narratives.
    • Famous work: Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide
    • Career span: Several decades
  3. 3
    Pauline Kael

    Pauline Kael

    An American film critic who wrote for The New Yorker magazine from 1968 to 1991.
    • Known for: Witty, biting, highly opinionated and sharply focused reviews
    • Books: I Lost it at the Movies, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
  4. 4
    Peter Travers

    Peter Travers

    An American film critic and journalist, who has written for Rolling Stone magazine since 1989.
    • Known for: Concise and insightful reviews
    • Media outlet: Rolling Stone
  5. 5
    A.O. Scott

    A.O. Scott

    An American journalist and film critic. Along with Manohla Dargis, he serves as chief film critic for The New York Times.
    • Media outlet: The New York Times
    • Known for: Thoughtful and reflective reviews
  6. 6
    Kenneth Turan

    Kenneth Turan

    An American film critic and lecturer in the Master of Professional Writing Program at the University of Southern California. He is a film critic for the Los Angeles Times.
    • Media outlet: Los Angeles Times
    • Known for: Insightful and knowledgeable reviews
  7. 7

    Manohla Dargis

    An American film critic. She is one of the chief film critics for The New York Times, along with A.O. Scott.
    • Media outlet: The New York Times
    • Known for: Analytical and insightful reviews
  8. 8
    Richard Roeper

    Richard Roeper

    An American columnist and film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times and who co-hosted the television series At the Movies with Roger Ebert.
    • Co-hosted with: Roger Ebert
    • Media outlet: The Chicago Sun-Times
  9. 9

    James Berardinelli

    An American film critic who runs the website ReelViews. He is known for his in-depth reviews and is one of the most prolific online film critics.
    • Website: ReelViews
    • Known for: Comprehensive and detailed reviews
  10. 10
    Gene Siskel

    Gene Siskel

    An American film critic and journalist for the Chicago Tribune. Alongside Roger Ebert, he hosted the popular review show Siskel & Ebert at the Movies.
    • Trademark: Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down rating system
    • Co-host: Roger Ebert

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular movie critic. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or critic is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 167 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each critic once every 24 hours. The rank of each critic is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Movie Critic

Roger Ebert
Rank #1 for the most popular movie critic: Roger Ebert (Source)
A movie critic's job involves watching films and sharing opinions. This role has existed for many years, evolving with the film industry. Critics help audiences decide which movies to watch. They also guide filmmakers by providing feedback.

Movie critics often have a background in journalism or film studies. They understand film history, techniques, and storytelling. This knowledge helps them analyze movies deeply. They look at various elements like acting, direction, screenplay, and cinematography. Their reviews cover both the good and the bad aspects of a film.

Critics write for newspapers, magazines, and websites. Some also share their reviews on television or radio. With the rise of the internet, many critics now have blogs or YouTube channels. Social media allows them to reach a wider audience. They can interact with readers and viewers more directly.

A popular movie critic builds a reputation over time. Consistency and honesty are key. Readers trust critics who provide fair and thoughtful reviews. A good critic can influence public opinion. Their reviews can boost or sink a movie's success. Filmmakers often take note of what critics say.

Critics use a rating system to summarize their opinions. This can be stars, numbers, or thumbs up and down. The rating gives a quick idea of the critic's view on the movie. However, the detailed review provides the full picture. It explains why the movie is good or bad.

Some critics focus on specific genres. They might specialize in horror, comedy, or documentaries. This allows them to become experts in that area. Their reviews are more insightful for fans of those genres. Other critics review all types of movies. They offer a broader perspective.

Critics attend film festivals and screenings. This gives them early access to movies. They can review films before they are released to the public. This helps build anticipation for upcoming movies. Festivals also provide a platform for critics to network and share ideas.

The relationship between critics and filmmakers can be complex. Filmmakers may appreciate constructive criticism. It helps them improve their work. However, negative reviews can hurt. Some filmmakers may feel misunderstood. Despite this, many respect the role of critics in the industry.

The influence of a movie critic extends beyond reviews. They contribute to the discussion about film as an art form. Critics write essays, participate in panels, and teach. They help preserve the history and culture of cinema. Their insights add depth to the appreciation of movies.

Critics face challenges in their work. They must stay objective and avoid personal biases. They need to balance honesty with respect. Writing engaging reviews is also a skill. Critics must capture the reader's interest while providing valuable information.

In conclusion, movie critics play a vital role in the film industry. They guide audiences and filmmakers with their reviews. Their knowledge and insights enrich the experience of watching movies. Through their work, critics contribute to the ongoing conversation about cinema.

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