The Most Popular MP, Ranked

Choose the MP you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 07:58
People often find themselves intrigued by the surge of different MPs that capture public attention at various times. It's useful to have a centralized system that displays which MPs are currently resonating with the majority. Such a list helps provide a snapshot of what is trending, aiding in understanding public sentiment and interests at any given time. On this site, every individual’s opinion counts towards molding an ever-updating list of top MPs based on collective preferences. This dynamic ranking system empowers users to contribute to the shaping of trends by casting their votes. This ongoing process not only enhances the accuracy of the rankings but also keeps the community engaged and invested in the outcomes.

Who Is the Most Popular MP?

  1. 1
    Keir Starmer

    Keir Starmer

    Leader of the Labour Party and MP for Holborn and St Pancras.
    • Party: Labour
    • Leader of the Opposition: Since 2020
  2. 2
    Jacob Rees-Mogg

    Jacob Rees-Mogg

    MP for North East Somerset and former Leader of the House of Commons.
    • Party: Conservative
    • Term as Leader of the House of Commons: 2019-2022
  3. 3
    Boris Johnson

    Boris Johnson

    Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip.
    • Party: Conservative
    • Term as Prime Minister: 2019-2022
  4. 4
    Nicola Sturgeon

    Nicola Sturgeon

    First Minister of Scotland and leader of the Scottish National Party, not an MP but a prominent figure in UK politics.
    • Party: Scottish National Party
    • Position: First Minister of Scotland
  5. 5
    Priti Patel

    Priti Patel

    MP for Witham and former Home Secretary.
    • Party: Conservative
    • Term as Home Secretary: 2019-2022
  6. 6
    Rishi Sunak

    Rishi Sunak

    Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and MP for Richmond (Yorks).
    • Party: Conservative
    • Term as Prime Minister: Since 2022
  7. 7
    Nigel Farage

    Nigel Farage

    Former leader of the UK Independence Party and Brexit Party, not an MP but influential in UK politics.
    • Party: Brexit Party
    • Influence: Led the campaign for Brexit
  8. 8
    Jeremy Corbyn

    Jeremy Corbyn

    Former Leader of the Labour Party and MP for Islington North.
    • Party: Labour
    • Term as Leader of the Labour Party: 2015-2020
  9. 9
    Jo Swinson

    Jo Swinson

    Former Leader of the Liberal Democrats and MP for East Dunbartonshire.
    • Party: Liberal Democrats
    • Term as Leader of the Liberal Democrats: 2019
  10. 10
    Theresa May

    Theresa May

    MP for Maidenhead and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
    • Party: Conservative
    • Term as Prime Minister: 2016-2019

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular MP. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or MP is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 123 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each MP once every 24 hours. The rank of each MP is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular MP

Keir Starmer
Rank #1 for the most popular MP: Keir Starmer (Source)
Members of Parliament (MPs) play crucial roles in democratic systems. They represent the public in legislative bodies and make decisions that shape nations. Some MPs become very popular due to their work, charisma, or media presence. These MPs often stand out for several reasons.

Popular MPs usually have strong communication skills. They speak clearly and persuasively. They connect with people through speeches, social media, and public appearances. Their ability to convey ideas and listen to concerns makes them relatable and trusted.

Their actions and decisions often reflect the needs and wishes of their constituents. They focus on issues that matter most to the public, such as healthcare, education, and jobs. By addressing these concerns, they gain the support and respect of many.

These MPs also tend to have a solid track record. They achieve results and keep promises. People see them as effective and reliable. Their consistency builds confidence among voters and colleagues alike.

Charisma plays a significant role in their popularity. They have a magnetic presence that draws people in. This quality helps them build a broad base of support. It also aids in navigating the complex world of politics, where personal connections can be key.

Media coverage boosts their visibility. Popular MPs often appear in news articles, TV shows, and online platforms. This exposure helps them reach a wider audience. It also allows them to shape public opinion and influence debates.

Their work often extends beyond politics. They engage in community service, charity work, or other public endeavors. These activities show their commitment to making a difference. They also help them connect with people on a personal level.

Popular MPs often mentor others. They share knowledge and experience with new members of Parliament. This mentorship fosters a sense of unity and purpose within the legislative body. It also ensures that their values and principles continue to influence future leaders.

Their popularity sometimes brings challenges. High expectations can lead to intense scrutiny. They must navigate criticism and opposition while staying true to their goals. This balance requires skill, patience, and resilience.

These MPs often have a clear vision for the future. They articulate plans and strategies to achieve long-term goals. This vision inspires others and provides a roadmap for progress. It helps them rally support and drive change.

They also show adaptability. Politics is a dynamic field, with shifting priorities and unforeseen events. Popular MPs adjust their approaches as needed while maintaining core principles. This flexibility allows them to remain effective and relevant.

Their influence often extends beyond their immediate role. They shape policies and debates on a national or even global scale. Their ideas and actions can have far-reaching impacts, affecting many aspects of society.

Popular MPs embody a blend of communication, action, charisma, and vision. They connect with people, achieve results, and inspire others. Their presence and work leave a lasting mark on the political landscape. Their journey reflects the power of dedicated public service in shaping the future.

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