The Most Popular Paper Airplane, Ranked

Choose the paper airplane you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 24, 2024 07:28
In classrooms and homes around the world, the simple joy of crafting a paper airplane brings smiles and a sense of achievement. Each fold and crease can transform a plain sheet of paper into a soaring masterpiece. However, with so many designs flying around, it can be tough to decide which one truly gets the highest marks for distance, style, and ease of creation. That's where our ranking comes in useful. By casting your vote, you help to settle debates and inspire future aviators and engineers. Your input directly influences which designs are deemed the best, creating a dynamic list that reflects the most beloved and effective paper airplanes according to a community of enthusiasts and curious minds.

What Is the Most Popular Paper Airplane?

  1. 1

    The Nakamura Lock

    Katsuhiko Nakamura
    This design is said to be the most popular paper airplane due to its simple yet effective design. It is easy to fold and flies well, making it a favorite among children and adults alike.
    The Nakamura Lock is a fold pattern or locking mechanism used in paper airplanes to secure the wings and enhance stability during flight. It helps maintain the desired wing position and prevent unwanted wing folding or collapse.
    • Wingspan: Variable, typically around 20-25cm
    • Fold Difficulty: Intermediate
    • Flight Distance: Average, around 15-20 meters
    • Stability: High
    • Flight Speed: Moderate
  2. 2

    The Dart

    Jack Northrop
    This classic design is a go-to for many people due to its simplicity and ability to fly straight and far. It is also easy to customize with different paper types and decorations.
    The Dart is a popular paper airplane model known for its simple design and excellent flight performance. It is a basic dart-shaped plane that is easy to fold and launch.
    • Weight: 5 grams
    • Wing Span: 14 centimeters
    • Length: 22 centimeters
    • Flying Range: 25-30 meters
    • Flight Duration: 5-10 seconds
  3. 3
    This design is popular among those who like to add a bit of creativity to their paper airplanes. Its unique shape allows it to fly in a spiral motion, making it stand out from other designs.
    The Hammer is a highly regarded paper airplane design known for its impressive distance and stability in flight. It is a sleek and streamlined model that appeals to both beginners and experienced paper airplane enthusiasts.
    • Wingspan: 23.5 cm
    • Length: 30 cm
    • Weight: 4.5 grams
    • Fold Difficulty: Medium
    • Flight Speed: Fast
  4. 4
    This design is a favorite among those who want to create a plane that can stay in the air for as long as possible. Its large wingspan and lightweight design allow it to glide smoothly through the air.
    The Glider is a classic paper airplane design known for its elegant and sleek look. It is a simple and efficient design, making it one of the most popular paper airplanes.
    • Wingspan: 15cm
    • Length: 20cm
    • Weight: 5g
    • Fold complexity: Medium
    • Flight distance: 15-20 meters
  5. 5
    The Stealth
    Mr.Yahoo! · CC BY-SA 3.0
    This design is popular among children who enjoy creating unique and imaginative paper airplanes. Its unique shape and ability to fly quietly make it a favorite among those who like to play stealthy games.
    The Stealth is a highly popular paper airplane known for its sleek design and impressive flying performance. This airplane was specifically designed to minimize drag and increase distance and accuracy. It is a favorite among paper airplane enthusiasts of all ages.
    • Wingspan: 20 cm
    • Length: 30 cm
    • Weight: 5 grams
    • Flight Range: 25-30 meters
    • Flight Time: 5-7 seconds
  6. 6
    The Swallow
    Alun Williams333 · CC BY-SA 4.0

    The Swallow

    John Collins
    This design is popular among those who want to create a paper airplane that can perform acrobatic tricks. Its curved wings and lightweight design allow it to fly in loops and other maneuvers.
    The Swallow is a highly intricate and challenging paper airplane design known for its speed, stability, and unique wing shape.
    • Wing Span: 10 inches
    • Wing Area: 50 square inches
    • Aerodynamic Profile: Swept-wing
    • Fuselage Length: 7 inches
    • Weight: 6 grams
    The Swallow in other rankings
  7. 7
    The Boomerang
    Pearson Scott Foresman · Public domain
    This design is popular among those who like to create paper airplanes that can return to them after being thrown. Its unique shape and balanced design allow it to return to the thrower in a boomerang-like motion.
    The Boomerang in other rankings
  8. 8
    The Condor
    Cooper Ornithological Club · Public domain

    The Condor

    Alexander Graham
    This design is popular among those who want to create a paper airplane that can fly long distances. Its streamlined design and large wingspan allow it to fly far and fast.
    The Condor is a renowned paper airplane known for its exceptional flight characteristics and popularity among paper airplane enthusiasts. It is a sleek and elegant design that provides both distance and stability during flight.
    • Wingspan: 27 centimeters
    • Length: 35 centimeters
    • Weight: 5 grams
    • Folding Difficulty: Moderate
    • Flight Pattern: Straight and stable
  9. 9
    The Butterfly
    Muhammad Mahdi Karim · GFDL 1.2

    The Butterfly

    Akira Yoshizawa
    This design is popular among those who want to create a paper airplane that looks like a butterfly. Its unique shape and colorful decorations make it a favorite among children.
    The Butterfly is a stunning origami creation that beautifully replicates the delicate and intricate features of a butterfly. It is a representation of the natural beauty and artistry that can be achieved through paper folding. The attention to detail and precision in its design make it one of the most impressive origami creations.
    • Material: Paper
    • Complexity Level: Advanced
    • Size: Varies depending on the folding technique
    • Colors: Various color options
    • Folded Design: Realistic representation of a butterfly
    The Butterfly in other rankings
  10. 10
    This design is popular among those who want to create a paper airplane that looks like an eagle. Its sharp wings and pointed beak make it a favorite among those who like to create paper airplanes that look like animals.
    The Eagle is a highly popular paper airplane known for its impressive flight distance and stability. It is renowned for its sleek and efficient design, making it a favorite among paper airplane enthusiasts of all ages.
    • Wingspan: 28 cm
    • Length: 32 cm
    • Weight: 5 grams
    • Flight distance: 25 meters
    • Stability: High

Missing your favorite paper airplane?


Ranking factors for popular paper airplane

  1. Ease of construction
    A popular paper airplane should be easy to make, with simple step-by-step instructions that anyone can follow, regardless of their skill level or experience with folding paper.
  2. Flight performance
    A good paper airplane should have stable, long, and straight flight. Factors affecting flight performance include lift, drag, and stability.
  3. Aesthetic appeal
    The design of the paper airplane should be visually appealing. A popular paper airplane may have a unique, sleek, or interesting design that is both functional and eye-catching.
  4. Adaptability
    A popular paper airplane should be versatile and suitable for various flying conditions. It should be able to perform well both indoors and outdoors, in different environments.
  5. Customizability
    People should be able to easily modify the basic design of a popular paper airplane, allowing for personalization or improvements to flight performance.
  6. Durability
    A popular paper airplane should be able to withstand multiple flights and crashes without significant damage or loss of performance.
  7. Availability of materials
    The airplane should be able to be made from commonly available materials, such as standard printer or notebook paper.
  8. Popularity and recognition
    A popular paper airplane may be one that has been featured in media, contests, or is frequently used by enthusiasts, which contributes to its widespread popularity and recognition.
  9. Accessibility
    The airplane should be able to be folded by people of all ages and skill levels, making it accessible to a broad range of individuals.
  10. Educational value
    A popular paper airplane may have a design that can teach important concepts in aerodynamics, physics, or engineering, making it both fun and educational.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular paper airplane. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or paper airplane is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 204 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each paper airplane once every 24 hours. The rank of each paper airplane is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular paper airplane

Paper airplanes are a classic form of entertainment that has been enjoyed by people of all ages for generations. They are simple to make, require only a sheet of paper, and can be customized in a variety of ways to suit individual preferences. But what is the most popular paper airplane design? With countless variations to choose from, it can be difficult to determine which one reigns supreme. From the classic dart to the more intricate gliders, there are many contenders vying for the top spot. So, let's take a closer look at some of the most popular paper airplane designs and what makes them stand out.

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