The Most Popular Paper Airplane, Ranked

Choose the paper airplane you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 19, 2024 07:04
At a school science fair, the excitement often peaks during the paper airplane contest, where students eagerly launch their crafted designs across the gym. Observers might wonder which design flies the farthest or performs the best maneuvers. This curiosity about which paper airplane rises above the rest sparked the idea for a dynamic, community-driven ranking system. By participating in this open voting system, users contribute their experiences and preferences, shaping a comprehensive list of the top paper airplanes. This list not only serves as a fun reference but also as a guide for enthusiasts looking to improve their folding techniques or experiment with new designs. Your vote can influence the standings, offering a direct impact on the community consensus.

What Is the Most Popular Paper Airplane?

  1. 1
    The Nakamura Lock

    The Nakamura Lock

    A popular design that is known for its stability and ease of construction.
    • Design Features: Stable design with a lock mechanism in the middle.
    • Flight Characteristics: Stable flight path.
  2. 2
    The Dart

    The Dart

    A classic design known for its speed and distance.
    • Design Simplicity: Very simple to make, requiring only a few folds.
    • Flight Characteristics: Fast and flies long distances.
  3. 3
    The Hammer

    The Hammer

    Known for its sturdy design and ability to do loops.
    • Design Features: Sturdy design that can withstand multiple flights.
    • Flight Characteristics: Capable of performing loops.
  4. 4
    The Glider

    The Glider

    Designed for distance and time aloft, with a more complex construction than the Dart.
    • Design Complexity: More complex than the Dart, with more folds.
    • Flight Characteristics: Flies slower but can stay aloft longer.
  5. 5
    The Stealth

    The Stealth

    Resembles modern stealth aircraft, known for its sleek design and straight flight path.
    • Design Features: Sleek, angular design.
    • Flight Characteristics: Flies straight with minimal drag.
  6. 6
    The Boomerang

    The Boomerang

    Designed to return to the thrower, mimicking a boomerang's flight pattern.
    • Design Features: Crafted to fly back to the point of origin.
    • Flight Characteristics: Mimics a boomerang.
  7. 7
    The Ring

    The Ring

    Distinctive circular design that flies differently from traditional paper airplanes.
    • Design Features: Circular, ring-like structure.
    • Flight Characteristics: Unique flight pattern compared to conventional designs.
  8. 8
    The World Record

    The World Record

    Based on the design used by the current world record holder for the longest paper airplane flight.
    • Design Features: Optimized for maximum flight time and distance.
    • Flight Characteristics: Holds the world record for the longest flight.
  9. 9
    The Tube

    The Tube

    Unconventional design resembling a tube, known for its circular flight paths.
    • Design Features: Tube-like structure.
    • Flight Characteristics: Can fly in circular paths.
  10. 10
    The Canard

    The Canard

    Features small wings at the front and is known for its unique flight patterns.
    • Design Features: Front canards for unique lift and stability.
    • Flight Characteristics: Unpredictable flight patterns.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular paper airplane. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or paper airplane is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 173 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each paper airplane once every 24 hours. The rank of each paper airplane is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Paper Airplane

The Nakamura Lock
Rank #1 for the most popular paper airplane: The Nakamura Lock (Source)
Paper airplanes have fascinated people for generations. Their simple design and ease of creation make them accessible to children and adults alike. The most popular designs often share common traits that contribute to their widespread appeal and effectiveness.

At the core, a good paper airplane balances ease of folding with flight performance. Many designs start with a standard sheet of paper. This paper gets folded in a series of steps, transforming it from a flat sheet into a sleek flying object. The process is straightforward, requiring no special tools or materials. This simplicity is key to its popularity.

The design often involves a few basic folds. These folds create the wings, body, and sometimes a tail or fin. The wings are crucial as they provide lift. The body adds weight and stability. Some designs may also include a nose section, which helps with aerodynamics. The balance between these elements determines how well the plane flies.

Flight performance depends on several factors. The symmetry of the folds is critical. Any imbalance can cause the plane to veer off course. The weight distribution also plays a role. A well-balanced plane will glide smoothly through the air. Adjustments can be made to the wings or body to fine-tune the flight path.

The material of the paper impacts the flight too. Standard printer paper is a common choice. It is readily available and has the right balance of weight and flexibility. Thicker paper can add durability but may affect the flight negatively. Lighter paper can improve flight distance but may be less durable.

Aerodynamics is a key principle behind the best paper airplanes. The shape of the wings and body must reduce drag and increase lift. The angle at which the plane is launched also matters. A gentle, level throw usually yields the best results. Too much force can cause the plane to nosedive or loop.

Many enthusiasts experiment with different designs. They tweak the folds, angles, and materials to achieve better results. Some designs focus on distance, aiming to travel as far as possible. Others prioritize stability, ensuring a smooth and predictable flight. There are also designs that emphasize acrobatics, capable of performing loops and tricks.

The appeal of paper airplanes goes beyond their flight. The act of creating them is a form of art and engineering. It engages the mind and hands, offering a satisfying experience. The process of trial and error, testing different designs, and making adjustments is both fun and educational.

Paper airplanes also bring people together. They are a common activity in classrooms, where students can learn about physics and aerodynamics. They are a popular pastime at home, offering a simple and enjoyable way to pass the time. Competitions and events often feature paper airplane contests, adding a social and competitive element.

In essence, the most popular paper airplane designs are those that strike a balance between simplicity and performance. They are easy to make, fly well, and provide endless opportunities for experimentation and enjoyment. This timeless activity continues to captivate and inspire, proving that sometimes the simplest things bring the most joy.

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