The Most Popular Paper Mario Game, Ranked

Choose the game you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:04
Fans of the Paper Mario series often debate which game stands out as the best. Each title brings its unique charm, innovative gameplay, and story twists that resonate differently with every player. By ranking these games, we aim to see which editions have left the most significant mark on the community. This live ranking helps new and old players alike to see which games might be worth their time, based on collective fan feedback. Voting also gives everyone a chance to support their favorite entries in the series. Your participation shapes this continually updated list, reflecting the current preferences and trends among gamers.

What Is the Most Popular Paper Mario Game?

  1. 1

    Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

    The second installment in the Paper Mario series, known for its engaging story, unique art style, and deep RPG mechanics.
    • Release Date: 2004
    • Platform: GameCube
  2. 2
    Paper Mario

    Paper Mario

    The original game that started it all, introducing players to the 2D Mario in a 3D world concept.
    • Release Date: 2000
    • Platform: Nintendo 64
  3. 3

    Super Paper Mario

    A departure from traditional RPG elements, focusing more on platforming and real-time combat.
    • Release Date: 2007
    • Platform: Wii
  4. 4

    Paper Mario: Color Splash

    A visually stunning game that utilizes a unique painting mechanic for battles and puzzles.
    • Release Date: 2016
    • Platform: Wii U
  5. 5

    Paper Mario: The Origami King

    The latest installment in the series, featuring an origami-themed world and a new ring-based battle system.
    • Release Date: 2020
    • Platform: Nintendo Switch
  6. 6

    Paper Mario: Master Quest

    A fan-made mod of The Thousand-Year Door, known for its increased difficulty and new content.
    • Release Type: Fan Mod
    • Base Game: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
  7. 7

    Paper Mario: Sticker Star

    Introduces a sticker mechanic where players collect and use stickers to battle enemies and solve puzzles.
    • Release Date: 2012
    • Platform: Nintendo 3DS
  8. 8

    Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam

    A crossover game that combines elements from both the Paper Mario series and the Mario & Luigi series.
    • Release Date: 2015
    • Platform: Nintendo 3DS
  9. 9

    Paper Mario: The Origami King - Speedrun Edition

    A fan-modified version of The Origami King tailored for the speedrunning community.
    • Release Type: Fan Mod
    • Base Game: Paper Mario: The Origami King
  10. 10

    Paper Mario Pro Mode

    A challenging fan-made mod that overhauls battles and puzzles to provide a tougher experience.
    • Release Type: Fan Mod
    • Base Game: Paper Mario

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Paper Mario game. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or game is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 119 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each game once every 24 hours. The rank of each game is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Paper Mario Game

The Paper Mario series has captured the hearts of many gamers. It blends role-playing elements with a unique paper-like art style. The series began in the early 2000s. Each game features Mario in a world made of paper. The visual style stands out. Characters look like they are cut from paper. Environments fold and unfold like origami.

The gameplay combines turn-based combat with puzzle-solving. Players control Mario as he navigates various levels. He interacts with characters, battles enemies, and solves puzzles. The combat system is simple yet strategic. Players must time their button presses to maximize damage. This keeps the battles engaging.

The storylines are light-hearted yet compelling. Mario often embarks on a quest to save Princess Peach. Along the way, he meets quirky characters. These allies join him and offer unique abilities. The dialogue is witty and full of humor. This adds charm to the game.

The music in the series is memorable. Each game features a soundtrack that enhances the experience. The tunes are catchy and fit the mood of each scene. From upbeat tracks in battles to soothing melodies in towns, the music leaves a lasting impression.

The series also includes various side activities. These range from mini-games to collecting hidden items. These activities add depth and replay value. Players can spend hours exploring every nook and cranny.

The art style and humor appeal to both kids and adults. The games are accessible to younger players but have enough depth for older fans. The balance between simplicity and complexity is key to the series' appeal.

The Paper Mario series has evolved over the years. Each game introduces new mechanics and features. Some focus more on RPG elements, while others emphasize action and puzzles. This variety keeps the series fresh.

The fan base for Paper Mario is dedicated. Many fans discuss their favorite moments and characters. Online communities share tips, fan art, and theories. The series has a special place in the hearts of many gamers.

The development teams behind the games put great effort into each title. They experiment with new ideas while staying true to the core elements. This dedication shows in the final product.

The Paper Mario series continues to be popular. It stands out in the crowded gaming market. The unique blend of art, humor, and gameplay makes it a beloved franchise. Fans eagerly await each new installment.

In summary, the Paper Mario series offers a unique and engaging experience. Its blend of RPG elements, humor, and paper-like art style sets it apart. The series appeals to a wide audience and has a dedicated fan base. Each game brings something new while staying true to its roots. The Paper Mario series remains a staple in the gaming world.

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