The Most Popular Phone Number, Ranked

Choose the phone number you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 22, 2024 07:25
In an age where communication is key, having quick access to the right phone numbers can profoundly impact our daily efficiency and connectivity. Whether it's for emergency services, customer support, or that popular new restaurant everyone is talking about, knowing which numbers are most trusted by the public can save time and enhance our interactions. This continuously updated ranking of popular phone numbers is shaped entirely by your votes, ensuring that the most valuable and reliable contacts rise to the top. By participating, you help create a resource that benefits the entire community, providing a clear and current glimpse into the contacts that others find the most useful and essential.

What Is the Most Popular Phone Number?

  1. 1
    212 - New York City
    Fred Hsu on en.wikipedia · CC BY-SA 4.0
    One of the original area codes in the United States, and still one of the most recognized. It covers Manhattan and parts of the Bronx in New York City.
    The 212 phone number is associated with New York City, specifically Manhattan. It has gained popularity as a prestigious area code and is widely recognized as a symbol of the city.
    • Location: New York City, Manhattan
    • Area Code: 212
    • Prestige: Associated with an affluent and iconic city
    • Popularity: Frequently used by businesses, celebrities, and prominent individuals
    • Historical Significance: Considered one of the original area codes in North America
  2. 2
    310 - Los Angeles
    Alek Leckszas · CC BY-SA 4.0
    Covers the Westside of Los Angeles, including Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, and Malibu.
    "310 - Los Angeles" is a popular phone number associated with the city of Los Angeles in California, United States. It has gained recognition due to its association with the entertainment industry and the glamorous lifestyle of Hollywood.
    • Geographic Area: Los Angeles, California, United States
    • Area Code: 310
    • Significance: Associated with the city of Los Angeles
    • Popularity: High, due to its association with Hollywood and the entertainment industry
    • Use Cases: Used for personal and business phone numbers in the Los Angeles area
  3. 3
    Covers the downtown area of Chicago, including the Loop, River North, and the West Loop.
    312 - Chicago is a phone number area code used in the city of Chicago, Illinois, in the United States. It is one of the most popular and recognized area codes in the country.
    • Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States
    • Created By: North American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA)
    • Numbering Plan Type: Geographic
    • Coverage Area: City of Chicago
    • Significance: One of the most recognizable and iconic area codes
  4. 4
  5. 5
    415 - San Francisco
    Noah Friedlander · CC BY-SA 4.0
    Covers San Francisco and parts of Marin County.
    The phone number prefix 415 is commonly associated with the city of San Francisco, California, in the United States. As one of the most recognizable area codes within the state, it has become an iconic symbol of the vibrant and innovative culture of San Francisco.
    • Location: San Francisco, California, United States
    • Area Code: 415
    • State: California
    • Country: United States
    • Time Zone: Pacific Time Zone
  6. 6
    617 - Boston
    Martin~jawiki at Japanese Wikipedia · CC BY-SA 3.0
    Covers Boston and its suburbs, including Cambridge and Brookline.
    617 - Boston is a phone number prefix used in the greater Boston area in Massachusetts, United States. It covers the central areas of Boston, including Downtown, Back Bay, Beacon Hill, and South Boston.
    • Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States
    • Number Prefix: 617
    • Region Covered: Greater Boston area
    • Major Areas Covered: Downtown, Back Bay, Beacon Hill, South Boston
    • Number Type: Fixed Line
  7. 7
    Covers Houston and its suburbs.
    713 - Houston is a phone number with the area code 713 which is associated with the city of Houston, Texas. It is one of the most popular area codes in Houston and is used for both landline and mobile phone numbers.
    • Area Code: 713
    • Location: Houston, Texas
    • Use: Landline and mobile phone numbers
    • Coverage: Houston metropolitan area
    • Population: Approximately 7 million people
  8. 8
    786 - Miami
    Marc Averette · CC BY-SA 3.0
    Covers Miami and its suburbs.
    786 - Miami is a popular phone number with a distinct cultural and geographical significance in Miami, Florida. It is commonly used by residents and businesses within the Miami-Dade County area.
    • Geographical Area: Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States
    • Creation Year: 1998
    • Overlay: 786 is an overlay area code that serves the same geographic area as the 305 area code.
    • Population Served: Serves a population of over 2.7 million people within Miami-Dade County.
    • Culture: The 786 area code has become symbolic of Miami's vibrant and diverse culture, particularly within the local hip-hop and Latin American communities.
  9. 9
    818 - Los Angeles
    Alek Leckszas · CC BY-SA 4.0
    Covers the San Fernando Valley, including Burbank and Glendale.
    The phone number prefix '818' is commonly associated with the city of Los Angeles in the United States. It belongs to the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) and is widely recognized as a primary area code for the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles County. It is used for both landline and mobile phone numbers.
    • Overlay: 818/747
    • Introduced: January 7, 1984
    • Country: United States
    • Location: Los Angeles, California
    • Region: San Fernando Valley
  10. 10
    917 - New York City
    Fred Hsu on en.wikipedia · CC BY-SA 4.0
    Covers all of New York City's boroughs.
    917 - New York City is a popular phone number prefix for the city of New York. It is widely used by residents, businesses, and organizations in the metropolitan area.
    • Location: New York City
    • Telephone Code: 917
    • Area Code: 212
    • Created: 1992
    • Usage: Residential, business, and organization numbers

Missing your favorite phone number?


Ranking factors for popular phone number

  1. Call frequency
    The number of incoming and outgoing calls made to and from the phone number. The more frequent the calls, the more popular the phone number may be.
  2. Contacts
    The number of contacts associated with the phone number in people's address books or phone directories. A higher number of contacts usually indicates a more popular phone number.
  3. Text message activity
    The number of text messages (SMS and MMS) sent and received by the phone number. Popular phone numbers are likely to have high rates of text messaging activity.
  4. Social media presence
    If the phone number is tied to social media accounts or business profiles, a higher number of followers, likes, or engagement can be an indicator of popularity.
  5. Recognition
    The recognition value of the phone number, such as famous people or businesses associated with the number, can contribute to the overall popularity.
  6. Geographical area
    The popularity of a phone number can also depend on its geographical area, with certain regions having higher concentrations of popular phone numbers.
  7. Memorable or unique numbers
    Phone numbers with a memorable or unique pattern, such as consecutive digits or repeated numbers, can contribute to its popularity (e.g., 123-456-7890 or 555-555-5555).
  8. Service requests
    The number of service requests or inquiries made to the phone number, such as customer service calls or business transactions, can also contribute to its popularity.
  9. Spam calls
    A high number of incoming spam calls can indicate a popular phone number, but it might not be due to genuine interest or engagement. This factor should be weighed against other factors that indicate popularity.
  10. Duration and stability
    The longer a phone number has been in use and associated with a particular person or organization, the more likely it is to be popular, as it has had more time to establish connections and recognition.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular phone number. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or number is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 171 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each number once every 24 hours. The rank of each number is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular phone number

When it comes to phone numbers, there is no one "most popular" number. However, certain numbers do have cultural significance and are more commonly preferred by people in different regions or countries. For example, in Chinese culture, the number 8 is considered lucky and is often chosen for phone numbers. In Japan, the number 090-4444-4444 is considered a lucky number because it has four 4s in a row, which is pronounced "shi" and sounds like the Japanese word for death. In the United States, phone numbers with easy-to-remember patterns or repetitions, such as 555-5555 or 123-4567, are often preferred. Ultimately, the most popular phone number is subjective and varies based on personal preference and cultural significance.

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