The Most Popular Photo-selling Website, Ranked

Choose the photo-selling website you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 16, 2024 07:05
For photographers seeking to monetize their work, choosing the right marketplace can be a daunting task. With numerous websites available, each claiming to offer the best features and audience, it's difficult to discern which truly aligns with a photographer's needs. A ranked list based on real user experiences and votes provides a clear, crowd-sourced insight into the top-performing sites. By participating in this live ranking, users contribute their unique perspectives and experiences, assisting both new and seasoned photographers in making informed decisions. This democratic approach not only reflects current trends and preferences but also empowers users to influence the marketplace by highlighting the best platforms for selling photos.

What Is the Most Popular Photo-selling Website?

  1. 1


    A global marketplace for imagery, offering a wide range of photos, vectors, illustrations, and footage.
    • Founded: 2003
    • Headquarters: New York City, New York, U.S.
  2. 2
    Getty Images

    Getty Images

    One of the most well-known sources for high-quality images, offering stock photos, editorial images, and videos.
    • Founded: 1995
    • Headquarters: Seattle, Washington, U.S.
  3. 3
    Adobe Stock

    Adobe Stock

    Provides designers and businesses with access to millions of high-quality, curated, royalty-free photos, videos, illustrations, and vector graphics.
    • Parent Company: Adobe Inc.
  4. 4


    Offers a diverse collection of stock photography, vectors, and videos from photographers around the world.
    • Founded: 1999
    • Headquarters: Oxfordshire, England
  5. 5


    Offers millions of exclusive, royalty-free, stock files. It is a subsidiary of Getty Images.
    • Founded: 2000
    • Headquarters: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  6. 6


    Features a vast library of royalty-free images and stock photography for personal or commercial use.
    • Founded: 2000
    • Headquarters: Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.
  7. 7


    Provides stock photos, vectors, video clips, and music files to businesses and individuals.
    • Founded: 2005
    • Headquarters: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  8. 8


    Offered a diverse library of royalty-free stock photos, graphics, and videos before being acquired by Adobe and integrated into Adobe Stock.
    • Acquired by Adobe: 2014
  9. 9


    A stock photography platform that offers a unique selection of high-quality Royalty-Free photographs, vectors, videos, and illustrations.
    • Founded: 2009
    • Headquarters: New York City, New York, U.S.
  10. 10


    Provides a wide array of high-quality stock photos, vectors, and illustrations available for purchase.
    • Founded: 2004
    • Headquarters: New York City, New York, U.S.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular photo-selling website. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or photo-selling site is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 144 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each photo-selling site once every 24 hours. The rank of each photo-selling site is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Photo-selling Website

Rank #1 for the most popular photo-selling website: Shutterstock (Source)
The internet has changed how photographers sell their work. Photo-selling websites have become a popular platform for this. These websites allow photographers to upload images and sell them to a wide range of buyers. Buyers include businesses, marketers, and individuals looking for high-quality images.

In the past, photographers had to rely on galleries or direct sales to make a living. This often limited their reach to local or regional markets. The internet opened up a global market. Now, anyone with a camera and an eye for a good shot can reach buyers around the world.

Photo-selling websites emerged as a solution to meet this new demand. They provide a platform where photographers can showcase their work. These sites handle the technical side of things, like hosting images and processing payments. This allows photographers to focus on what they do best: taking photos.

One key feature of these websites is their user-friendly interface. Photographers can easily upload and organize their images. They can also set prices and choose how they want to license their work. This gives photographers control over their sales and their brand.

Buyers also benefit from these websites. They offer a vast library of images on various subjects. This makes it easy for buyers to find exactly what they need. The search functions are often robust, allowing users to filter images by category, color, or even mood. This saves time and ensures that buyers find the perfect image for their needs.

Another important aspect is the community. These websites often have forums or social features. Photographers can share tips, get feedback, and connect with others in the field. This sense of community can be motivating and educational.

Quality control is another strong point. These websites often have strict guidelines for image quality. This ensures that buyers get high-quality images. It also pushes photographers to improve their skills, knowing that only the best work will be accepted.

Earnings can vary widely. Some photographers make a full-time living from selling their images. Others use it as a side income. The key to success often lies in understanding the market and knowing what types of images sell best. Popular themes include nature, travel, business, and lifestyle. Keeping up with trends can also help photographers stay relevant and increase their sales.

The rise of these websites has also led to changes in the industry. Traditional stock photo agencies have had to adapt to the new competition. Some have even partnered with these websites to expand their reach. This has created more opportunities for photographers to get their work seen and sold.

In summary, photo-selling websites have revolutionized the way photographers sell their work. They offer a global platform, user-friendly tools, and a supportive community. They have made it easier than ever for photographers to reach a wide audience and make a living from their passion. The industry continues to evolve, offering new opportunities and challenges for photographers around the world.

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