The Most Popular Ringtone, Ranked

Choose the ringtone you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 17, 2024 07:07
Choosing the right ringtone can be a surprisingly personal decision, reflecting one's taste and often setting the tone for how one's day begins. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to sift through countless sounds to find that perfect one. A ranked list of popular ringtones helps simplify this process, presenting users with choices that have already met with widespread approval. By participating in the voting process, users contribute to creating a democratic and current reflection of what is resonating with the public. This not only aids others in making quicker, more informed decisions but also keeps the list fresh and relevant. Whether you prefer classic tones or seek something that stands out, seeing what others enjoy can provide new perspectives and ideas.

What Is the Most Popular Ringtone?

  1. 1

    iPhone Marimba

    Introduced with the first iPhone, Marimba became instantly recognizable.
    • Origin: 2007
  2. 2
    Nokia Tune

    Nokia Tune

    Originally named Grande Valse, this iconic ringtone was a default on Nokia phones.
    • Origin: 1994
  3. 3

    Samsung Over The Horizon

    Samsung's signature ringtone, refreshed every year to match their flagship phone.
    • Origin: 2011
  4. 4
    Crazy Frog

    Crazy Frog

    Based on the sound effect from a Swedish computer animation, it became a viral sensation.
    • Origin: 2003
  5. 5
    CTU Ringtone

    CTU Ringtone

    From the TV show 24, this ringtone mimics the sound of a phone from the Counter Terrorist Unit.
    • Type: TV Show Theme
  6. 6

    Old Phone

    Mimicking the sound of old rotary phones, this ringtone is popular for its nostalgic value.
    • Type: Classic
  7. 7
    Mission Impossible

    Mission Impossible

    The theme song from the Mission Impossible series has been a popular ringtone choice.
    • Type: Movie Theme
  8. 8

    The Mosquito

    Originally used to deter youth loitering with its high frequency, it became a popular ringtone.
    • Type: High Frequency
  9. 9
    Harry Potter Theme

    Harry Potter Theme

    The iconic theme from the Harry Potter film series is a magical choice for fans.
    • Type: Movie Theme
  10. 10
    Super Mario Bros Theme

    Super Mario Bros Theme

    The main theme from the classic Nintendo game is a favorite for gamers.
    • Origin: 1985

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular ringtone. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or ringtone is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 144 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each ringtone once every 24 hours. The rank of each ringtone is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Ringtone

Ringtones have been around since the early days of mobile phones. They started as simple beeps and tones. Over time, they evolved into more complex melodies. The popularity of ringtones grew as mobile phones became widespread. People wanted to personalize their phones. A unique ringtone made it easier to identify one's phone in a crowd.

In the early 2000s, ringtones became a big business. Companies created and sold ringtones. Users could download them for a fee. This was a new way to make money from mobile phones. It also allowed artists to reach more fans. Some ringtones even became chart-topping hits. The industry saw rapid growth during this period.

The rise of smartphones changed the ringtone landscape. These devices had better sound capabilities. Users could now use snippets of their favorite songs. This shift reduced the demand for custom ringtones. Yet, the desire for personalization remained strong. People still wanted their phones to reflect their tastes.

The most popular ringtones often have a few key features. They are catchy and memorable. A good ringtone stands out without being annoying. It should be easy to recognize. Some ringtones use familiar melodies. Others rely on unique sounds or rhythms. The goal is to create something that people enjoy hearing.

Many factors influence ringtone trends. Cultural moments play a big role. A popular movie or TV show can spark a new trend. Viral videos and memes also have an impact. Social media spreads these trends quickly. People want to be part of the latest craze. This drives the popularity of certain ringtones.

Technology also affects ringtone trends. As phone capabilities improve, so do ringtones. Better speakers and audio quality allow for more complex sounds. This opens up new possibilities for creativity. Developers can experiment with different styles and genres. Users benefit from a wider range of options.

Despite changes in technology, some things remain constant. Personalization is still important. People want their phones to reflect their personality. A ringtone is a small but significant way to do this. It can make a phone feel more personal and unique.

The most popular ringtones often tap into emotions. They can make people feel happy, nostalgic, or excited. A good ringtone creates a positive association. This increases its appeal and popularity. Over time, certain ringtones become iconic. They are remembered long after their initial release.

In conclusion, ringtones have come a long way. From simple beeps to complex melodies, they have evolved with technology. The desire for personalization drives their popularity. Trends come and go, but the need for a unique ringtone remains. As technology continues to advance, so will ringtones. They will keep adapting to new trends and user preferences. The most popular ringtones will always find a way to stand out.

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