The Most Popular Sausage in the UK, Ranked

Choose the sausage you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:08
When it comes to choosing a favourite sausage, opinions vary widely across the UK. Some people cherish the rich, herby flavors that remind them of festive markets and family barbecues, while others prefer a lighter, perhaps even spicy twist conducive to quick, delicious meals. This variation in tastes makes compiling a consensus on the top sausages not just useful for culinary discovery, but also essential for those trying to find new favorites or reassess their current preferences. By casting your vote on this list, you contribute to a broader understanding of what makes a sausage stand out in the UK today. Your participation helps ensure that the rankings reflect real user preferences and experiences. Whether you're a fan of traditional recipes or innovative new combinations, your input will directly impact how others might explore and enjoy these culinary staples.

What Is the Most Popular Sausage in the UK?

  1. 1


    While originally from Spain, chorizo has become a popular ingredient in British cooking.
    • Origin: Spain
  2. 2


    A term commonly used in the UK to refer to any type of sausage, especially in the context of 'bangers and mash'.
    • Dish: Bangers and Mash
  3. 3
    Lincolnshire Sausage

    Lincolnshire Sausage

    Famous for its high sage content, giving it a unique taste among British sausages.
    • Flavor: Sage
  4. 4
    Cumberland Sausage

    Cumberland Sausage

    A traditional English sausage known for its long, coiled shape and distinctive seasoning.
    • Origin: Cumbria, England
    • Protected Status: Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)
  5. 5
    Black Pudding

    Black Pudding

    A type of blood sausage that is a traditional part of the full English breakfast.
    • Main Ingredients: Pork blood, oatmeal, or barley
  6. 6

    Pork Sausage

    A staple in British cuisine, often enjoyed as part of a traditional English breakfast.
    • Key Ingredient: Pork
  7. 7

    Venison Sausage

    Made from deer meat, this sausage is known for its gamey flavor and lean meat.
    • Main Ingredient: Deer meat
  8. 8
    Blood Sausage

    Blood Sausage

    Also known as blood pudding, this is a savory dish made from blood and fillers like meat, fat, or oatmeal.
    • Variety: Savory
  9. 9


    A small, thin sausage, usually made from pork, popular in the UK especially around Christmas.
    • Size: Small and thin
  10. 10

    Pork and Leek Sausage

    A flavorful sausage variety that combines pork with the subtle taste of leek.
    • Ingredients: Pork, leek

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular sausage in the UK. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Sausage is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 26 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Sausage once every 24 hours. The rank of each Sausage is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Sausage in the UK

Rank #1 for the most popular sausage in the UK: Chorizo (Source)
Sausages have been a staple in British cuisine for centuries. They are a versatile food, enjoyed by many across the country. The origins of sausage-making in the UK date back to Roman times. The Romans brought their methods and recipes when they invaded Britain. Over time, these methods evolved, influenced by local ingredients and tastes.

In the UK, sausages are often made from pork. The meat is minced and mixed with a blend of herbs and spices. This mixture is then stuffed into a casing, traditionally made from animal intestines. Today, synthetic casings are also common. Each region in the UK has its own unique recipe, reflecting local flavors and traditions.

Sausages are a key part of many traditional British meals. They are often served with mashed potatoes and gravy, a dish known as "bangers and mash." Another popular dish is the "full English breakfast," which includes sausages, eggs, bacon, beans, and toast. Sausages are also used in stews, casseroles, and pies.

The popularity of sausages in the UK is due to their convenience and versatility. They can be grilled, fried, baked, or boiled. They can be eaten on their own or used as an ingredient in various dishes. Sausages are also a popular choice for barbecues and outdoor gatherings.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in gourmet sausages. Artisanal producers are experimenting with new flavors and high-quality ingredients. Some use rare breeds of pork, while others incorporate exotic spices and herbs. This trend has led to a resurgence in the popularity of sausages, with many people seeking out unique and premium varieties.

The UK also has a strong tradition of sausage competitions and festivals. These events celebrate the best in sausage-making, with awards given for taste, texture, and innovation. They attract both professional butchers and amateur enthusiasts, all vying for the top prize.

Despite their long history, sausages remain a beloved part of British culture. They are enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. Whether as a quick snack or a main meal, sausages continue to be a popular choice in the UK. Their enduring appeal lies in their simplicity, versatility, and rich flavors.

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