The Most Popular SML Video, Ranked

Choose the video you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 16, 2024 07:11
Fans of SML videos often discuss which episodes stand out as the best due to their humorous content, unforgettable characters, and creative plots. With a plethora of episodes available, it can be challenging for both new and longtime viewers to identify which ones are considered the cream of the crop by the broader community. This site offers a solution by allowing fans to cast their votes, helping to generate a live ranking of the most beloved SML videos. By participating in the voting, users contribute to a continuously updated list that reflects the opinions of the community as a whole. This dynamic voting system not only fuels engagement but also provides an interesting overview of changing tastes and preferences among viewers over time. Whether you're looking to reminisce over classic favorites or curious about the current hits, the rankings here serve as a fun and interactive guide.

What Is the Most Popular SML Video?

  1. 1

    Jeffy's Homework!

    A video featuring the character Jeffy struggling with his homework.
    • Views: Over 36 million
  2. 2

    Jeffy's Bad Word!

    Jeffy says a bad word and Mario tries to stop him from saying it.
    • Views: Over 28 million
  3. 3

    Jeffy's Mistake!

    Jeffy makes a mistake that leads to a series of comedic events.
    • Views: Over 17 million
  4. 4

    Jeffy The Rapper!

    Jeffy becomes a rapper, but fame comes with its own challenges.
    • Views: Over 19 million
  5. 5

    The Secret Door!

    Mario and friends discover a mysterious door with unexpected contents.
    • Views: Over 24 million
  6. 6

    Bowser Junior's Summer School

    Bowser Junior goes to summer school.
    • Views: Over 29 million
  7. 7

    Jeffy's Parents!

    The story of Jeffy's biological parents is revealed.
    • Views: Over 22 million
  8. 8

    Bowser Junior's Homework

    Bowser Junior tries to get out of doing his homework.
    • Views: Over 20 million
  9. 9

    Jeffy's Cellphone!

    Jeffy gets a cellphone but faces consequences for his misuse.
    • Views: Over 25 million
  10. 10

    Locked Out

    Mario accidentally locks himself out of the house, leading to unexpected adventures.
    • Views: Over 18 million

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular SML video. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or video is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 112 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each video once every 24 hours. The rank of each video is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular SML Video

SML, or SuperMarioLogan, is a popular YouTube channel. It features plush toys in comedic skits. The channel has a large fan base. The creator, Logan Thirtyacre, started it in 2007. He uses characters from the Mario video games. Over time, the channel evolved. It now includes original characters.

One video stands out as the most popular. It has millions of views. Fans love it for its humor and creativity. The video features a mix of old and new characters. The plot is simple but engaging. It captures the essence of SML's style.

The video starts with a problem. The characters try to solve it. Their attempts lead to funny situations. Each character has a unique personality. This adds depth to the story. The dialogue is witty. It keeps viewers entertained.

The video also has high production quality. The camera work is smooth. The editing is sharp. The sound effects enhance the humor. The background music fits well. These elements make the video enjoyable to watch.

The popularity of this video is no surprise. It appeals to a wide audience. Kids and adults find it funny. The characters are relatable. The humor is universal. The video is also easy to share. Fans often recommend it to friends.

SML's success is due to its creator's dedication. Logan works hard to produce content. He listens to his fans. He adapts to their feedback. This keeps the channel fresh. It also helps it grow.

The most popular video reflects this effort. It shows the best of SML. The humor, characters, and production are top-notch. It's a testament to the channel's quality.

In conclusion, the most popular SML video is a hit for many reasons. It has a simple plot, funny dialogue, and high production quality. It appeals to a broad audience. It showcases the best of SML. Fans love it, and it continues to gain views. The video is a prime example of why SML remains a favorite on YouTube.

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