The Most Popular Song from Doom Eternal, Ranked

Choose the song you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:11
Fans of Doom Eternal often debate which song captures the essence of its intense gameplay and immersive world best. Given the game's well-received soundtrack, identifying the top track helps new and seasoned players alike enhance their gaming experience. By ranking these songs, the community can collectively decide which tracks stand out in embodying the spirit of Doom Eternal. Your participation matters. By contributing your vote, you help in molding a consensus on which song really resonates with the heart of the Doom Eternal experience. Each vote brings clarity to what the community feels about the music that fuels the adrenaline-pumping moments of the game. So, cast your vote today and see where your favorite tracks rank among fellow fans.

What Is the Most Popular Song from Doom Eternal?

  1. 1

    The Only Thing They Fear Is You

    A highly intense and adrenaline-pumping track that has become synonymous with Doom Eternal.
    • Composer: Mick Gordon
    • Game Release Date: March 20, 2020
  2. 2


    Combines heavy metal with electronic elements to create a unique atmosphere.
    • Composer: Mick Gordon
    • Featured In: Doom Eternal Soundtrack
  3. 3

    Super Gore Nest

    Captures the chaotic nature of one of the game's most intense levels.
    • Composer: Mick Gordon
    • Level: Super Gore Nest
  4. 4

    Hell on Earth

    Sets the tone for the game with its opening sequence.
    • Composer: Mick Gordon
    • Game Introduction: Opening sequence of Doom Eternal
  5. 5

    Cultist Base

    A track that perfectly captures the game's blend of horror and action.
    • Composer: Mick Gordon
    • Gameplay Element: Combines exploration and combat
  6. 6

    Mars Core

    An energetic track that plays during missions on Mars.
    • Composer: Mick Gordon
    • Location: Mars
  7. 7

    Final Sin

    The epic conclusion to the Doom Eternal soundtrack.
    • Composer: Mick Gordon
    • Game Ending: Accompanies the game's final mission
  8. 8

    Doom Hunter

    A menacing track that accompanies one of the game's boss fights.
    • Composer: Mick Gordon
    • Boss Fight: Doom Hunter
  9. 9

    BFG Division 2020

    A remix of the iconic track from Doom 2016, reimagined for Doom Eternal.
    • Composer: Mick Gordon
    • Original Track Release: 2016
  10. 10


    A thrilling track that plays during the Gladiator boss fight.
    • Composer: Mick Gordon
    • Boss Fight: Gladiator

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular song from Doom Eternal. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or song is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 8 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each song once every 24 hours. The rank of each song is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Song from Doom Eternal

Doom Eternal, released in 2020, is a first-person shooter game that has captivated players worldwide. Its intense gameplay, stunning graphics, and gripping story have earned it a place among the top games of its time. One of the standout features of Doom Eternal is its soundtrack. The music plays a crucial role in creating the game's atmosphere.

The soundtrack was composed by Mick Gordon, a renowned composer in the gaming industry. His work on Doom Eternal has been praised for its ability to match the game's fast-paced and brutal nature. The music is a blend of heavy metal, electronic, and industrial sounds. This mix creates an intense and immersive experience for players.

The most popular song from the game has become iconic. It captures the essence of Doom Eternal perfectly. The track features powerful guitar riffs, pounding drums, and electronic elements. These components come together to create a sound that is both aggressive and energizing. The song's structure is dynamic, with shifts in tempo and intensity that mirror the gameplay.

Fans of the game have embraced the song. It has been widely shared and discussed online. Many players find that the music enhances their experience, making the action feel even more intense. The song has also inspired numerous covers and remixes, showcasing its broad appeal.

Mick Gordon's approach to creating the soundtrack involved a deep understanding of the game's themes and mechanics. He wanted the music to feel like a natural extension of the gameplay. To achieve this, he used a variety of techniques and tools. He experimented with different instruments and sounds, pushing the boundaries of traditional game music.

One notable aspect of the song is its use of a choir. The choir's chanting adds a haunting and epic quality to the track. This element helps to elevate the music, making it feel grand and imposing. The combination of the choir with the heavy metal instrumentation creates a unique and memorable sound.

The song's impact extends beyond the game itself. It has been featured in trailers, promotional materials, and live performances. Its popularity has helped to boost the game's visibility and appeal. The track has become a defining feature of Doom Eternal, contributing to its success and legacy.

In conclusion, the most popular song from Doom Eternal is a testament to the power of music in gaming. Mick Gordon's composition has resonated with players and critics alike. Its blend of heavy metal, electronic, and industrial sounds creates an intense and immersive experience. The song has become an iconic part of the game, enhancing its atmosphere and leaving a lasting impression.

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