The Most Popular Song from Horrible Histories, Ranked

Choose the song you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 25, 2024 06:49
When you think back to the lessons of history, they're rarely delivered with a catchy tune. However, the musical skits from Horrible Histories have a unique way of sticking in our minds, each song blending humor with facts to make history both engaging and memorable. Deciding which song takes the top spot could ignite interesting debates and reflect what resonates most with audiences. By voting for your top pick, you contribute to a dynamic tally of community favorites, highlighting which historical themes captivate fans the most. This process doesn't just spotlight the most entertaining tune; it illuminates which historical periods or figures have captivated viewers' imaginations through music. Engage with the list to see where your favorites rank and help shape the collective historical soundtrack.

What Is the Most Popular Song from Horrible Histories?

  1. 1
    This song is featured in the TV series and live show and has become an anthem for fans of Horrible Histories. It tells the story of Henry VIII and his six wives.
  2. 2
    This song was featured in the TV series and tells the story of the Vikings and their conquests. It has a catchy and upbeat melody.
    The Vikings is a popular song from the British children's television show and comedy sketch series, Horrible Histories. It is a funny and educational musical number that introduces and depicts the various aspects of Viking history and culture.
    • Duration: Approximately 3 minutes
    • Genre: Comedy, Educational
    • Release Year: 2011
    • Lead Vocals: Performed by the cast of Horrible Histories
    • Lyrics: Witty and informative lyrics that cover Viking exploration, Viking life, and notable Viking figures.
  3. 3

    The Tudors

    Michael Hirst
    This song was also featured in the TV series and tells the story of the Tudor dynasty, including the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. It has a fun and catchy tune.
    The Tudors is a highly acclaimed historical drama television series that aired from 2007 to 2010. It chronicles the life and reign of King Henry VIII of England and his tumultuous relationships with his six wives. The show explores the political intrigues, religious conflicts, and personal dramas that characterized the Tudor era in England.
    • Genre: Historical drama
    • Premiere date: April 1, 2007
    • Final episode date: June 20, 2010
    • Number of seasons: 4
    • Number of episodes: 38
    The Tudors in other rankings
  4. 4
    This song was featured in the TV series and live show and tells the stories of people who died in strange and ridiculous ways. It has a silly and amusing melody.
    Stupid Deaths is a popular song from the Horrible Histories franchise that is featured in the TV series and stage productions. It is a humorous and catchy song that focuses on various bizarre and unusual historical deaths throughout different time periods.
    • Time period: Covers deaths from various historical periods.
    • Genre: Comedy, musical.
    • Lyrics: Funny and informative lyrics highlighting unusual historical deaths.
    • Melody: Catchy and upbeat.
    • Duration: Approximately 2 minutes.
  5. 5
    This song was featured in the TV series and tells the story of the infamous Borgia family. It has a dark and dramatic tone.
    The Borgia Family is a popular song from the TV show Horrible Histories. It is a comedic song that provides a humorous overview of the notorious Borgia family, who were prominent during the Renaissance period in Italy. The song explores their rise to power, scandals, and notorious reputation.
    • TV Show: Horrible Histories
    • Song Title: The Borgia Family
    • Creators: Terry Deary (lyrics), Dave Cohen (music)
    • Theme: Historical comedy
    • Subject: The Borgia family
  6. 6

    The Stone Age Song

    Horrible Histories
    This song was featured in the TV series and tells the story of the Stone Age and early human history. It has a fun and educational tune.
    The Stone Age Song is a popular song from the comedy television show and book series 'Horrible Histories'. It is a funny and educational song that provides an entertaining overview of the Stone Age period in history.
    • Song Type: Comedy/Educational
    • Duration: Approximately 2 minutes
    • Lyrics: Humorous lyrics depicting the lifestyle and characteristics of the Stone Age
    • Melody: Catchy and upbeat
    • Vocals: Vocals performed by the main cast members of Horrible Histories
  7. 7

    Charles II: King of Bling

    Horrible Histories
    This song was featured in the TV series and tells the story of Charles II and his extravagant lifestyle. It has a funky and upbeat melody.
    Charles II: King of Bling is a popular song from the TV show Horrible Histories. The song is a comedic rap that celebrates the extravagant lifestyle of King Charles II, who ruled England during the Restoration period. It highlights his love for fashion, parties, and lavish spending, earning him the title 'King of Bling'. The song is performed in a lively and humorous manner, with catchy beats and memorable lyrics. It provides an entertaining and educational account of Charles II's reign and his impact on British history.
    • Title: Charles II: King of Bling
    • TV Show: Horrible Histories
    • Genre: Comedic rap
    • Subject: King Charles II and his extravagant lifestyle
    • Era: Restoration period
  8. 8
    This song was featured in the TV series and tells the story of the Incan emperor Pachacuti. It has a lively and energetic tune.
    Pachacuti is a comedic song from the TV show Horrible Histories. It is part of the BBC series' musical segment that aims to educate children about history through entertaining songs. Pachacuti specifically focuses on the Inca emperor Pachacuti and his achievements.
    • Song Title: Pachacuti
    • TV Show: Horrible Histories
    • Episode: Series 3, Episode 4
    • Released: 2011
    • Genre: Comedy, Educational
  9. 9
    This song was featured in the TV series and tells the story of Mary Tudor, also known as "Bloody Mary." It has a haunting and emotional melody.
    The Mary Tudor Song is a comedic and educational song that is part of the Horrible Histories series. It is performed in a parody music video style and presents historical facts about Mary Tudor, also known as Bloody Mary, who was the first queen regnant of England. The song humorously highlights her reign, religious persecution, and her failed attempts to have children.
    • Song Duration: Approximately 2 minutes
    • Genre: Comedy, Educational
    • Release Date: The song was released as part of the Horrible Histories television series, which aired between 2009 and 2013.
    • Main Performers: Martha Howe-Douglas as Mary Tudor and the ensemble cast of Horrible Histories.
    • Lyrics Focus: The song provides a comical portrayal of Mary Tudor's life, reign, and relationships.
  10. 10

    William Wallace

    Horrible Histories
    This song was featured in the TV series and tells the story of Scottish hero William Wallace. It has a rousing and patriotic tune.
    William Wallace is a song inspired by the Scottish warrior and national hero, William Wallace. It tells the story of his struggle against English oppression during the Scottish Wars of Independence.
    • Genre: Comedy song
    • Release Date: 2009
    • Album: Horrible Histories: The Complete Collection
    • Duration: 2 minutes, 47 seconds
    • Lyrics: Terry Deary, Dave Cohen, and Dominic Brigstocke
    William Wallace in other rankings

Missing your favorite song?


Ranking factors for popular song

  1. Popularity
    How well-known and widely recognized is the song? Has it been covered or parodied by other artists?
  2. Catchiness
    How memorable is the melody and the lyrics? Does it stay in your head long after you've heard it?
  3. Historical accuracy
    Does the song accurately portray the historical events or characters that it's about? Is it educational as well as entertaining?
  4. Humor
    Does the song have a comedic element that appeals to the audience? Does it make people laugh or smile?
  5. Musical quality
    How well-crafted is the song musically? Are the instrumentation and vocals strong and well-executed?

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular song from Horrible Histories. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or song is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 212 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each song once every 24 hours. The rank of each song is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular song from horrible histories

Horrible Histories is a British television series that has been entertaining audiences since 2009. The show, which is based on a series of books by Terry Deary, explores the more gruesome and bizarre aspects of history. One of the most memorable aspects of the series is its music, which is catchy, funny, and often educational. Many of the songs from Horrible Histories have become popular with fans of all ages, and some have even become viral hits. In this article, we will explore the most popular songs from Horrible Histories and why they have become so beloved.

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