The Most Random God, Ranked

Choose the god you think is the most random!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:18
Long ago, people in various cultures prayed to numerous gods, seeking guidance and favor for their daily lives. Today, the fascination with these deities continues, not only for historical interest but also as a part of pop culture and fantasy literature. By ranking these divine beings, we can reflect a crowd-sourced view of which ones capture our imaginations and discussions the most. Why does ranking matter? It funnels your interests and opinions into a dynamic listing where every vote changes the landscape. Voting is not simply a matter of preference but an active engagement with history and mythology. By participating, you can influence the standing of each god and see how your choices stack up against others in real time.

What Is the Most Random God?

  1. 1


    The Greek goddess of chaos, strife, and discord. Her Roman equivalent is Discordia.
    • Symbol: Golden Apple of Discord
    • Known for: Starting the Trojan War
  2. 2


    A trickster god in West African, African American, and Caribbean folklore, often appearing as a spider and considered a god of all knowledge of stories.
    • Origin: Akan people
    • Role: Culture hero, trickster
  3. 3
    Baba Yaga

    Baba Yaga

    A supernatural being (or one of a trio of sisters of the same name) who appears as a deformed or ferocious-looking old woman in Russian folklore.
    • Habitat: Forest hut standing on chicken legs
    • Role: Ambiguous (sometimes helpful, often dangerous)
  4. 4
    Flying Spaghetti Monster

    Flying Spaghetti Monster

    A deity of the parody religion Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or Pastafarianism, created to protest the teaching of intelligent design in public schools.
    • Founded: 2005
    • Founder: Bobby Henderson
  5. 5


    Ancient Egyptian god of chaos, violence, deserts, storms, and foreigners.
    • Symbol: Was-sceptre, Set animal
    • Enemy: Osiris
  6. 6


    The Aztec god of art, games, beauty, dance, flowers, and song in Aztec mythology.
    • Culture: Aztec
    • Also known as: The Prince of Flowers
  7. 7


    A horned god of Celtic mythology associated with animals, forests, fertility, and wealth.
    • Symbols: Stag, ram-horned serpent, torc
    • Depicted: With antlers
  8. 8


    A demon god of the wind in Assyrian and Babylonian mythology, known for bringing famine during dry seasons and locusts during rainy seasons.
    • Appearance: Human-headed, bird-footed, with scaly body
    • Popular Culture: Featured in the movie 'The Exorcist'
  9. 9
    Sheela Na Gig

    Sheela Na Gig

    Carved figures of naked women displaying an exaggerated vulva found on churches, castles, and other buildings, particularly in Ireland and Great Britain.
    • Purpose: Debated (fertility, protection, warning against lust)
    • Locations: Ireland and Great Britain
  10. 10


    A god of lightning, thunder, and storms in the Shinto religion and Japanese mythology.
    • Symbols: Drums
    • Companion: Fūjin, god of wind

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most random god. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or god is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 102 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each god once every 24 hours. The rank of each god is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Random God

Rank #1 for the most random god: Eris (Source)
In ancient cultures, people worshipped many gods. Each god had a role or domain. Some gods controlled the weather, while others oversaw love, war, or harvests. Among these deities, some stood out for their unusual domains. These gods did not fit into the usual mold. They governed aspects of life that seemed random or peculiar.

One such god might have ruled over a specific animal or plant. This god's followers believed that the animal or plant had special powers. They might have prayed to this god for good hunts or bountiful harvests. Their rituals could involve offerings of the animal or plant. This god's temple might have been decorated with images of the creature.

Another god might have been in charge of a mundane task. This god's worshippers sought help with everyday chores. They believed that the god could make these tasks easier or more successful. They might have had small shrines in their homes. These shrines could have been simple, with modest offerings.

Some gods had very niche domains. These gods might have been responsible for specific emotions or states of being. Their followers might have prayed to them during times of stress or joy. They believed that the god could influence their feelings. They might have carried small tokens or charms to invoke the god's power.

In some cultures, gods had whimsical or playful aspects. These gods might have been linked to games or festivals. Their worshippers celebrated with music, dance, and feasts. These celebrations could have been lively and colorful. They believed that the god brought joy and fun to their lives.

There were also gods that governed unusual natural phenomena. These gods might have been connected to rare events like eclipses or comets. Their followers might have seen these events as signs from the god. They might have held special ceremonies during these times. They believed that the god had a hand in these extraordinary occurrences.

The worship of these gods shows the diversity of human belief. People found meaning in many aspects of life. They created gods to explain and influence their world. These gods, though random, played important roles in their cultures. They show how humans seek to understand and control their environment.

While these gods might seem odd today, they were vital to their followers. They provided comfort and guidance. They helped people make sense of the world. They show the creativity and adaptability of human belief. Each god, no matter how strange, had a place in the tapestry of ancient religion.

In modern times, these gods might seem quaint or amusing. Yet, they remind us of the rich tapestry of human culture. They show how people have always sought to explain the unexplainable. They highlight the diverse ways humans connect with the world around them. These gods, though random, are a testament to the depth of human imagination.

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