The Most Useful Means of Obtaining Information Nowadays, Ranked

Choose the means you think is the most useful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 07:25
As the flow of information expands, so too does the need to efficiently access the most effective and trustworthy sources. Users today face a plethora of choices, each claiming to be the key to up-to-date knowledge and insights. Identifying which methods stand out in their ability to not only provide information but also enhance understanding is more crucial than ever. This interactive environment allows you to participate directly in shaping the current landscape of information sources by casting your votes for what you find most valuable. By doing so, not only do you contribute to a community-driven insight into quality, but you also benefit from seeing how others have ranked these tools based on effectiveness and reliability.

What Is the Most Useful Means of Obtaining Information Nowadays?

  1. 1
    Online Forums and Communities

    Online Forums and Communities

    Websites like Reddit and Quora allow users to ask questions and share knowledge across various subjects.
    • Number of Subreddits: Over 1.2 million
  2. 2
    Online Encyclopedias

    Online Encyclopedias

    Wikipedia and other online encyclopedias offer comprehensive information on a wide range of subjects.
    • Number of English Wikipedia Articles: Over 6 million
  3. 3
    Internet Search Engines

    Internet Search Engines

    Search engines like Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo provide instant access to a vast amount of information on virtually any topic.
    • Daily Searches on Google: Over 3.5 billion
  4. 4
    Educational Websites

    Educational Websites

    Sites like Khan Academy and Coursera offer free and paid courses on a wide array of subjects, with materials prepared by experts.
    • Number of Khan Academy Users: Over 100 million
  5. 5
    News Websites and Apps

    News Websites and Apps

    Digital news platforms provide up-to-date information on global events, often in real-time.
    • Number of Monthly Visitors to BBC News: Over 1 billion
  6. 6
    E-Libraries and Books

    E-Libraries and Books

    Digital libraries and e-books provide access to millions of publications online, from academic papers to fiction.
    • Number of Books on Project Gutenberg: Over 60,000
  7. 7

    Email Newsletters

    Subscribing to email newsletters from trusted sources is a personalized way to stay informed on topics of interest.
    • Common Frequency of Newsletters: Weekly or Monthly
  8. 8


    Podcasts cover a wide range of topics, from educational content to entertainment, offering information in an audio format.
    • Number of Podcasts on Spotify: Over 2 million
  9. 9
    Social Media Platforms

    Social Media Platforms

    Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn are sources of real-time information, news, and professional networking.
    • Monthly Active Users on Facebook: Over 2.8 billion
  10. 10

    Video Sharing Platforms

    Platforms like YouTube provide video content on an endless variety of topics, from tutorials to news reports.
    • Daily Active Users on YouTube: Over 30 million

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most useful means of obtaining information nowadays. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or mean is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


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  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each mean once every 24 hours. The rank of each mean is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Useful Means of Obtaining Information Nowadays

Online Forums and Communities
Rank #1 for the most useful means of obtaining information nowadays: Online Forums and Communities (Source)
In today's world, people have many ways to get information. The speed of change in technology makes it easier than ever to stay informed. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these can help you choose the best way to get the information you need.

One common way to get information is through digital means. These offer quick access to a wide range of topics. You can find news, research, and opinions with just a few clicks. This method allows you to stay updated on current events and trends. It also offers the ability to fact-check information quickly. However, not all sources are reliable. It is important to verify the credibility of the information you find.

Another popular method is through traditional media. This includes newspapers, magazines, and broadcast news. These sources often have a long history of providing reliable information. They employ journalists and experts who verify facts before publishing. While this method may not be as fast as digital means, it often provides in-depth analysis. This can be useful for understanding complex issues.

Many people also rely on personal networks for information. Friends, family, and colleagues can be valuable sources. They can provide firsthand accounts and personal insights. This method allows for a more personal connection to the information. However, it is important to remember that personal networks can be biased. It is wise to cross-check information from these sources with more objective ones.

Educational institutions also play a key role in providing information. Schools, colleges, and universities offer a wealth of knowledge. They provide access to books, research papers, and expert lectures. This method is often seen as highly reliable. It is based on years of study and peer-reviewed research. However, it may not be as accessible to everyone due to cost or location.

Public libraries are another valuable resource. They offer access to a wide range of books and other materials. Libraries often provide free access to digital resources as well. This method is both reliable and accessible. It allows people from all walks of life to gain knowledge. Libraries also offer a quiet place to study and reflect.

Workshops and seminars are also useful for gaining information. These events bring together experts and enthusiasts. They offer a chance to learn from those with experience in a specific field. This method allows for interactive learning. You can ask questions and engage in discussions. It also provides networking opportunities. However, these events can be time-consuming and sometimes costly.

In summary, there are many ways to obtain information today. Digital means offer speed and convenience. Traditional media provides reliability and depth. Personal networks give personal insights. Educational institutions offer expert knowledge. Public libraries provide accessibility. Workshops and seminars offer interactive learning. Each method has its own benefits and drawbacks. By understanding these, you can choose the best way to stay informed.

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