The Most Popular Beard Length, Ranked

Choose the beard length you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 15, 2024 06:39
Choosing the right beard length can be a subtle but powerful way to express personal style and identity. In the bustling world of fashion and personal grooming, the trends can shift as quickly as the seasons change. Understanding which beard lengths hold the favor of the public can guide individuals in making grooming choices that align with contemporary styles. This voting-based ranking serves as a dynamic resource where you can both see which styles are currently in favor and contribute your own preferences. Every vote helps to more accurately reflect the current consensus on beard lengths, making this a valuable tool for anyone looking to refine their look with confidence.

What Is the Most Popular Beard Length?

  1. 1


    A short length of beard that gives a rugged look, often considered highly attractive.
    • Length: 1-3mm
  2. 2
    Short Beard

    Short Beard

    A neatly trimmed beard that enhances the jawline without covering it entirely.
    • Length: 10-15mm
  3. 3
    Medium Beard

    Medium Beard

    A versatile beard length that balances between ruggedness and neatness.
    • Length: 15-25mm
  4. 4
    Long Beard

    Long Beard

    A statement beard that requires commitment and care to maintain.
    • Length: Over 25mm
  5. 5
    Van Dyke

    Van Dyke

    A style of goatee in which the mustache is disconnected from the beard, typically kept short to medium.
    • Length: 5-15mm
  6. 6


    A beard style featuring hair on the chin but not on the cheeks, often maintained at a short to medium length.
    • Length: 5-15mm
  7. 7
    Full Beard

    Full Beard

    A thick, full-length beard that fully covers the jawline and chin.
    • Length: Varies
  8. 8


    A beard grown for one full year without trimming, showcasing natural growth.
    • Length: Varies greatly
  9. 9

    Corporate Beard

    A well-groomed, professional looking beard suitable for the workplace.
    • Length: 10-15mm
  10. 10
    Bandholz Beard

    Bandholz Beard

    A full and long beard style popularized by Eric Bandholz, founder of Beardbrand.
    • Length: Varies

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular beard length. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or beard length is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 134 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each beard length once every 24 hours. The rank of each beard length is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Beard Length

Beards have been a part of human culture for centuries. They have come in and out of fashion, influenced by various factors. Today, many men choose to grow beards for different reasons. Some want to enhance their appearance, while others may follow a trend or find it comfortable.

The popularity of beards has seen a rise in recent years. Many factors contribute to this trend. Media plays a significant role, with famous personalities often seen sporting beards. This influence trickles down to the general public, who may choose to emulate these figures. Social media also plays a part, with platforms showcasing various beard styles and grooming techniques.

Men choose different beard lengths based on personal preference, face shape, and lifestyle. Some prefer a short, well-groomed look that requires less maintenance. Others opt for a longer, fuller beard that can make a bold statement. The choice often depends on how much time one is willing to invest in grooming and care.

Grooming products have become more accessible, making it easier for men to maintain their beards. Beard oils, balms, and specialized combs help keep beards in good shape. These products also promote healthy hair growth and prevent issues like dryness and itchiness.

Work environments can influence beard length choices. Some workplaces have strict grooming policies that may require a clean-shaven look or a neatly trimmed beard. In more relaxed settings, men may have the freedom to grow their beards longer. This flexibility allows for more experimentation with different styles.

Cultural and social factors also play a role. In some cultures, beards carry significant meaning and are seen as a symbol of wisdom, maturity, or virility. In others, they may be less common or even frowned upon. These cultural norms can shape individual choices and preferences.

Age can influence beard length as well. Younger men might experiment with various lengths to find what suits them best. Older men might prefer a more established look that aligns with their lifestyle and professional image. The ability to grow a full beard can also vary with age, affecting the length one can achieve.

Seasonal changes can impact beard length decisions. In colder months, a longer beard can provide extra warmth and protection against the elements. In warmer months, a shorter beard might be more comfortable and easier to manage.

Health and hygiene are important considerations. Regular washing and conditioning are necessary to keep a beard clean and free of debris. Trimming helps maintain a neat appearance and prevents split ends. A well-groomed beard can enhance one's appearance, while a neglected one can have the opposite effect.

In conclusion, the choice of beard length is influenced by many factors. Personal preference, lifestyle, cultural norms, and external influences all play a part. With the rise of grooming products and social media, men have more options and guidance than ever before. This allows them to choose the beard length that best suits their needs and preferences.

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