The Most Popular Beat Saber Song, Ranked

Choose the song you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 25, 2024 06:29
In the pulsating world of Beat Saber, each swing and cut brings players closer to the rhythmic heartbeat of their favorite tracks. Enthusiasts know that finding that perfect song can transform a good session into a great one. Voting for the top song isn't just about preference; it's also about sharing that rush with newcomers searching for their first exhilarating experience with the game. This dynamic list is shaped by your votes, reflecting what the community is currently enjoying the most. It’s a tool for players to see which songs are resonating with the crowd and might resonate with them too. Voting here means contributing to a continually updated snapshot of what makes hearts race and feet move in the world of Beat Saber.

What Is the Most Popular Beat Saber Song?

  1. 1
    This is the game's main theme song and is widely recognized as one of the most iconic and popular songs in the game. It has been featured in many promotional materials and is frequently played by players.
    "Beat Saber" by Jaroslav Beck is the official main theme song of the popular virtual reality rhythm game called Beat Saber. It serves as the background music for the main menu and highlights the fast-paced and energetic style of the game.
    • Genre: Electronic Dance Music (EDM)
    • BPM: 130
    • Length: 3 minutes and 10 seconds
    • Release Date: May 1, 2018
    • Publisher: Monstercat
  2. 2
    This song has a catchy beat and is popular among players for its fast-paced gameplay. It also features a female vocal that adds a nice touch to the music.
    Escape (ft. Summer Haze) is a popular song in the virtual reality rhythm game Beat Saber. It is created by Rameses B, a British electronic music producer and DJ known for his melodic and uplifting tracks. The song features the beautiful vocals of Summer Haze, adding an ethereal element to the high-energy electronic music.
    • Difficulty level: Expert+
    • BPM (Beats Per Minute): 174
    • Song duration: 3 minutes, 56 seconds
    • Genre: Electronic
    • Released: December 13, 2018
  3. 3
    This song has a fun and upbeat rhythm that makes it popular among players. It also features some catchy lyrics that players enjoy singing along to.
    Country Rounds by Boom Kitty is a popular song in the rhythm game Beat Saber. It combines catchy country rhythms with energetic electronic beats, creating a unique fusion of genres. The song is known for its fast-paced and challenging gameplay, making it a favorite among Beat Saber players.
    • Genre: Country/Electronic
    • BPM: 180
    • Difficulty: Hard
    • Length: 3 minutes 25 seconds
    • Song ID: 469
  4. 4
    This song is a popular choice among players due to its recognizable lyrics and upbeat tempo. It is also one of the more challenging songs in the game, which adds to its popularity.
    Believer by Imagine Dragons is a popular song that has been adapted into a Beat Saber track. It is an energetic and intense song that combines rock and electronic elements, making it an exciting and challenging experience in the game. The song is marked with powerful vocals, catchy melodies, and heavy instrumentals, making it a favorite among Beat Saber players.
    • Song duration: 3 minutes 23 seconds
    • Genre: Rock, Electronic
    • Difficulty levels: Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert, Expert+
    • Color scheme: Red and Blue
    • Maximum score: 9,900
  5. 5
    This song has become a viral meme and is frequently played by players for its catchy rhythm and fun gameplay. It also has a unique and quirky music video that adds to its popularity.
    Crab Rave by Noisestorm is one of the most popular songs in Beat Saber. It is an electronic dance music (EDM) track that features catchy beats and a tropical vibe. The song has gained immense popularity due to its cheerful and energetic nature.
    • Genre: EDM
    • Release Date: 2018
    • Difficulty: Expert+
    • Length: 3 minutes 9 seconds
    • Tempo: 175 beats per minute
  6. 6
    This song is known for its fast-paced gameplay and challenging rhythm. It is a popular choice among experienced players who are looking for a challenge.
    Unlimited Power by Jaroslav Beck is one of the most popular songs in the virtual reality rhythm game Beat Saber. It is an energetic electronic dance music (EDM) track that provides an adrenaline-filled experience for players. With its fast-paced beats and intense rhythm, it offers an exhilarating gameplay that keeps players engaged and motivated throughout.
    • Genre: Electronic Dance Music (EDM)
    • Tempo: Fast-paced
    • Difficulty: Challenging
    • Energy Level: High
    • Length: Approximately 3 minutes
  7. 7
    This song is popular among fans of the League of Legends game and has become a popular choice in Beat Saber due to its catchy beat and fun gameplay. It also features a memorable music video that adds to its popularity.
  8. 8
    This song has a unique and futuristic sound that makes it popular among players. It is also known for its challenging gameplay and is a popular choice among advanced players.
    Angel Voices by Virtual Self is considered one of the most difficult songs in Beat Saber. It combines intense electronic music with fast-paced and complex note patterns, requiring exceptional reflexes and coordination to master.
    • Difficulty rating: Expert+
    • Song duration: 3 minutes and 54 seconds
    • Number of notes: Over 1,000
    • Song release date: November 8, 2018
    • Genre: Electronic dance music
    "Angel Voices" by Virtual Self in other rankings
  9. 9
    This song is known for its challenging gameplay and fast-paced rhythm. It is a popular choice among advanced players who are looking for a challenge.
    The song 'Legend' by Jaroslav Beck is one of the most popular tracks in the Beat Saber game. It features an energetic EDM (electronic dance music) style with a fast tempo and catchy melodies. The song provides an intense and immersive rhythm gaming experience that matches the gameplay of Beat Saber.
    • Genre: EDM
    • Tempo: Fast
    • Rhythm: Energetic
    • Melodies: Catchy
    • Game: Beat Saber
  10. 10
    This song is popular among players for its fast-paced gameplay and energetic rhythm. It is also known for its challenging gameplay, making it a popular choice among experienced players.
    The "Breezer" by Camellia is widely considered one of the most challenging songs in Beat Saber. It is known for its intense and fast-paced gameplay, requiring exceptional reflexes, precision, and stamina. The song features a unique blend of electronic music, incorporating elements of drum and bass, hardcore, and dubstep genres.
    • BPM: 200-400
    • Difficulty Level: Expert+
    • Length: 3 minutes 31 seconds
    • Notes: Over 1,000 notes
    • Obstacles: High density of walls and bombs
    "Breezer" by Camellia in other rankings

Missing your favorite song?


Ranking factors for popular song

  1. Number of downloads/plays
    A key factor in determining a popular Beat Saber song is the number of times it has been downloaded or played. This gives an indication of how many players have been interested in trying out the song and actively engage with it.
  2. User ratings and reviews
    Check average user ratings and reviews of the song on platforms like BeastSaber and other community forums. A song with higher ratings and positive reviews is likely to be more popular among players.
  3. Social media engagement
    Look at the social media engagement of a particular song, including the number of times it has been shared, liked, or discussed on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit. High engagement indicates that the song has resonated with the community.
  4. Tournament play
    If a song is frequently used in Beat Saber tournaments and competitions, it indicates that it is popular among both casual and competitive players.
  5. Streamer and content creator usage
    If popular Beat Saber streamers and content creators regularly play and showcase a song, it suggests that the song is popular within the community.
  6. Charts and rankings
    Keep an eye on various Beat Saber song charts and rankings available online, which are often based on cumulative data of downloads, ratings, and reviews.
  7. Difficulty levels
    A song with well-designed difficulty levels that cater to players of varying skill levels will likely be more popular as it is accessible to a wider audience.
  8. Quality of custom mapping
    The quality of custom mapping can significantly influence a song's popularity in Beat Saber. Well-designed custom maps with smooth and engaging patterns will attract more players and enhance the overall experience.
  9. Song appeal
    The song's appeal to the Beat Saber community, including factors like genre, tempo, and overall vibe, can influence its popularity. Songs that seamlessly fit the energetic and rhythmic gameplay of Beat Saber tend to be more popular.
  10. Official inclusion
    Officially released songs, either as part of the base game or through DLC packs, can also be a factor in their popularity due to increased exposure, developer support, and quality mapping.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Beat Saber song. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or song is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 194 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each song once every 24 hours. The rank of each song is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular beat saber song

Beat Saber is a virtual reality rhythm game that has taken the world by storm since its release in May 2018. Players use two motion controllers to slash through blocks and dodge obstacles to the beat of the music. With a vibrant and enthusiastic community of players, it's no surprise that the game has quickly become a platform for showcasing talented creators and musicians. One of the most exciting aspects of Beat Saber is the vast library of user-generated content, including custom songs and maps. This has led to a fierce debate among fans over what the most popular Beat Saber song is. From upbeat pop hits to epic movie soundtracks, there are endless options for players to choose from. So, what song reigns supreme? Let's find out.

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