The Most Popular Dish in Germany, Ranked

Choose the dish you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 06:47
Germany offers a rich tapestry of culinary delights, each region bringing its own unique flavors and dishes to the table. Identifying the most popular dish among such diversity can be quite informative, especially for food enthusiasts looking to dive into the heart of German cuisine. This ranking serves as a dynamic guide, reflecting current tastes and preferences across the country. By participating in this interactive ranking, users contribute to a broader understanding of what dishes resonate most with locals and visitors alike. Whether you are a resident of Germany or a traveler planning your next culinary adventure, your votes help paint a clearer picture of the country's gastronomic landscape. This ensures the list remains fresh and relevant, providing an invaluable resource for anyone curious about Germany's favorite foods.

What Is the Most Popular Dish in Germany?

  1. 1


    A breaded, fried meat cutlet, Schnitzel is very popular in Germany, especially the Wiener Schnitzel variant, which is a thinly sliced veal cutlet.
    • Variants: Wiener Schnitzel, Jägerschnitzel, Zigeunerschnitzel
    • Main ingredients: Meat (veal, pork, chicken), breadcrumbs, eggs, flour
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    A fermented cabbage dish that is very popular in Germany. It is often used as a side dish or condiment.
    • Type: Fermented food
    • Main ingredients: Cabbage, salt
  3. 3


    A fast food dish of German origin consisting of steamed, then fried pork sausage typically cut into slices and seasoned with curry ketchup, a sauce based on spiced ketchup or tomato paste, topped off with curry powder.
    • Type: Fast food
    • Main ingredients: Pork sausage, curry ketchup
  4. 4


    A dish consisting of bacon, onions, mustard, and pickles wrapped in thinly sliced beef which is then cooked. Rouladen are traditionally served for dinner.
    • Type: Meat dish
    • Main ingredients: Beef, bacon, onions, mustard, pickles
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    A type of German sausage made of pork, beef, or veal. The name is derived from the Old High German Brätwurst, from brät-, which is finely chopped meat, and Wurst, or sausage.
    • Type: Sausage
    • Main ingredients: Meat (pork, beef, or veal)
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    A type of pasta made with fresh eggs, typically serving as a side dish to meat dishes with gravy, such as Rouladen, or in dishes with cheese, like Käsespätzle.
    • Type: Pasta
    • Main ingredients: Flour, eggs, salt
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    German potato salad, which comes in many versions depending on the region. It's typically made with potatoes, vinegar, oil, and onions.
    • Type: Salad
    • Main ingredients: Potatoes, vinegar, oil, onions
  8. 8
    Döner Kebab

    Döner Kebab

    A type of kebab, made of meat cooked on a vertical rotisserie. Seasoned meat stacked in the shape of an inverted cone is turned slowly on the rotisserie, next to a vertical cooking element.
    • Type: Fast food
    • Main ingredients: Meat (typically lamb, chicken, beef, or veal), vegetables, sauce, pita or flatbread
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    Known in German as Brezel, it is a type of baked pastry made from dough that is commonly shaped into a knot. The traditional pretzel shape is a distinctive symmetrical form.
    • Type: Baked pastry
    • Main ingredients: Dough
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    A pot roast, usually of beef (but other meats such as lamb, mutton, pork, and traditionally, horse), marinated before slow cooking as pot roast.
    • Region of origin: Germany
    • Main ingredients: Beef, vinegar, water, and seasonings

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular dish in Germany. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Dish is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 170 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Dish once every 24 hours. The rank of each Dish is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Dish in Germany

Rank #1 for the most popular dish in Germany: Schnitzel (Source)
Germany has a rich culinary tradition. The country's cuisine reflects its diverse regions and history. Over the centuries, various influences have shaped German food. Each region has its own specialties, often based on local ingredients.

In northern Germany, the cuisine is hearty and simple. The cold climate and proximity to the sea influence the dishes. Fish, especially herring, is common. Potatoes and cabbage are staples. The food tends to be less spicy, with an emphasis on fresh, local produce.

Central Germany offers a mix of culinary styles. The fertile soil supports a wide range of crops. This region is known for its bread, sausages, and cheeses. The dishes here often feature pork, potatoes, and various vegetables. This area also has a strong tradition of baking, with many types of bread and pastries.

Southern Germany, with its warmer climate, has a different culinary style. The food is richer and often includes dairy products. Cheese and cream are common ingredients. This region also has a strong beer culture. The dishes here are hearty, with an emphasis on meat, especially pork and beef.

German cuisine also has a strong seasonal aspect. Many dishes are associated with specific times of the year. In the spring, fresh vegetables and herbs are popular. Summer brings a bounty of fruits and salads. Autumn is the time for hearty stews and roasts, while winter features rich, warming dishes.

Traditional German cooking methods include roasting, braising, and baking. These techniques help to develop deep flavors. Many dishes are slow-cooked, allowing the ingredients to meld together. This results in rich, satisfying meals.

German cuisine also values preservation. Pickling and fermenting are common techniques. These methods allow people to enjoy vegetables and other foods year-round. Sauerkraut, a fermented cabbage dish, is a well-known example.

German food has also been influenced by its neighbors. French, Italian, and Eastern European cuisines have all left their mark. This has resulted in a diverse and varied culinary landscape.

Eating habits in Germany reflect the country's food culture. Breakfast is usually a simple meal, often featuring bread, cheese, and cold cuts. Lunch is traditionally the main meal of the day. It often includes several courses, with a focus on hearty, filling dishes. Dinner is usually lighter, often consisting of bread, cheese, and leftovers from lunch.

German cuisine is also known for its beverages. Beer is an important part of the culture, with many regional varieties. Wine is also popular, especially in the southern regions. Non-alcoholic drinks, such as apple juice and mineral water, are also common.

In recent years, German cuisine has evolved. Modern chefs are reinterpreting traditional dishes, using new techniques and ingredients. This has resulted in a vibrant food scene, with a mix of old and new.

Despite these changes, traditional German dishes remain popular. They reflect the country's history, culture, and regional diversity. German food is hearty, flavorful, and satisfying. It continues to be a source of pride and enjoyment for people in Germany and beyond.

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