The Most Popular Space Marine Chapter, Ranked

Choose the Space Marine Chapter you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:11
Fans of Space Marine Chapters often debate which is the most formidable, characterizing their discussions with elaborate tales of battlefield prowess and strategic genius. Yet, in such an enthusiastic community, opinions can vary widely, leaving newcomers bemused as to where various chapters stand in the eyes of the broader fanbase. A structured ranking based on community votes offers a clear, consensus-driven view of each chapter’s standing. By participating in this live ranking, users contribute their perspective, shaping the list to reflect the collective admiration and preferences of the global community. This dynamic voting system not only keeps the list current but also engages the community in ongoing dialogue. Whether you are new to the lore or a seasoned enthusiast, your votes help paint a picture of which chapters resonate most with fans around the world.

What Is the Most Popular Space Marine Chapter?

  1. 1


    The Ultramarines are considered one of the strongest and most honored of all the Space Marine Chapters in the Imperium of Man.
    • Primarch: Roboute Guilliman
    • Homeworld: Macragge
  2. 2

    Blood Angels

    The Blood Angels are known for their noble demeanor, their prowess in battle, and the tragic flaw of the Black Rage that afflicts them.
    • Primarch: Sanguinius
    • Homeworld: Baal
  3. 3

    Dark Angels

    The Dark Angels are shrouded in mystery, known for their relentless pursuit of their fallen brethren.
    • Primarch: Lion El'Jonson
    • Homeworld: Caliban (Destroyed)
  4. 4


    The Salamanders are known for their black skin and red eyes, a result of their homeworld's high radiation levels, and their craftsmanship in weapons and armor.
    • Primarch: Vulkan
    • Homeworld: Nocturne
  5. 5

    Black Templars

    The Black Templars are a crusading chapter, known for their zeal and their complete dedication to the Emperor.
    • Primarch: Rogal Dorn
    • Homeworld: Fleet-Based
  6. 6

    Space Wolves

    The Space Wolves are known for their fierce warriors, wolf-like motifs, and their independence from the strictures of the Codex Astartes.
    • Primarch: Leman Russ
    • Homeworld: Fenris
  7. 7

    Imperial Fists

    The Imperial Fists are renowned for their siege warfare expertise and their indomitable will.
    • Primarch: Rogal Dorn
    • Homeworld: Terra
  8. 8

    White Scars

    The White Scars are known for their hit-and-run tactics on bikes and their Mongolian culture influences.
    • Primarch: Jaghatai Khan
    • Homeworld: Chogoris
  9. 9

    Raven Guard

    The Raven Guard are known for their stealth tactics and their preference for guerrilla warfare.
    • Primarch: Corvus Corax
    • Homeworld: Deliverance
  10. 10

    Iron Hands

    The Iron Hands are known for their use of cybernetics and their philosophy that the flesh is weak.
    • Primarch: Ferrus Manus
    • Homeworld: Medusa

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Space Marine Chapter. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Chapter is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 437 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Chapter once every 24 hours. The rank of each Chapter is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Space Marine Chapter

Space Marines are the elite warriors of the Imperium. They are superhuman soldiers, created to defend humanity from threats. Each Space Marine belongs to a Chapter. These Chapters have their own histories, traditions, and ways of fighting. One Chapter stands out as the most popular among fans.

This Chapter has a rich history. It was one of the first to be formed. Its origins date back to ancient times in the Imperium. The Chapter has fought in many key battles. These battles have shaped the course of history. The Chapter's actions have saved countless worlds from destruction.

The warriors of this Chapter are known for their bravery. They face the most dangerous enemies without fear. Their training is rigorous. Only the best can become part of this elite group. They undergo genetic modifications. These changes make them stronger, faster, and more resilient. They also receive extensive combat training. This training prepares them for any situation.

The Chapter has a unique culture. It values honor, duty, and loyalty. These values guide the actions of its members. The Chapter's leaders are wise and experienced. They make decisions that benefit the Imperium. The Chapter also has strong bonds with other Imperial forces. These alliances help them achieve their goals.

The Chapter's armor and insignia are iconic. Their colors are easily recognized. The design of their armor reflects their history and values. Each piece of armor is crafted with care. It provides protection and inspires fear in their enemies. The insignia symbolizes the Chapter's ideals. It is a source of pride for its members.

The Chapter has a home world. This world serves as their base of operations. It is a harsh and unforgiving place. The environment helps toughen the recruits. They must prove their worth to become Space Marines. The home world also has ancient structures. These structures hold relics and artifacts. They are important to the Chapter's history.

The Chapter's fleet is impressive. It includes many powerful ships. These ships allow the Chapter to travel across the galaxy. They can respond quickly to threats. The fleet is well-maintained and ready for battle. The Chapter's tech-priests ensure everything runs smoothly.

The Chapter's tactics are effective. They use a mix of speed, strength, and strategy. Their assaults are swift and decisive. They adapt to the situation on the ground. This flexibility gives them an edge in combat. The Chapter also has specialized units. These units excel in different types of warfare. They can handle anything from close-quarters combat to long-range engagements.

The Chapter's reputation is well-earned. They have a long list of victories. These victories inspire other Space Marines. They also give hope to the citizens of the Imperium. The Chapter's presence boosts morale. People believe in their ability to protect them.

The Chapter's legacy continues to grow. New recruits join their ranks. They carry on the traditions of their predecessors. The Chapter remains a symbol of strength and resilience. They are a beacon of hope in a dark and dangerous galaxy. Their story is far from over. They will continue to fight for the Imperium, no matter the cost.

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