The Most Popular Crops Grown in the Region of Darjeeling, Ranked

Choose the crops grown you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:15
Farmers in the Darjeeling region face key decisions each season, deciding which crops to cultivate. These choices are influenced by factors such as market demand, climate, and soil fertility, among others. A ranked list of popular crops can guide farmers toward more informed decisions, potentially increasing their profitability and sustainability. By voting for your favorite crops, you contribute to this community-sourced ranking. This can help new and established farmers alike understand which crops are currently favored in the market. It's an opportunity for individuals in the agricultural sector to share insights and influence crop choices across the region.

What Are the Most Popular Crops Grown in the Region of Darjeeling?

  1. 1


    Darjeeling tea is renowned worldwide for its unique aroma and flavor.
    • Type: Camellia sinensis
    • Geographical Indication: Yes
  2. 2


    Rice is a staple food crop in the lower elevations of Darjeeling.
    • Type: Cereal grain
    • Cultivation: Paddy fields
  3. 3


    Ginger is a significant cash crop in Darjeeling, used both as a spice and a medicinal plant.
    • Type: Spice
    • Cultivation: Rhizome
  4. 4


    Wheat is grown in certain areas of Darjeeling, mainly for local consumption.
    • Type: Cereal grain
    • Cultivation: Rabi crop
  5. 6


    Large cardamom is a major spice crop in the hills of Darjeeling.
    • Type: Spice
    • Cultivation: Understory crop in agroforestry systems
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    Various types of millets are cultivated in Darjeeling as traditional food crops.
    • Type: Cereal grain
    • Importance: Nutritionally rich and drought resistant
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    Maize is commonly grown in the region for both human consumption and as animal feed.
    • Type: Cereal grain
    • Use: Food and fodder
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    Darjeeling is known for its sweet and juicy oranges, grown primarily in the winter season.
    • Type: Fruit
    • Harvest season: Winter
  9. 10


    Turmeric, known for its bright yellow color and health benefits, is cultivated in Darjeeling.
    • Type: Spice
    • Use: Culinary and medicinal

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular crops grown in the region of Darjeeling. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Crop is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 150 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Crop once every 24 hours. The rank of each Crop is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Popular Crops Grown in the Region of Darjeeling

Rank #1 for the most popular crops grown in the region of Darjeeling: Tea (Source)
Darjeeling, a region in the Indian state of West Bengal, is known for its lush landscapes. The area’s cool climate and hilly terrain make it ideal for agriculture. Farmers here have cultivated the land for generations, perfecting their techniques to grow crops suited to the region’s unique conditions.

The soil in Darjeeling is rich and fertile, thanks to the regular rainfall and organic matter from the dense forests. This fertile ground supports a variety of crops. The region’s altitude, ranging from 600 to 2,000 meters above sea level, creates a range of microclimates. These microclimates allow for diverse agricultural practices.

The cool temperatures and misty weather contribute to the quality of the crops. The plants grow slowly, absorbing nutrients over time. This slow growth results in a rich and complex flavor profile, making the crops from Darjeeling highly sought after. The distinct taste and aroma of these crops set them apart from those grown in other regions.

Farmers in Darjeeling use traditional methods combined with modern techniques. They focus on sustainable practices to maintain soil health and ensure long-term productivity. Crop rotation, organic fertilizers, and natural pest control are common practices. These methods help preserve the environment and produce high-quality yields.

The region’s agriculture is not just about production; it is a way of life. The community takes pride in their work, passing down knowledge through generations. This deep connection to the land and the crops they grow is evident in the care and attention given to each plant.

Harvesting in Darjeeling is a meticulous process. Farmers hand-pick the crops, ensuring only the best quality produce is selected. This labor-intensive method is time-consuming but ensures the highest standards. The harvested crops are then processed using traditional methods, which further enhance their unique characteristics.

The local markets in Darjeeling are vibrant and bustling. They offer a wide range of fresh produce, reflecting the region’s agricultural diversity. These markets are a testament to the hard work and dedication of the farmers. They also serve as a hub for the community, where people come together to share and celebrate their agricultural heritage.

The popularity of Darjeeling’s crops has grown beyond the region. They are now exported to various parts of the world, bringing a taste of this unique region to a global audience. The reputation of these crops continues to grow, thanks to their distinctive qualities and the passion of the farmers who cultivate them.

In conclusion, Darjeeling’s agriculture is a blend of tradition, sustainability, and quality. The region’s unique climate and fertile soil create the perfect conditions for growing high-quality crops. The dedication of the farmers and their sustainable practices ensure that this tradition will continue for generations to come. The crops from Darjeeling are not just a source of livelihood; they are a symbol of the region’s rich agricultural heritage.

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