The Most Popular Crops Grown in the Region of Darjeeling, Ranked

Choose the crops grown you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 17, 2024 06:16
In the serene hills of Darjeeling, agriculture forms the backbone of the local economy, influencing not only the livelihoods of its residents but also the culture and cuisine. Understanding which crops hold the highest importance can guide farmers towards more informed decisions, potentially improving their yields and economic return. This curated list presents a unique opportunity for you to weigh in on the significance of different crops within this region. By casting your vote, you aid in shaping a clearer picture of agricultural priorities, which can influence local farming strategies and market trends.

What Are the Most Popular Crops Grown in the Region of Darjeeling?

  1. 1


    Darjeeling tea is a well-known and much-appreciated variety of tea, grown in the hilly terrain of Darjeeling. It is known for its unique taste and aroma, and is exported all over the world.
    Tea is a popular crop grown in the region of Darjeeling in India. It is a type of aromatic beverage made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. The tea produced in Darjeeling is highly regarded for its unique flavor, aroma, and high quality.
    • Flavor: Delicate and floral
    • Aroma: Muscatel notes and hints of fruitiness
    • Color: Light golden or amber
    • Caffeine Content: Moderate
    • Leaf Type: Small and tightly rolled
  2. 2
    Rice is a staple food in India, and Darjeeling produces a significant amount of rice each year. The hilly terrain of the region is not suitable for large-scale cultivation of rice, but small-scale farmers grow it for their own consumption and to sell in the local markets.
    Rice is a staple crop grown in the region of Darjeeling. It is a type of cereal grain that belongs to the grass family. Rice is the primary source of food for a large portion of the world's population, particularly in Asian countries. It is cultivated in flooded paddy fields and requires warm climate with ample rainfall. The grains are milled and consumed as a whole or processed into various forms such as rice flour, rice bran oil, and rice paper.
    • Origin: Unknown (cultivated for thousands of years)
    • Growing Area: Darjeeling region and various parts of the world
    • Plant Height: 1-2 meters
    • Grain Size: Varies (short, medium, long grain)
    • Color: White, brown, black, red, purple, etc.
  3. 3
    Cardamom is a spice used in Indian cuisine, and Darjeeling is known for producing high-quality cardamom. The spice is grown on small farms in the region, and is exported all over the world.
    Cardamom is a spice that is derived from the seeds of plants from the genera Elettaria and Amomum in the ginger family. It has a strong, unique taste and aroma, with hints of citrus and mint. The spice is commonly used in both sweet and savory dishes, as well as in beverages like tea and coffee. Cardamom also has medicinal properties and is believed to aid digestion and promote good oral health.
    • Scientific name: Elettaria cardamomum, Amomum cardamomum
    • Origin: India
    • Appearance: Small, green pods containing black seeds
    • Flavor: Warm, slightly sweet, pungent, with hints of citrus and mint
    • Uses: Cooking, baking, flavoring beverages, medicinal purposes
  4. 4
    Ginger is another spice grown in Darjeeling. The region is known for producing high-quality ginger, which is used in Indian cuisine as well as in herbal medicine.
    Ginger is a widely cultivated root spice that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. It is known for its distinct aroma, spicy flavor, and medicinal properties. The spice is obtained from the underground rhizome of the ginger plant, scientifically known as Zingiber officinale. The rhizome is typically brown in color, fibrous in texture, and has a pungent taste.
    • Origin: Southeast Asia
    • Growing Conditions: Grows well in tropical and subtropical regions with well-drained soil
    • Cultivation: Requires warm and humid climate, partial shade, and ample water
    • Harvesting Time: After approximately 8-10 months of planting
    • Notable Varieties: Sunti, Rio-de-Janeiro, Maran
  5. 5
    Potatoes are a common crop in Darjeeling, and are grown on small farms throughout the region. They are used in local cuisine as well as sold in the markets.
    Potatoes are one of the most popular crops grown in the Darjeeling region. They are starchy root vegetables that are widely used in culinary preparations. Potatoes have a smooth, thin skin and a soft, creamy flesh. They are known for their versatility and are used in various dishes such as mashed potatoes, fries, curries, and soups. The crop is known for its high yield and nutritional value.
    • Varieties: Darjeeling Red, Kufri Sindhuri, Kufri Lauvkar, Kufri Jyoti, Kufri Himalini, and others
    • Growth period: 3-4 months
    • Climate requirements: Cool climate with a temperature range of 10-25°C
    • Soil type: Well-drained loamy soil with pH between 5.0 to 6.5
    • Watering: Requires regular watering, but avoid waterlogging
  6. 6
    Wheat is grown in small quantities in Darjeeling, and is used to make bread and other baked goods.
    Wheat is a cereal grain grown widely in the region of Darjeeling. It is known for its versatility and nutritional value, making it a staple crop in many countries. Wheat is typically cultivated for its edible seeds which are ground into flour to make bread, pasta, pastries, and other baked goods.
    • Family: Poaceae
    • Genus: Triticum
    • Origin: Unknown (ancient cultivation)
    • Cultivation Type: Annual
    • Growth Habit: Grass-like
  7. 7
    Maize is another crop grown in Darjeeling, and is used as animal feed as well as in human consumption.
    Maize, also known as corn, is a versatile crop grown in the region of Darjeeling. It is a cereal grain that originated in Mesoamerica and is now widely cultivated around the world. Maize is characterized by its tall stalks with large leaves and is valued for its various uses in food, feed, and industry.
    • Scientific Name: Zea mays
    • Family: Poaceae
    • Cultivar Group: Maize
    • Life Cycle: Annual
    • Height: 6-10 feet
  8. 8
    Millet is a staple food in many parts of India, and is grown on small farms in Darjeeling. It is used to make bread, porridge, and other dishes.
    Millet refers to a group of small-seeded grasses that are widely cultivated as crops in various regions, including Darjeeling. These grasses are known for their resilience and adaptability to different growing conditions. Millet is primarily grown for its grains, which are used for human consumption as well as animal feed. The grains are rich in nutrients and have several health benefits.
    • Plant family: Poaceae
    • Types: There are several types of millet, including pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), finger millet (Eleusine coracana), proso millet (Panicum miliaceum), foxtail millet (Setaria italica), and barnyard millet (Echinochloa spp.).
    • Cultivation: Millet can be grown in both dry and wet conditions, making it suitable for various regions. It is a hardy crop that requires minimal water and can tolerate high temperatures and poor soil conditions.
    • Nutritional value: Millet is a good source of protein, dietary fiber, vitamins (especially niacin and B vitamins), and minerals (iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc). It is also gluten-free.
    • Uses: Millet grains can be ground into flour and used for making bread, porridge, and other food products. They can also be used for brewing beer or distilled to make alcoholic beverages. Millet straw is often used for animal feed or as a raw material for making biofuels.
  9. 9
    Mustard is a crop grown in Darjeeling, and is used to make mustard oil, which is a common cooking oil in India.
    Mustard is a cool-season crop grown primarily for its seeds, which are used to produce mustard oil and condiments. It belongs to the Brassica family and is characterized by its vibrant yellow flowers. The mustard plant grows as a tall, leafy herb, reaching a height of about 2 to 4 feet.
    • Scientific Name: Brassica juncea
    • Family: Brassicaceae
    • Origin: South Asia (possibly India)
    • Growth Duration: 90-110 days
    • Climate: Cool-season crop, prefers temperatures between 45°F and 75°F (7°C - 24°C)
  10. 10
    Various types of vegetables are grown in Darjeeling, including tomatoes, onions, and leafy greens. They are sold in local markets and used in local cuisine.
    Vegetables are a key component of agriculture in the region of Darjeeling. They are cultivated for consumption and have significant economic importance. The cultivation of vegetables is a vital source of income for many farmers in the area.
    • Crop Diversity: Darjeeling region is known for cultivating a wide variety of vegetables, including potatoes, tomatoes, cauliflowers, cabbages, beans, peas, carrots, radishes, and spinach.
    • Organic Farming Practices: Vegetable cultivation in Darjeeling relies heavily on organic farming practices, avoiding the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.
    • Climate Suitability: The temperate and subtropical climate of Darjeeling region provides suitable conditions for growing a diverse range of vegetables.
    • Terrace Cultivation: Due to the hilly terrain of Darjeeling, terrace cultivation is widely practiced for growing vegetables.
    • Small-Scale Farms: Most vegetable farms in Darjeeling are small-scale family-owned operations.

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Ranking factors for popular crops grown

  1. Cultivation area
    The area of land under cultivation for each crop in the region will determine its popularity. The larger the cultivation area, the more popular the crop is likely to be.
  2. Yield
    The productivity of each crop in terms of its yield per unit area in the region should be considered. Higher yielding crops are generally more popular among farmers.
  3. Economic value
    The market value of each crop plays a significant role in determining its popularity. Crops that generate higher income for the farmers due to high demand or better prices will likely be more popular.
  4. Soil suitability
    Different crops have varying soil requirements; thus, the suitability of the soil and the adaptability of each crop in the region must be taken into account. Crops that can thrive in the existing soil conditions will be more popular.
  5. Climate adaptability
    The region's climatic conditions play a significant role in determining the success and popularity of a particular crop. Crops that are well-adapted to the local climate and can thrive well in the prevailing weather patterns will be more popular.
  6. Ease of cultivation
    Some crops require less labor and resources than others to grow, making them more attractive to farmers. Factors like low input requirements, resistance to diseases and pests, and ease of harvesting can contribute to a crop's popularity.
  7. Tradition and local preferences
    The local culture and traditions can influence the popularity of certain crops. If specific crops have been a part of the region's history or have cultural significance, they may continue to be widely grown and favored by local communities.
  8. Government support and policies
    Government policies, subsidies, and incentives for specific crops can influence the choices of farmers. The level of support provided by the government can greatly impact the popularity of crops in the region.
  9. Market demand
    The demand for various crops in the local, national, and international market can have a significant impact on the crop's popularity. A crop with high demand is likely to be more popular among farmers due to its profitability.
  10. Research and technological advancements
    The extent of research and technological developments in the agricultural sector can influence the popularity of certain crops. New agricultural practices and technologies that increase the yield and productivity of a crop may make it more popular among farmers.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular crops grown in the region of Darjeeling. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Crop is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 156 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Crop once every 24 hours. The rank of each Crop is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More information on most popular crops grown in the region of darjeeling

Darjeeling, located in the Indian state of West Bengal, is known worldwide for its tea production. The region's unique climate and soil conditions make it an ideal location for growing tea, which has become the main agricultural product of the area. However, Darjeeling is also home to a variety of other crops, including rice, maize, ginger, cardamom, and oranges. These crops are grown primarily by small farmers and contribute significantly to the local economy. Despite the dominance of tea, the diversity of crops grown in Darjeeling is a testament to the region's agricultural richness and the hard work of its farmers.

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