The Most Popular Dessert in Bolivia, Ranked

Choose the dessert you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 28, 2024 06:35
In Bolivia, the delights of dessert are well-known, with each region offering something uniquely sweet and satisfying. Having a clear ranking of the most popular desserts provides insight into cultural preferences and helps new visitors and locals alike decide which treat to try next. This live ranking system allows everyone to contribute by voting for their favorite desserts. Each vote helps to shape the ongoing results, giving a real-time view of which treats are currently capturing the hearts of people across the country. Your participation is crucial in making this list a valuable resource for dessert lovers everywhere.

What Is the Most Popular Dessert in Bolivia?

  1. 1
    A popular pastry filled with meat, vegetables, and sometimes cheese. It is often eaten for breakfast or as a snack.
    Salteñas are a popular type of savory baked pastry in Bolivia. They originated in the city of Salta, located in present-day Argentina, and were brought to Bolivia by Argentine immigrants. Salteñas are similar in appearance to empanadas, but they have a sweeter and thicker crust. They are typically filled with a combination of meat, such as beef or chicken, vegetables, potatoes, and spices. The filling is often cooked with a slightly spicy and sweet sauce, giving Salteñas their unique flavor. Salteñas are usually enjoyed as a mid-morning or late afternoon snack in Bolivia and are often accompanied by a cup of tea or a soft drink.
    • Origin: Salta, Argentina, brought to Bolivia
    • Appearance: Similar to empanadas, sweet and thick crust
    • Filling: Meat (beef or chicken), vegetables, potatoes, and spices
    • Sauce: Slightly spicy and sweet sauce
    • Serving Time: Mid-morning or late afternoon snack
  2. 2
    A fried dough pastry, often dusted with sugar and cinnamon, and sometimes filled with dulce de leche or chocolate.
    Churros are a delicious Spanish dessert consisting of deep-fried dough pastry. They are typically long and cylindrical in shape, with a crispy exterior and soft, doughy interior. Churros are often dusted with sugar and cinnamon, adding a sweet and aromatic flavor to the dessert. They are commonly served hot and are perfect for dipping into a warm cup of hot chocolate or served with a side of dulce de leche.
    • Shape: Long, cylindrical
    • Texture: Crispy exterior, soft interior
    • Coating: Dusted with sugar and cinnamon
    • Serving style: Hot, often with a cup of hot chocolate or dulce de leche
    • Country of origin: Spain
  3. 3
    A sandwich cookie filled with dulce de leche and coated in powdered sugar.
    Alfajores are a type of biscuit that originated in Spain and are popular throughout Latin America. They consist of two round shortbread cookies sandwiched together with a sweet filling, typically dulce de leche, a creamy caramel-like spread. The cookies are then often rolled in shredded coconut or dusted with powdered sugar. Alfajores have a soft and buttery texture, with a delightful combination of flavors from the cookie and the sweet filling.
    • Origin: Spain
    • Filling: Dulce de leche (caramel-like spread)
    • Cookie Texture: Soft and buttery
    • Coating Options: Shredded coconut or powdered sugar
    • Shape: Round
  4. 4
    Fried dough balls typically served with syrup or honey.
    Buñuelos are a popular dessert in Bolivia, commonly enjoyed during festivals and special occasions. They are deep-fried dough balls, typically made from a mixture of wheat flour, eggs, sugar, and sometimes adding cheese or anise for flavor. Buñuelos are known for their crispy exterior and soft, chewy interior. They are often served dusted with powdered sugar or drizzled with syrup. It is believed that buñuelos were introduced to Bolivia by Spanish colonizers and have since become a beloved traditional treat.
    • Origin: Bolivia
    • Main Ingredients: Wheat flour, eggs, sugar
    • Optional Ingredients: Cheese, anise
    • Preparation Method: Mixing the dough ingredients, shaping into balls, deep-frying until golden
    • Texture: Crispy exterior, soft and chewy interior
  5. 5
    A sweet rice pudding made with cinnamon, sugar, and milk.
    Arroz con leche is a popular dessert in Bolivia made with rice cooked in milk and sweetened with sugar. It is flavored with cinnamon and sometimes infused with vanilla. The dish is traditionally served warm or cold, and it has a creamy and comforting texture.
    • Ingredients: rice, milk, sugar, cinnamon, vanilla
    • Preparation time: Approximately 1 hour
    • Serving temperature: Warm or cold
    • Texture: Creamy
    • Popular variations: Some versions include the addition of condensed milk, evaporated milk, or raisins.
    Arroz con leche in other rankings
  6. 6
    A type of nougat made with honey, sugar, and almonds.
    Turrón is a traditional dessert that is widely enjoyed in Bolivia. It is a nougat-like sweet treat made from a combination of honey, sugar, and almonds. The mixture is cooked until it reaches a thick and chewy consistency, then poured into molds to set. Turrón is typically served in rectangular bars or round shapes, and it can be enjoyed as a snack or as a dessert after a meal.
    • Ingredients: Honey, sugar, almonds
    • Texture: Chewy
    • Shape: Rectangular bars or round shapes
    • Preparation: Cooked and poured into molds
    • Serving: As a snack or dessert
  7. 7
    Queso humacha
    Tato Foodphotos · CC BY-SA 4.0
    A dessert made with cheese, cornmeal, and sugar.
    Queso humacha is a traditional Bolivian dessert that combines the richness of cheese with the sweetness of syrup. It is a delightful dish that is typically enjoyed during special occasions and festivals.
    • Cheese Base: Queso humacha is primarily made from fresh cheese, such as queso fresco or queso de sal.
    • Syrup: The dessert is sweetened with a fragrant syrup, which is typically made from ingredients like cinnamon, cloves, sugar, and sometimes orange peel.
    • Texture: Queso humacha has a smooth and creamy texture.
    • Flavor: It offers a unique combination of sweet and savory flavors from the cheese and syrup.
    • Presentation: It is often served in individual portions or as a shared dessert in a large serving dish.
  8. 8
    A sweet corn-based pudding flavored with cinnamon and cloves.
    Mazamorra is a traditional dessert in Bolivia that is loved by many. It is a thick, porridge-like dish made from purple corn and flavored with spices such as cinnamon and cloves. The dish has a unique texture, somewhat similar to pudding or custard. Mazamorra is typically served chilled and topped with sprinkles of grated cheese or a drizzle of condensed milk for added sweetness.
    • Main ingredient: Purple corn
    • Flavorings: Cinnamon, cloves
    • Texture: Thick and porridge-like
    • Serving temperature: Chilled
    • Toppings: Grated cheese, condensed milk
  9. 9
    Cinnamon ice cream, a popular flavor in Bolivia.
    Helado de canela is a popular dessert in Bolivia that is made with cinnamon. It is a creamy, smooth, and flavorful ice cream that has a strong aroma and taste of cinnamon. The creator of this delicious dessert is unknown, as it is a traditional Bolivian recipe that has been passed down through generations. The helado de canela is typically served in cones or cups and can be enjoyed on its own or as a topping for other desserts. It is a perfect treat for cinnamon lovers and a refreshing delight on warm days.
    • Flavor: Cinnamon
    • Texture: Creamy and smooth
    • Aroma: Strong cinnamon
    • Serving style: In cones or cups
    • Usages: Can be enjoyed on its own or as a topping
  10. 10
    A sponge cake soaked in three types of milk (evaporated milk, condensed milk, and heavy cream) and topped with whipped cream.
    Tres leches cake, also known as Three Milks cake, is a popular dessert in Bolivia. It is a light and spongy cake soaked in a mixture of three different types of milk: evaporated milk, condensed milk, and whole milk. The cake is typically rich and moist, with a sweet and creamy flavor. It is often topped with whipped cream and garnished with fresh fruit or grated chocolate.
    • Cake type: Sponge cake
    • Milk used: Evaporated milk, condensed milk, and whole milk
    • Texture: Light, spongy, and moist
    • Flavor: Sweet and creamy
    • Topping: Whipped cream

Missing your favorite dessert?


Ranking factors for popular dessert

  1. Cultural significance
    Assess the importance of the dessert in Bolivian culture, including its history, traditions, and presence in festivals or celebrations.
  2. Availability and accessibility
    Consider how widely available the dessert is across the country, in different cities, towns, and rural areas, as well as in various types of establishments (restaurants, street vendors, markets, etc.).
  3. Popularity
    Gauge the popularity of the dessert among locals, including people's preferences, opinions, and consumption frequency.
  4. Regional variations
    Consider any regional variations of the dessert that may influence its popularity in different parts of the country.
  5. Taste and presentation
    Evaluate the overall taste, flavor combinations, and presentation of the dessert, as well as its appeal to a wide range of people.
  6. Ingredients
    Analyze the ingredients used in the dessert, their accessibility, and their importance in Bolivian cuisine.
  7. Tradition vs. innovation
    Consider the balance between traditional and modern or innovative versions of the dessert, which may influence its popularity.
  8. Media coverage
    Assess the impact of media coverage, such as articles, TV shows, or social media trends, that may have influenced the dessert's popularity.
  9. Tourism and international recognition
    Consider the dessert's popularity among tourists and its international recognition, as well as any influences from neighboring countries or global culinary trends.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular dessert in Bolivia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Dessert is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 179 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Dessert once every 24 hours. The rank of each Dessert is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular dessert in bolivia

Bolivia is a country in South America that has a rich culinary tradition. Its cuisine is influenced by its indigenous population as well as Spanish, African, and Asian immigrants. When it comes to desserts, Bolivians have a sweet tooth and enjoy a variety of treats. From traditional dishes like api con pastel and empanadas de queso to modern favorites like chocolate cake and ice cream, there's something for everyone. But what is the most popular dessert in Bolivia? Let's take a closer look at the top contenders and find out.

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