The Most Popular Dessert in Argentina, Ranked

Choose the dessert you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 21, 2024 06:47
Deciding which dessert takes the crown in a country celebrated for its culinary richness can be a delightful challenge. Across Argentina, each region boasts its own sweet specialties that reflect local traditions and ingredients. A ranking can serve as a guide to see which treat stands out nationwide according to public opinion. This ranking system allows every dessert lover to participate and cast a vote for their preferred confections. Through collective input, the list dynamically changes, reflecting new trends and favorites as more people contribute their opinions. It's a fun way to engage with Argentina's diverse dessert culture and see which desserts resonate with the most people.

What Is the Most Popular Dessert in Argentina?

  1. 1


    Traditional cookies filled with dulce de leche and often covered in chocolate or powdered sugar.
    • Variants: Many, including chocolate coated
    • Popular Filling: Dulce de Leche
  2. 2


    A creamy caramel custard dessert, often served with a dollop of dulce de leche on top.
    • Topping: Dulce de Leche
    • Type: Custard
  3. 3


    Argentinian ice cream known for its creamy texture and variety of flavors, including dulce de leche.
    • Popular Flavor: Dulce de Leche
    • Texture: Creamy
  4. 4


    Argentine croissants, smaller and sweeter than their French counterparts, often enjoyed with coffee.
    • Comparison: Smaller and sweeter than French croissants
    • Typically Eaten With: Coffee
  5. 5


    A no-bake cake made from chocolate cookies layered with a mixture of dulce de leche and cream cheese.
    • Main Ingredients: Chocolate cookies, dulce de leche, cream cheese
    • Preparation: No-bake
  6. 6
    Budín de Pan

    Budín de Pan

    A bread pudding dessert, frequently made with raisins and served with caramel sauce or dulce de leche.
    • Common Additions: Raisins
    • Sauce: Caramel, dulce de leche
  7. 7


    A variety of pastries that are a staple of Argentine breakfasts and meriendas (afternoon snack).
    • Common Types: Croissants, sweet rolls
    • Eaten During: Breakfast, merienda
  8. 8


    A traditional tart made with a quince, sweet potato, or dulce de leche filling and a lattice crust.
    • Common Fillings: Quince, sweet potato, dulce de leche
    • Crust: Lattice
  9. 9
    Dulce de Leche

    Dulce de Leche

    A sweet, caramel-like spread made from milk and sugar, used in various Argentine desserts.
    • Origin: Argentina
    • Main Ingredients: Milk, sugar
  10. 10

    Torta Rogel

    A dessert consisting of thin, crispy layers of pastry filled with dulce de leche and topped with Italian meringue.
    • Filling: Dulce de Leche
    • Topping: Italian meringue

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular dessert in Argentina. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Dessert is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 28 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Dessert once every 24 hours. The rank of each Dessert is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Dessert in Argentina

Rank #1 for the most popular dessert in Argentina: Alfajores (Source)
Argentina boasts a rich culinary heritage. Among its many delights, one dessert stands out. This sweet treat captures the essence of Argentine culture and tradition. Its roots trace back to European influences, yet it has evolved into something uniquely Argentine.

The dessert's main ingredient is a staple in many Argentine households. This ingredient provides a rich, creamy texture and a deep, caramel-like flavor. It's often used in various other desserts and pastries, but it truly shines in this particular dish.

To make this dessert, one must start with a base that is both simple and delicious. This base, often made from a blend of flour, sugar, and butter, serves as the perfect foundation. Once prepared, the base is baked to a golden perfection, creating a crisp yet tender crust.

The next step involves the key ingredient. This thick, luscious component is spread generously over the baked base. The rich, sweet flavor pairs beautifully with the buttery crust, creating a harmonious balance of textures and tastes.

Many variations of this dessert exist. Some versions include a sprinkling of coconut, adding a subtle, nutty flavor. Others might feature a dusting of powdered sugar, giving it a delicate finish. Regardless of the variation, the core elements remain the same, ensuring that the dessert retains its signature taste.

This dessert is not just a treat for the taste buds; it also holds a special place in Argentine culture. Families often gather to enjoy it during celebrations and holidays. It's a common sight at birthday parties, where it competes with other sweets for attention. Its popularity extends beyond the home, as many bakeries and cafes offer their own versions, each with a unique twist.

The dessert's appeal lies in its simplicity. It requires few ingredients and minimal preparation. Yet, the result is a decadent, satisfying treat that leaves a lasting impression. Its versatility means it can be enjoyed on its own or paired with other desserts. Some might enjoy it with a scoop of ice cream, while others prefer it with a cup of coffee or tea.

In Argentina, this dessert is more than just a sweet treat. It's a symbol of tradition, family, and culture. Its enduring popularity speaks to its timeless appeal. Whether enjoyed at a family gathering or a local cafe, it continues to bring joy to those who savor it.

The dessert's journey from its European origins to its place in Argentine culture is a testament to the country's rich culinary history. It showcases the ability to take something familiar and transform it into something uniquely local. This dessert, with its simple ingredients and rich flavors, embodies the spirit of Argentina.

In conclusion, this beloved dessert remains a staple in Argentine cuisine. Its rich history, cultural significance, and delightful taste ensure its place in the hearts of many. As it continues to be enjoyed by generations, it stands as a sweet reminder of Argentina's culinary heritage.

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