The Most Popular Food in Maine, Ranked

Choose the food you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:52
Food enthusiasts often find themselves in Maine marveling at the diverse culinary options, wondering which dish tops the locals' lists. To settle such culinary curiosities, a live system where people can vote for their cherished eats offers a clear picture of local preferences. This live ranking helps both locals and visitors understand which dishes resonate the most with the community. Engaging in this voting process empowers users to have a voice in shaping a definitive list of the most beloved foods in Maine. Each vote contributes to a broader understanding, turning subjective tastes into collective data. This kind of ranking not only enriches the local food narrative but also guides new and returning visitors toward experiences that have been celebrated by the majority.

What Is the Most Popular Food in Maine?

  1. 1


    Maine is famous for its lobster, harvested from the cold waters of the Atlantic. Lobster rolls are particularly popular.
    • Main Export: Lobster is one of Maine's main exports.
  2. 3
    Potato Donuts

    Potato Donuts

    Potato donuts, or spudnuts, are a unique twist on the traditional donut, using potato or potato starch in the dough.
    • Popularity: They have gained popularity in Maine, with several local donut shops specializing in them.
  3. 4
    Whoopie Pie

    Whoopie Pie

    This sweet treat, made of two cake-like cookies with a creamy filling, is a popular dessert in Maine.
    • State Treat: The whoopie pie is considered the official state treat of Maine.
  4. 5
    Clam Chowder

    Clam Chowder

    New England clam chowder, creamy and thick, is a staple in Maine cuisine.
    • Key Ingredient: The key ingredients include clams, potatoes, onions, and cream.
  5. 6
    Italian Sandwich

    Italian Sandwich

    Despite its name, the Italian sandwich is uniquely Maine, featuring meats, cheese, and vegetables on a soft roll.
    • Origin: It originated in Portland, Maine.
  6. 7


    A traditional Acadian buckwheat pancake, ployes are popular in Northern Maine.
    • Origin: Ployes are of French Acadian origin.
  7. 8
    Brown Bread

    Brown Bread

    Maine brown bread is a traditional steamed bread, often made with rye or whole wheat flour, molasses, and sometimes cornmeal.
    • Serving: It's traditionally served with baked beans.
  8. 9


    These are the furled fronds of a young fern, harvested for a short period in spring and considered a delicacy.
    • Season: Fiddlehead season is very brief, typically just a few weeks in early spring.
  9. 10
    Wild Blueberries

    Wild Blueberries

    Maine is the largest producer of wild blueberries in the United States.
    • State Berry: The wild blueberry is the official state berry of Maine.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular food in Maine. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or food is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 59 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each food once every 24 hours. The rank of each food is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Food in Maine

Rank #1 for the most popular food in Maine: Lobster (Source)
Maine is known for its rich culinary heritage. The state's food culture draws from its natural resources and history. Local ingredients play a big role in Maine's cuisine. The cold waters off the coast provide a bounty of seafood. The forests and farmlands offer a variety of fresh produce and meats. This blend of land and sea shapes the food traditions here.

The Native American tribes in Maine were the first to use the local ingredients. They harvested from the land and sea, creating a diet that was both nutritious and sustainable. Early settlers adopted many of these practices. They brought their own food traditions, blending them with the local resources. This mix created a unique culinary style.

Maine's climate influences its food. The short growing season means that fresh produce is only available for part of the year. People in Maine have a long tradition of preserving food. They use methods like canning, pickling, and smoking. This ensures they have access to local flavors year-round.

Fishing has always been a key part of Maine's economy. The coastal waters are rich with marine life. Fishing communities have passed down their skills and recipes through generations. Seafood dishes are a staple in Maine. They reflect the close relationship between the people and the sea.

Agriculture is also important in Maine. The state's farms produce a wide range of crops. Dairy farming is common, and Maine is known for its high-quality milk and cheese. The state's farmers' markets are popular. They offer fresh, local produce and homemade goods. These markets are a testament to Maine's commitment to local food.

Maine's food culture is not just about tradition. It is also about innovation. Many chefs in the state use local ingredients in new and creative ways. They take pride in sourcing their ingredients from nearby farms and fisheries. This focus on local food supports the community and the environment.

Food festivals are a big part of life in Maine. These events celebrate the state's culinary heritage. They bring people together to enjoy local dishes and learn about food traditions. Festivals often feature cooking demonstrations, tastings, and competitions. They highlight the best of Maine's food culture.

Maine's food is more than just sustenance. It is a way of life. The state's culinary traditions reflect its history, geography, and community spirit. Whether it is a family recipe passed down through generations or a new dish created by a local chef, Maine's food tells a story. It is a story of resilience, creativity, and a deep connection to the land and sea.

In Maine, food is a source of pride. It is a way to connect with the past and look to the future. The state's culinary heritage is rich and diverse. It is shaped by the people who live here and the natural resources they rely on. This unique blend makes Maine's food culture one of a kind.

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