The Most Popular Ship in Death Note, Ranked

Choose the ship you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:09
Fans of the anime 'Death Note' often form strong opinions about which characters complement each other best in various scenarios, leading to spirited discussions and debates about potential relationships, or 'ships'. Having a place to express these preferences helps to clarify which ships are most adored by the community, providing a snapshot of fan sentiment that can spark even more conversations. By compiling votes on these popular ships, the list not only reflects what the community thinks but also gives new fans insights into the dynamics and chemistry between characters as seen by long-time viewers. This voting system serves as both a beacon for community preferences and a discussion starter for those new to the series, making it a fun and engaging way to connect with the show and its fans.

What Is the Most Popular Ship in Death Note?

  1. 1

    Mello x Matt

    A popular pairing within the fandom, focusing on the friendship and partnership between two of L's successors.
    • Relationship Type: Close friendship with hints of more
    • Fan Interest: Very high among certain groups
  2. 2

    Light x L

    One of the most popular and contentious pairings, featuring the main protagonist and his rival.
    • Dynamic: Cat-and-mouse game
    • Fanbase: Extremely large
  3. 3

    Ryuk x Apples

    A humorous and widely recognized 'pairing', highlighting Ryuk's love for apples.
    • Nature: Comedic and iconic
    • Fanbase: Universally acknowledged
  4. 4

    Misa x Light

    A canonical relationship within the series, featuring Misa's unyielding devotion to Light.
    • Nature: Tragic and manipulative
    • Misa's Loyalty: Unconditional
  5. 5

    Mello x Near

    This ship explores the complex relationship between two of L's successors.
    • Relationship Type: Rivalry with deep connection
    • Fan Interest: High in certain circles
  6. 6

    Light x Mikami

    A dynamic pairing based on loyalty and admiration, with Mikami viewing Light as a god.
    • Dynamic: Worship and leadership
    • Fanbase: Moderate
  7. 7

    Matsuda x Sayu

    A less-discussed pairing, featuring a potential relationship between Light's sister and the task force member.
    • Dynamic: Innocent and hopeful
    • Fanbase: Small but supportive
  8. 8

    L x Rem

    An unconventional pairing, exploring the interactions between L and the Shinigami Rem.
    • Dynamic: Opposing goals with mutual respect
    • Popularity: Low but intriguing to some
  9. 9

    L x Near

    A less common but intriguing pairing, focusing on a mentor-protégé dynamic.
    • Dynamic: Mentorship and rivalry
    • Popularity: Niche but dedicated
  10. 10

    L x Watari

    A unique pairing that delves into the deep trust and bond between L and his caretaker.
    • Nature: Protector and mentee
    • Popularity: More appreciated for its depth

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular ship in Death Note. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or ship is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 58 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each ship once every 24 hours. The rank of each ship is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Ship in Death Note

Death Note" is a well-known manga and anime series. It follows the story of a high school student who gains a notebook with deadly powers. This notebook, called the Death Note, allows the user to kill anyone by writing their name. The student, Light Yagami, decides to use it to rid the world of criminals. He becomes known as Kira. A genius detective, known only as L, tries to stop him. Their battle of wits forms the core of the series.

Fans of "Death Note" often engage in shipping. Shipping is the act of imagining or hoping for a romantic relationship between characters. The most popular ship in "Death Note" involves two main characters. Fans feel a strong connection between them. They see tension, chemistry, and a deep bond. This ship has inspired many fanfics, fan art, and discussions. The characters involved have a complex dynamic. They are both highly intelligent and driven. Their interactions are intense and filled with psychological games.

The ship gained popularity for several reasons. First, the characters share many scenes. These scenes are often charged with emotion. They challenge each other mentally and morally. Second, their personalities complement each other. One is methodical and strategic. The other is intuitive and unpredictable. This creates a balance that fans find appealing. Third, the series itself focuses on their relationship. Their rivalry drives the plot. This makes their connection central to the story.

Fan communities play a big role in the ship's popularity. Online forums, social media, and fan sites are full of content about this ship. Fans analyze scenes, share theories, and create works of art. These activities keep the ship alive and thriving. The creators of "Death Note" have also acknowledged the ship. They have included scenes that hint at a deeper connection. This fuels the fans' imagination and keeps the ship relevant.

The ship also has a darker side. The relationship between the characters is not healthy. It involves manipulation, deceit, and even violence. Some fans are drawn to this complexity. They explore the darker aspects of the ship in their works. This adds another layer to the ship's appeal. It is not just about romance. It is about power, control, and obsession.

Despite the darker elements, the ship remains popular. It stands out in the world of anime and manga. It represents a unique blend of intellect, emotion, and conflict. Fans are captivated by the characters' interactions. They see a potential for something more. This ship has become an integral part of "Death Note" fandom. It shows how powerful and engaging character dynamics can be.

In conclusion, the most popular ship in "Death Note" is a testament to the series' impact. It highlights the deep connection between two central characters. Fans are drawn to their complex relationship. They create and share content that keeps the ship alive. This ship is a key part of the "Death Note" experience. It adds depth and intrigue to an already compelling story.

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