The Most Popular Ship in Dr. Stone, Ranked

Choose the ship you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Mar 30, 2024 07:33
In the thrilling world of Dr. Stone, characters form bonds and alliances that captivate the audience, sparking debates and discussions among fans about which relationships are the most compelling. Ranking these ships helps to highlight the ones that stir the most passion and interest, providing a fun way for the community to engage with each other and the content they love. By casting your vote, you help to shape the ongoing discussions surrounding these dynamic relationships. This not only allows fans to see which characters are resonating with the audience but also gives newcomers a sense of the most beloved aspects of the series. So, participate and see how your favorite ships stack up against the rest!

What Is the Most Popular Ship in Dr. Stone?

  1. 1
    This is the most popular ship among fans due to their strong friendship and chemistry throughout the series. Their dynamic and interactions have been praised for being wholesome and heartwarming.
    Senku x Taiju, also known as SenTai, is a popular ship in the Dr. Stone fandom that revolves around the relationship between the main characters Senku Ishigami and Taiju Oki. This ship portrays a close friendship and potential romantic relationship between the two characters.
    • Ship Name: SenTai
    • Ship Type: Friendship/Romance
    • Fandom: Dr. Stone
    • Main Characters: Senku Ishigami, Taiju Oki
    • Popularity: High
  2. 2
    This ship has gained popularity due to their shared love and passion for science. Their banter and teamwork have made them a fan favorite duo.
    Senku x Chrome, also known as SenChrome, is a popular ship in the Dr. Stone fandom. It refers to the implied romantic relationship between the main protagonist, Senku Ishigami, and the deuteragonist, Chrome. Fans of this ship enjoy the dynamic between Senku's scientific intelligence and Chrome's resourcefulness in the Stone World, often seeing them as a perfect match in their shared pursuit of reviving civilization.
    • Shipping name: SenChrome
    • Ship type: Romantic
    • Characters involved: Senku Ishigami and Chrome
    • Relationship dynamic: Implied romantic
    • Shared qualities: Intellect, resourcefulness, determination
  3. 3
    This ship has gained popularity due to their contrasting personalities and the potential for character development. Their interactions have been praised for being witty and entertaining.
    Senku x Gen, also known as Sengen, is a popular ship in the Dr. Stone manga and anime series. It is a romantic ship between the main protagonist Senku Ishigami and the charismatic scientist Gen Asagiri. Despite their initially conflicting personalities, Senku's genius intellect and Gen's smooth-talking manipulative nature create a dynamic that fans find intriguing and entertaining.
    • Ship Name: Senku x Gen or Sengen
    • Status: Fan-created ship
    • Popularity: Highly popular among Dr. Stone fans
    • Canon Status: Non-canon ship
    • Character Compatibility: Opposites attract dynamic
  4. 4
    This ship has gained popularity due to their strong bond and the potential for a romantic subplot. Their interactions have been praised for being cute and charming.
    Kohaku x Senku is a popular ship in the Dr. Stone series that represents the romantic relationship between Kohaku and Senku. Kohaku, a skilled warrior from the Ishigami Village, develops feelings for Senku, the genius scientist who revives the world from stone. Their unique dynamic and shared goals make them a beloved couple among fans.
    • Ship Name: Kohaku x Senku
    • Fandom Name: SenkuKohaku
    • Popularity: High
    • Canon Status: Non-canon
    • Relationship Type: Romantic
  5. 5
    This ship has gained popularity due to their shared interest in science and medicine. Their interactions have been praised for being heartfelt and emotional.
    Chrome x Ruri is a popular romantic ship in the manga and anime series Dr. Stone. It refers to the potential romantic relationship between the characters Chrome and Ruri. Chrome is a skilled young inventor and member of the Kingdom of Science, while Ruri is the village priestess suffering from an unknown illness. Despite their differences, Chrome's determination to save Ruri and his constant support for her have generated a significant following for this ship.
    • Ship Name: Chrome x Ruri
    • Series: Dr. Stone
    • Characters: Chrome, Ruri
    • Ship Type: Romantic
    • Popular Ship: Yes
  6. 6
    This ship has gained popularity due to their childhood friendship and the potential for a romantic subplot. Their interactions have been praised for being wholesome and adorable.
    Taiju x Yuzuriha is a romantic ship in the Dr. Stone anime and manga series. It refers to the relationship between Taiju Oki and Yuzuriha Ogawa, two of the main characters in the story. Throughout the series, their bond develops from childhood friends to romantic interests, showcasing their deep care and affection for each other.
    • Ship Name: Taiju x Yuzuriha
    • Status: Canon
    • Series: Dr. Stone
    • Creator: Riichiro Inagaki (author) and Boichi (illustrator)
    • Relationship Type: Romantic
  7. 7
    This ship has gained popularity due to their unique dynamic and the potential for character development. Their interactions have been praised for being cute and amusing.
    Suika x Senku is a popular ship in the Dr. Stone fandom that refers to the romantic pairing between Suika and Senku Ishigami, two main characters in the series. This ship has gained popularity due to the adorable chemistry and moments shared between Suika and Senku.
    • Ship Name: Suika x Senku
    • Alternate Name: Suisen
    • Romantic Status: Unconfirmed, but heavily speculated ship
    • Chemistry: Adorable and quirky
    • Interactions: Shared moments that showcase a deep bond and trust
  8. 8

    Tsukasa x Hyoga

    Fans (Dr. Stone fandom)
    This ship has gained popularity due to their shared goals and the potential for a complex relationship. Their interactions have been praised for being intense and intriguing.
    Tsukasa x Hyoga is a popular ship in the Dr. Stone fandom that pairs Tsukasa Shishio and Hyoga. Tsukasa is a muscular high school student and the leader of the Tsukasa Empire, while Hyoga is a skilled fighter who initially opposes Senku and Tsukasa. Their contrasting personalities and dynamics make this ship intriguing.
    • Ship name: Tsukasa x Hyoga
    • Fandom popularity: High
    • Canon possibility: Non-canon (fan-made)
    • Characters' relationship: Rivals turned allies
    • Dynamic: Opposites attract
  9. 9
    Kinro x Ginro: This ship has gained popularity due to their comedic antics and the potential for character development. Their interactions have been praised for being hilarious and endearing.
    Kinro x Ginro is a popular ship in the Dr. Stone anime and manga series. This ship revolves around the comedic antics and the potential for character development between the two characters. Kinro and Ginro are often seen as a hilarious and endearing duo, providing many entertaining interactions throughout the series.
    • Ship Name: Kinro x Ginro
    • Series: Dr. Stone
    • Ship Type: Non-romantic partnership
    • Comedic Dynamic: Hilarious and endearing interactions
    • Character Development: Potential for growth and bonding
  10. 10
    Kohaku x Tsukasa: This ship has gained popularity due to their opposing beliefs and the potential for a dramatic relationship. Their interactions have been praised for being intense and captivating.
    The Kohaku x Tsukasa ship revolves around the relationship between Kohaku and Tsukasa in the anime and manga series Dr. Stone. Kohaku is a skilled warrior from the Kingdom of Science, while Tsukasa is a powerful antagonist and the leader of the Tsukasa Empire. Their contrasting beliefs and backgrounds create a compelling dynamic that has captivated fans.
    • Beliefs: Kohaku and Tsukasa hold opposing beliefs about reviving the world after the petrification event. Kohaku believes that scientific advancements can rebuild civilization, while Tsukasa believes in creating a new world order by selecting only the strong.
    • Intense Interactions: The interactions between Kohaku and Tsukasa are known for their intensity, filled with ideological clashes and occasional confrontations. These moments add depth and drama to their relationship.
    • Chemistry: Fans appreciate the chemistry between Kohaku and Tsukasa, as their conflicting personalities and philosophies create a dynamic full of tension and potential romantic undertones.
    • Character Growth: As Kohaku and Tsukasa interact and understand each other better, their characters experience growth and development, making their relationship all the more intriguing.
    • Unresolved Feelings: The ship sparks interest due to the unresolved feelings between Kohaku and Tsukasa. Their complicated emotions and hidden depths leave fans wondering about the potential for a deeper connection.

Missing your favorite ship?


Ranking factors for popular ship

  1. Screen time and interactions
    The amount of time and interactions between the characters can determine the level of chemistry and development between them.
  2. Compatibility of personalities
    Whether the characters complement each other well and have traits that enhance their respective strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Shared experiences
    Whether the characters have gone through difficult situations together, resulting in a strong bond.
  4. Fan base support
    The level of fan support and engagement for a specific ship can also be taken into account.
  5. Canonical evidence
    The presence of any concrete evidence or hints from the creators of the series, such as official illustrations or statements.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular ship in Dr. Stone. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or ship is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 191 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each ship once every 24 hours. The rank of each ship is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular ship in dr. stone

Dr. Stone is a popular manga and anime series that follows the story of a group of people who are suddenly turned to stone and awaken thousands of years in the future. Among the many fascinating aspects of the series are the various ships that are featured throughout. From the friendship between Senku and Taiju to the budding romance between Kohaku and Chrome, fans of the show have been vocal about their favorite pairings. In this article, we aim to find out which ship is the most popular among Dr. Stone fans through a StrawPoll survey. So, whether you're a fan of the series or just curious about the results, read on to find out which ship takes the top spot.

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