The Most Popular Ship in Dr. Stone, Ranked

Choose the ship you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 07:09
Fans of Dr. Stone often engage in lively debates regarding which ship deserves the top spot. This animated discussion stems from a blend of individual character preferences and the dynamics presented throughout the series. By setting up a voting system, everyone gets a chance to cast their vote, reflecting a democratic view of popularity in the fandom. This voting and ranking approach not only provides clarity on the most admired relationships but also keeps the community active and involved. As more fans participate, the rankings update in real time, offering an up-to-date snapshot of current preferences. This continuous interaction ensures the list remains relevant and reflective of the evolving opinions within the fanbase.

What Is the Most Popular Ship in Dr. Stone?

  1. 1

    Ishigami Village Fishing Boats

    Fishing boats used by the inhabitants of Ishigami Village, showcasing the village's reliance on the sea for food and resources. They represent the more traditional and survival-based aspect of the series.
    • Purpose: Fishing and sustenance
    • Cultural Significance: Integral to Ishigami Village's way of life
  2. 2

    Petrification Kingdom Boats

    The boats used by the Petrification Kingdom are notable for their unique design and the role they play in the series, especially in the conflict and interactions with the Kingdom of Science.
    • Design: Distinctive and suited for their environment
    • Role: Vital in the clash with the Kingdom of Science
  3. 3


    The Perseus is a large, advanced ship built by the Kingdom of Science for the purpose of sailing across the world to explore and make allies. It is a symbol of the technological advancement and unity in 'Dr. Stone'.
    • Builder: Senku Ishigami and the Kingdom of Science
    • Purpose: Global exploration and warfare
  4. 4

    Treasure Island Ships

    The ships used by the inhabitants of Treasure Island play a crucial role in the series, especially during the conflict and the eventual alliance with the Kingdom of Science. They symbolize the broader world beyond the main setting.
    • Function: Transport and conflict
    • Cultural Impact: Shows the diversity of human settlements post-petrification
  5. 5

    Stone Wars Tanker

    Though not a traditional ship, the Tanker built during the Stone Wars arc serves a pivotal role in transporting the Kingdom of Science's forces across water. It's a testament to their ingenuity under pressure.
    • Usage: Transport and assault during the Stone Wars
    • Notable Feature: Adaptability for combat
  6. 6

    American Colony Ship

    This ship is part of the backstory in 'Dr. Stone', used by the American colony to reach the Japanese islands. It represents the global scale of the petrification event and the interconnectedness of the survivors.
    • Origin: America
    • Significance: Connects the global narrative of survival
  7. 7

    Medusa Transport Ship

    This ship is involved in the storyline surrounding the mysterious 'Medusa' devices. It's crucial for the plot as it connects the origins of the petrification technology with the current world.
    • Importance: Carries the key to understanding the petrification mystery
    • Mystery: Intrigues with its unknown origin and technology
  8. 8

    Kingdom of Science Smaller Boats

    Various smaller boats constructed by the Kingdom of Science for fishing, exploration, and minor transport tasks. They exemplify the day-to-day advancements and the practical side of the Kingdom's technological progress.
    • Variety: Includes rafts, canoes, and small sailboats
    • Purpose: Supporting the Kingdom's food supply and exploration efforts
  9. 9

    Exploration Rafts

    Simple rafts used by various characters for short-term exploration and minor transport. They highlight the resourcefulness of the characters in using available materials to achieve their goals.
    • Construction: Made from readily available materials
    • Use: Exploration and minor transport
  10. 10

    Science Brigade Rafts

    Rafts used by Senku and the Science Brigade for various scientific experiments and exploration missions. They embody the spirit of scientific inquiry and adventure that drives the series.
    • Function: Scientific experiments and exploration
    • Symbolism: Represents the curiosity and determination of the characters

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular ship in Dr. Stone. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or ship is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 3 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each ship once every 24 hours. The rank of each ship is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Ship in Dr. Stone

In the world of Dr. Stone, many fans find themselves invested in the relationships between characters. The series, set in a post-apocalyptic world, follows the journey of Senku Ishigami. He aims to rebuild civilization using science. As the story unfolds, bonds between characters grow. These bonds often spark discussions among fans about potential romantic pairings.

The series does not focus heavily on romance. Instead, it highlights the power of friendship and teamwork. Despite this, fans enjoy speculating about the deeper connections between characters. Some relationships stand out more than others. These relationships often involve characters with contrasting personalities. This contrast creates a dynamic that fans find intriguing.

One character might be serious and logical. The other might be more emotional and spontaneous. This balance allows for interesting interactions. Fans enjoy seeing how these characters support and challenge each other. They believe that these relationships could develop into something more.

The creators of Dr. Stone have crafted a world where survival depends on collaboration. Characters must rely on each other to overcome obstacles. This reliance fosters strong bonds. Fans enjoy seeing these bonds grow and evolve. They imagine how these relationships might change if given more time.

Some fans create fan art and write stories about their favorite pairings. These works explore different scenarios and possibilities. They allow fans to delve deeper into the characters' relationships. These creative expressions show the impact the series has on its audience.

The appeal of these relationships lies in their potential. Fans see the possibility for growth and deeper connection. They enjoy watching characters learn from each other. The challenges they face together strengthen their bond. This growth is a central theme in Dr. Stone. It resonates with fans who appreciate character development.

The series balances action and science with moments of humor and heart. These moments often involve interactions between key characters. Fans cherish these interactions. They see them as hints of what could be. The subtlety of these moments adds to their charm. It leaves room for interpretation and imagination.

In a world where humanity must start anew, relationships take on a new significance. They provide comfort and motivation. They remind characters of what they fight for. Fans recognize this and feel a connection to the characters' journeys. They root for their favorite pairings, hoping to see them grow closer.

Dr. Stone's focus on science and survival sets it apart. Yet, the relationships between characters add depth to the story. They provide a human element that fans relate to. The series shows that even in the toughest times, bonds between people can thrive.

In conclusion, the most popular ship in Dr. Stone captivates fans because of its potential. The characters' contrasting personalities and strong bonds make for an engaging dynamic. Fans enjoy imagining how these relationships might evolve. They appreciate the balance of action, humor, and heart in the series. This balance, along with the focus on growth and connection, keeps fans invested in the characters' journeys.

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