The Most Popular BL in China, Ranked

Choose the BL you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 26, 2024 06:30
In the bustling world of entertainment, Boys' Love (BL) series have carved out a significant niche, captivating audiences with their unique storytelling and dynamic characters. As the genre grows in popularity across China, fans often debate which series stands out as the most compelling, passionate, or beautifully crafted. This lively discussion not only enhances community engagement but also spotlights emerging trends and talent within the BL landscape. By casting your vote on your preferred BL series, you contribute to a collective understanding of what resonates with audiences. This feedback is crucial for creators and producers as it guides future productions and helps refine artistic directions. Furthermore, your participation helps newcomers to the genre identify the most impactful and beloved works, fostering a greater appreciation and expanding the community of BL enthusiasts.

What Is the Most Popular BL in China?

  1. 1
    This drama is based on the popular novel "Mo Dao Zu Shi" by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu. It tells the story of two cultivators who uncover a conspiracy that threatens their world. It became a massive hit in China and internationally due to its beautiful cinematography, engaging storyline, and iconic characters.
    The Untamed (陈情令) is a popular Chinese BL (Boys' Love) drama series. It is based on the novel Mo Dao Zu Shi by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu. The story is set in a fantasy world and follows the relationship between two cultivators, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, as they navigate political intrigue, solve mysteries, and battle evil forces. The drama combines elements of romance, adventure, and supernatural elements.
    • Release year: 2019
    • Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Adventure
    • Number of episodes: 50
    • Original novel: Mo Dao Zu Shi by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
    • Main actors: Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo
  2. 2
    This drama is based on the novel "Zhen Hun" by Priest. It follows a police officer who discovers a supernatural world and forms a bond with a powerful spirit guardian. It was praised for its visual effects, action scenes, and emotional moments.
    The Guardian (镇魂) is a popular Chinese BL (Boys' Love) web novel and its adaptation into a drama series. It falls under the genres of fantasy, action, and romance. The story follows the journey of a police officer and his mysterious partner, who possesses supernatural abilities and a complicated past. Together, they solve crimes and uncover the truth behind their intertwined destinies.
    • Original Release: Web novel: November 27, 2012
    • Drama Adaptation: June 13, 2018
    • Genres: Fantasy, Action, Romance
    • Platform: (web novel), Youku (drama)
    • Episodes: 40
  3. 3
    This drama is based on the web novel "Quan Zhi Gao Shou" by Butterfly Blue. It tells the story of a pro gamer who returns to the competitive scene after being forced to retire. It was popular among esports fans and received praise for its realistic portrayal of the gaming industry.
    The King's Avatar (全职高手) is a popular Chinese web novel written by Butterfly Blue (蝴蝶蓝). It was first serialized online in 2011 and has since gained a massive following. The novel tells the story of Ye Xiu, a professional esports player, who is forced to retire and begins working at an internet cafe. Determined to make a comeback, Ye Xiu starts playing the newly released game, Glory, and soon becomes a legendary player once again.
    • Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Esports
    • Publication Date: 2011 - present
    • Total Chapters: 1728
    • Adaptations: Donghua (anime), Live-action drama, OVA
    • Average Rating: 4.6/5
  4. 4
    This drama is based on the novel "Shi Bu Ke Dang" by Chai Jidan. It follows the romance between a young soldier and his superior officer. It gained a large following for its depiction of a same-sex relationship in the military and the chemistry between the actors.
    Advance Bravely (先烈们的后代) is a popular Chinese web series known for its Boys' Love (BL) genre. The story revolves around the romantic relationship between two male characters, Xia Yao and Yuan Zong. Xia Yao is a junior in college who becomes entangled with Yuan Zong, a strict and enigmatic special forces soldier. As their paths continue to cross, they navigate various challenges and conflicts while exploring their deepening feelings for each other.
    • Genre: Boys' Love (BL)
    • Original Title: 先烈们的后代 (Xian Lì Men De Hòu Dài)
    • Author: Chai Jidan
    • Platform: Chinese online literature platform (JJWXC)
    • Publication Date: 2014 - 2016
  5. 5
    This drama is based on the novel "Are You Addicted?" by Chai Jidan. It tells the story of two boys who fall in love despite societal pressure and personal struggles. It was controversial due to its explicit content and was eventually banned in China. However, it still has a dedicated fanbase and is considered a classic in the BL genre.
    Addicted (上瘾) is a popular Chinese Boys' Love (BL) web series based on the novel by Chai Jidan. It tells the story of two high school boys, Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin, who become stepbrothers after their parents' marriage. As they navigate through family dynamics, school life, and personal struggles, their complicated relationship eventually develops into a deep bond and romantic love.
    • Genre: Boys' Love (BL)
    • Original Release: 2016
    • Novel Title: 上瘾 (Addicted)
    • Episodes: 15
    • Duration per Episode: approx. 30 minutes
  6. 6
    圈套) - This Taiwanese drama is part of the "HIStory" series, which features LGBTQ+ stories. It follows the relationship between a detective and a criminal suspect who are trapped in a dangerous game. It was praised for its suspenseful plot and the chemistry between the actors.
    HIStory3: Trapped is a popular Taiwanese boys' love (BL) drama series. It is part of the HIStory series, which focuses on LGBTQ+ relationships and has gained a significant following in China. Trapped tells the story of two men who form an unexpected connection while investigating a murder case. As the investigation progresses, their feelings deepen, but they must overcome various obstacles to be together.
    • Title: HIStory3: Trapped
    • Genre: Boys' Love (BL), Romance, Mystery
    • Country of Origin: Taiwan
    • Language: Mandarin Chinese
    • Release Year: 2019
  7. 7
    This drama is based on the novel "Faraway Wanderers" by Priest. It tells the story of two warriors who form a bond while trying to uncover a conspiracy. It was popular for its action scenes, bromance, and complex characters.
    Word of Honor (山河令) is a popular Chinese BL (Boys' Love) drama series based on the novel of the same name written by Priest. The story is set during the Ming Dynasty and follows the journey of Zhou Zishu, a former assassin who takes on a new identity and becomes friends with Wen Kexing, the leader of the Ghost Valley. Together, they navigate through political intrigue, martial arts, and forbidden love.
    • Original Novel Title: 山河令
    • Genre: BL, Wuxia, Historical
    • Release Date: February 22, 2021
    • Episodes: 36
    • Main Cast: Zhang Zhehan, Gong Jun
  8. 8
    This Thai drama is based on the novel "TharnType Story" by MAME. It follows the relationship between a homophobic student and his openly gay roommate. It gained a large following in China and other countries for its honest portrayal of LGBTQ+ issues and the chemistry between the actors.
    TharnType: The Series (เกลียดนักมาเป็นที่รักกันซะดีๆ) is a popular Thai boys' love (BL) drama series based on the novel of the same name by MAME. It was produced by GMMTV and directed by Bundit Sintanaparadee. The series follows the complicated relationship between two college roommates, Tharn and Type, who have contrasting personalities and initially dislike each other. As they spend more time together, their feelings gradually change, eventually leading to a deepening romantic relationship.
    • Country of Origin: Thailand
    • Language: Thai
    • Genre: Romance, Drama
    • Original Release: October 2019
    • Episodes: 12
  9. 9
    越界) - This Taiwanese drama is part of the "HIStory" series. It tells the story of a student who falls in love with his teacher and the challenges they face. It was praised for its emotional depth and the performances of the actors.
    HIStory 2: Crossing the Line (HIStory2) is a Taiwanese drama series that belongs to the Boys' Love (BL) genre. It is the second season of the HIStory series, created by Chang Ting-fei. The story revolves around two male lead characters, a college student named Zhou Shu Yi and a swim team captain named Gao Shi De, who find themselves living in the same dormitory. As their friendship blossoms, they begin to navigate the complexities of love and self-discovery. The series explores themes of friendship, identity, and overcoming societal expectations in the context of same-sex relationships.
    • Genre: Boys' Love (BL) Drama
    • Season: 2
    • Country: Taiwan
    • Language: Mandarin
    • Episodes: 8
  10. 10
    This Thai drama is based on the novel "My Accidental Love is You" by MAME. It follows the relationship between a student and a popular athlete who are forced to live together. It gained a large following for its romantic storyline and the chemistry between the actors.
    Love by Chance (บังเอิญรัก) is a popular boys' love (BL) series from China that tells the story of two university students who find love unexpectedly. The series explores their journey of navigating their feelings for each other, facing challenges and obstacles along the way.
    • Title: Love by Chance (บังเอิญรัก)
    • Genre: Boys' Love (BL)
    • Country of Origin: China
    • Language: Chinese
    • Original Release: August 3, 2018

Missing your favorite BL?


Ranking factors for popular BL

  1. Online Popularity
    Measure the number of views, likes, comments, and shares of the BL content on platforms like Weibo, Bilibili, and other popular sites.
  2. Sales and Rankings
    Analyze the sales and rankings of the BL novels, comics, or animation in online bookstores or platforms like China Reading and Tencent.
  3. Adaptations
    Consider the success of the BL content adapted into TV dramas, movies, web series, or audio dramas, along with their viewership ratings and online buzz.
  4. Awards and Recognition
    Track any awards or recognition the BL content has received in the industry or from the fans' community.
  5. Fan Base
    Assess the size, engagement, and loyalty of the BL fans community, including online forums, fan clubs, fan art, and fanfiction.
  6. Online Discussions and Reviews
    Analyze the content, frequency, and quality of the online discussions and reviews surrounding the BL series, along with reader satisfaction and popularity.
  7. Celebrity Involvement
    Note any endorsements or involvement of popular celebrities, which could boost the BL series' popularity.
  8. Media Coverage
    Gauge the amount and type of media coverage, including interviews, news articles, and social media mentions.
  9. Cultural Impact
    Consider the extent to which the BL series has affected mainstream culture and trends, like fashion, language, and social attitudes towards the BL genre.
  10. Longevity and Consistency
    Evaluate how long the BL series has stayed popular, and whether it continues to maintain its fan base and success over time.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular BL in China. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or BL is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 169 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each BL once every 24 hours. The rank of each BL is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


More information on most popular bl in china

Background Information: BL, short for Boys' Love, is a genre of fictional media that depicts romantic relationships between male characters. In China, BL has gained immense popularity in recent years, especially among young people. The rise of BL culture can be attributed to the growing acceptance of LGBTQ+ communities in the country and the availability of online platforms for creators to share their works. The popularity of BL in China is reflected in the numerous adaptations of BL novels into TV dramas, movies, and anime. The most popular BL works in China often feature compelling storylines, relatable characters, and beautiful cinematography. While the genre has faced some censorship and controversy, the BL fandom in China continues to grow and thrive.

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